Name one genius that ain't crazy

Name one genius that ain't crazy.

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That's not a genius, it's just a simple stupid dick loving nigger.

>that fucking jaw


Kanye West

He broke his jaw in a car accident that almost killed him.

Well, he said he would have voted for Trump, so...

Cause he wants people to think he's crazy...

maybe he should of died

Then we wouldn't have had all his music. Like it or not, he changed rap forever. Not many people can say that.

current rap is garbage

Ha. Rap is shit tho

he says he broke his jaw in a car accident that almost killed him.

that's the same aspie shit that Assange likes to talk. the subtext is "SHUT UP AND PAY ATTENTION TO ME"

Rap is for dick loving, nigger loving faggots. Go Trump, fuck niggers

He's so retarded it's actually not even funny.

if he wants people to think he's crazy then he should take off his pants, crouch in an alleyway, smear his face with his own shit and keep saying "M - O - O - N, that spells GRAMMY AWARD" over and over.

he wants people to think he's the ATTRACTIVE kind of crazy. "a little kooky, maybe a little out of control, a bad boy who the ladies all love and the cops all fear."


This nigger isn't a genius, he's a dancing monkey at best. A fucking minstrel show in the 21st century

Um, if you listen to "Through the Wire," you can hear him wrapping through a surgically reconstructed jaw.

Here's a pic of Kanye's car post-accident, There are pics of him with a swolen, broken jaw. Do you deny the Holocaust, too?

My wife worka with a woman who used to be his neighbor. She said he was a weirdo. She's right.

a pic of a wrecked car isn't evidence.

mumbling while you rap isn't evidence.

present hospital documentation, if you can.

and, no, i don't deny the holocaust, because i have old relatives with concentration camp tattoos, you little shit.

Shut the fuck off, you nigger loving whore. He broke his jaw deep throating a heard of elephants.

but is he a real weirdo? can he not turn it off? or is he a pretend weirdo because he thinks it'll get chicks?

you can be crazy without being mentally ill you know

I'll get right on it. Do you want Obama's birth certificate, too, or are you satisfied with the theory that his mother faked her death, as well?

Actually, it isn't mumbling, he is actually gargling cum

Hey, he and Acl Rose are the only two men who can pull off performing in a dress. He doesn't hate gay people. He thinks it's stupid and a reflection of your own personal failings, not the person you hate. He's also worth 145 million. So I'm pretty sure he doesn't care what people think of him.

then he would have to be able to open his mouth
dat pic speaks for itself doe

>Name one genius that ain't crazy.

Evil genius, but he placed his cuckboy Trump in offce


fuck outta here, kike.


Then it's 145 million ways of sucking dick and getting his testosterone supplement anally

He may be a faggot, but you are definitely retarded. And there's no cure for that. If you try to pray it away, God be like "Get tha fuck outta here wit dat shit, nigga!"

No he won't, because God is not a nigger