What made them think they could turn this into capeshit?
also both Abe and Glenn are dead.
What made them think they could turn this into capeshit?
also both Abe and Glenn are dead.
You're gonna wanna kill yourself sooner than later, autistic fuck.
lurk more
It's not capeshit fag, TWD is pure masterful plebkino
mark my words, it will be, starting in October.
Daryl even wears a costume.
>tfw only person in the world who thought season 2 was the best season...
Well it's based on a comic book. What did you expect?
The pacing was pretty terrible when watching it week to week, but I came to appreciate it more when I was able to rewatch it all back-to-back.
when is the walking dead coming back on? the live threads are great fun.
I hate some of you
who is wearing a cape in this OP?
I'm rewatching the series. You are definitely wrong you god damn idiot
You realize Walking Dead is basically comicshit right? Also it's either going to be Michonne or Maggie. Maggie would make a contrast to how the event goes in the comics but I'm not so sure he'd end up leading the Hilltop like Maggie doe due to PC reasons.
Abe is sticking around a lot longer than his comic counterpart, I predict he's going down before the war happens, once Negan finds out he's a general or something and could be very vital in helping Rick and training soldiers.
>those toothpick legs
Isn't Negan supposed to be a physically intimidating dude?
someone post the nude carl pic
No, it's already confirmed Glenn gets the bat and Abraham gets a knife for chimping out. They've been done with filming for weeks.
thats gonna leave a mark!
Fucking up the season finale totally paid off then.
They chickened out on having that horde of zombies eat Glenn alive just so some schmuck with a bat can clobber him in the head?
I don't know why they did that shitty cliffhanger when they could've had Negan kill Glenn anyway and end the season with a close up on Rick's face as he swears vengeance against him, honestly, one thing I loved about the whole Negan introduction was Andrew Lincoln's expression during the whole scene. He really nailed how terrifying the whole encounter was.
Do you think they'll do a POV cliffhanger when we get to the head reveal in #144? Just imagine Rick, Michonne, Carl,Lydia Andrea and Dante coming back after Rick has his conversation with Alpha then it cuts to POV as everyone looks on in horror.
>Glenn gets the bat
>Abe punches Negan and gets stabbed
Why didn't they just reveal the Lucille victim in the season 6 finale, then surprise people with that second part in the season 7 premier?
>Do you think they'll do a POV cliffhanger when we get to the head reveal in #144?
What, the POV of someone who is already dead? Like, seeing through the eyes of a decapitated head?
That would be beyond stupid.