Why does my foot look like this Sup Forums? and yes, it hurts

Why does my foot look like this Sup Forums? and yes, it hurts

you have diabetes

Athlete's foot fungus

Do you smoke?

Syphilis rash.

that's fungus. you're a degenerate who needs better hygiene.
fill a bucket with water. mix in 2 cups of sodium hydroxide. then soak your foot for 10 minutes.
you will be cured of fungus.

You don' caught the derps.
-idk man, based on the skin peel it looks like some kind of fungal infection. Try some otc sprays.


You have maggots inside you. Get surgery immediately.

yep this user knows whats up. it's fungus.
fill up a bucket with water
mix in a bunch of sodium hydroxide
soak your foot for a while in the mixture
the results are amazing and fast

It's sexy post more

You have a very bad case of athletes foot which you've neglected.

athlete's foot confirmed. you'll die.

How about a fucking thank you OP. This is why we say its herpes and aids. Asshole.

>Get surgery immediately.
Nigger, stop trying to make my premiums go up further. OP has a simple fungal infection.

OP knows what it is, the shit has to blister and itch like fuck to end up this bad. He's just a fuckin dirty ungrateful moron.

Just buy some fucking tin-actin and if that doesn't help it, go into your PCP.

>the shit has to blister and itch like fuck to end up this bad.
Clearly herpes from being a foot-fag.

Fungus will continue to spread in a moist environment. Along with any antifungal treatment, keep your feet dry. Don't wear socks or shoes if you don't have to. Change socks regularly throughout the day and use powder in shoes and socks. Wash socks in bleach. Pull out shoe inserts and let them dry by a heater overnight. Clean bathroom and shower floor with bleach solution, throw out bath mats and use clean towels instead. Dry feet and in between feet with a hair dryer if they are moist.

> Lye

Oh you guys...

How long will it take? can it go away on its own without treatment?

better picture

You got aids boi. What you let dantel suck on your foot?

That's toe box dermatitis. Are you wearing leather boots all day that don't breathe? Your toes look soggy as fuck. Dry that shit out and keep them dry all day. Some OTC cream (clotrimazole) should clear it up in a week if you keep them dry. It will come back quick if you don't follow the steps I listed above.

No, you idiot it will only get worse. Keep them dry and use an antifungal cream.

> correct

I've had this too.
It's frustrating.
I just used 3-antibiotic Polysporin daily until it was healed. It hasn't come back even though I'm in non-breathable boots for 10hrs a day, because I moisturize my feet before putting socks on every morning. Try it user.. Once it becomes routine you'll never have issues with it again.

Athlete's foot, or boot rot.

user this is my fetish post more

Athlete's foot fungal infection.

Athlete's foot is a function of moisture and heat.

Wear well ventilated shoes that breathe well and cotton socks.

Change your socks two to three times a day. Launder them in HOT water and dry until bone dry. When you're home you need to take your shoes OFF and let your feet dry out.

For medical treatments get powders or sprays, not creams.

Take off your shoes as often as you can. And when you take your shoes off at home, leave them out where the air can circulate and dry them out. Ideally on a boot/shoe drier. But a sunny spot under the window will work just as good too.

My ex had the WORST case of athlete's foot I'd ever seen in my life. After a long while of me pushing for him to take off his shoes more often it started to clear up.

Only wear shoes that are 100% leather, or have lots of open mesh to breath.