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daily reminder



And yet the movie is grossing extremely well. I wouldn't be surprised if it grosses 60 million before Monday.

really makes you think...

Why does she constantly seem to be lusting after Hemsworth if she's gay?

>Oh no! The SJWs don't actually leave their homes.
>Let's try the gays.

>female engineers can't be normal, heterosexual girls, they have to be wacked-out dykes

bravo feegmeister

>talking shit about the studio that made your 150 millon dollar hunk of shit
He pretty much just killed his career

go back to your traquilizers, Amy.

>144 million USD

She identifies as male.

She's a bi you fucking cis nigger shitlord check yo goddamn privy purse

>all this obsession over individual theaters

Just wait two more goddamn days for the weekend numbers to come in, that's the only thing that matters.

Are you gonna tell me that the two leads in Friend Green Tomatoes didn't have something goin on either?

She's eyefucking Wig the entire movie

So they're just going to keep forcing the ugly butch manbitch is a lesbian stereotype then? Lesbians have to look bombacious and queer all the time?

So progressive.

Kate McKinnon will NEVER sit on your face (._.) (;_;)

t. female

17 million opening day on a 150 million film. Shit's a bomb yo

Friend, what about McKinnon screams 'butch' to you?

That's pretty gay.

am i the only one that thought her character was the worst thing about the movie? she was more forgetable then the main villian and a worse actor then the gorilla

Are you retarded?

The hair? The facial expressions (and contortions), the attitude? The way xhe dresses?

That's neither a girly girl or even a tomboy (questionable hetero status) no matter how you slice it you dumb fanboy.

Desperately pulling out all the stops to try to save this turd from flopping hard.

For you.

Is Feig done?

I can't imagine any studio in their right mind giving him a vehicle at this point, Ghostbusters was a monumental embarrassment.

Dude's gonna have to direct commercials.

You actually went to see this shit?

His movies are fine so long as they aren't a reboot of something.

>he saw the ghostbusters movie

holy shit

Directing the hate for the lack of LGBT representation to Sony instead of yourself...Nice job, Feig.

>Feig is now throwing shade at the Studio

Oh, the man just signed his fucking death warrant

>another reason for manbabies to hate the movie

>Are you retarded?
Are you?

>The hair?
What? It's long.
I've never seen her with butch hair that wasn't a wig for a character.

>The facial expressions (and contortions), the attitude?
This one I'll give you, but it's not enough to tip the boat.

>The way xhe dresses?
I think you've actually got to meet some butches.

>That's neither a girly girl or even a tomboy (questionable hetero status) no matter how you slice it you dumb fanboy.
Hate to break it to you, but 'tomboy' isn't a regular girl in a sports team's t-shirt. She's wearing makeup for Christ's sake.

You're a poor reboot of afterbirth.

Bravo, Nolan.

Why does she look like that Milo guy?

So that lady lets other ladies lick her tuches? Oiy vey! what has this world come to I ask myself this very thing.

Kate McKinnon is fucking beautiful. BEAUTIFUL

lmfao, everything in this post is wrong

go for a walk or something, that was awful

This is honestly so important, you guys.

Keep proving to me you to don't hang out with lesbians, it's cool.
She isn't butch. I'd give you Chapstick lesbian at best.

how do you even pronounce feig? vocaroo pls

how long until studios start finding liberals to be a pain in the ass?

Pandering to the LGBT crowd.

It didn't work with Tarzan, it won't work here

fee - g

Looks like a fucking ayyyyy lmao.

Wait, are there any gay characters in Tarzan?

thanks babe

Was it one of the Gorillas?

You take that back. She is my Queen of Love and Beauty.

I want this for real

>The brash, loud, sassy one is black
>The flatulant, loser friend of the MC is the fat one
>The hands-on, tomboyish one is a lesbian

Some real progressive writing and casting there Feig

>american """""comedy"""""

>trying to make a turd palatable by sprinkling on more and more SJW gimmicks
doesn't work, famalam
too bad middle age studio execs are so out of touch

I was a tween at the time and there were lesbians.
All I needed.

These are the seats for tonight at my locat theater

Would this specific trait of the character enrich the story and improve the plot?
This is a honest question because I don't think I'll watch the movie.


So we have a Dyke, a fat fuck, a gorilla and a...?

It's not Checkov's gay. You can just have a gay person, you're aware of that, right? Same way you just have straight people.

She's already in decline, she's going to get flabbier and look like Ellen Degeneres more and more every day.

Your goddess's days are over.

Have you watched All Is Lost? Does it matters if Redford's character is gay or straight? If he was gay or straight, how would this change the story in any way?
The same goes to the new Ghostbusters movie.

I'm saying that it doesn't matter if it matters.
If you've mentioned even something as simple as a male characters having a wife ('Sir, your wife is on line one'), you've established him as straight. It doesn't add anything nine times out of ten, but there are plenty of references to straight sexuality that aren't noticed in movies.
Their sexuality doesn't bring anything to the plot, but it's mentioned or established.

I'm saying there isn't a problem to have a gay character who's 'gayness' doesn't bring anything to the plot at hand. They're just gay.




>gay people existing is too much for me to handle
>i'm cool with gays so long as i never see them

if something isn't relevant or doesn't bring anything to the movie, it's usually removed as early as the writing stage
i know it was just an example, but mentioning that someone has a wife could be intended to imply more than just his sexuality, it could mean that he has a family he has to take care of, maybe children that's his responsibility, that he has important things to lose which raises the stakes for the drama etc.

or do you have examples where they unnecessarily established a characters heterosexuality? you said nine time out of ten so i assume you have at least ten

>dyke actress
>gay character
Only amerifats could be surprised by it

>if something isn't relevant or doesn't bring anything to the movie, it's usually removed as early as the writing stage
No, it's really not. Especially when you have a comedy film.

>i know it was just an example, but mentioning that someone has a wife could be intended to imply more than just his sexuality, it could mean that he has a family he has to take care of, maybe children that's his responsibility, that he has important things to lose which raises the stakes for the drama etc.
Hardly the case.

Since it was you who suggested that gays should only be there as pawns of the plot; why then? What would be your issue with a gay character established by a throw away line?
Doesn't have to matter any more than what shoes a character is wearing.

Her hair looks nice.

What's wrong with it in the movie?

Wow, that really adds to her character.

Which Social Justice Pictures (f/k/a Sony) executive are you paraphrasing?

>SJW director wanted to shoehorn in meaningless references to a characters sexuality
>Execs stop him because it adds nothing to her character or the movie

Tell that to Martin Campbell

>Hardly the case.
good argument, i guess it wasn't the case in the imaginary movie example you gave

>Since it was you who suggested
i'm not the guy you responded to sorry, just posted anyway
the issue as i see it, is that it's pandering to look progressive, it's tacky and makes most people roll their eyes
the shoes a character i wearing can be very important too fyi, wardrobe is always thought out by professionals, but that's just a sidenote

this movie was alright once you cut through the MRA gamergater crowd vs feminist cunts stuff

i give it a 6/10

Would you think so if we weren't in our current bickering political climate? It just seems reactionary.
Not every instance of a gay on film is political.

They prefer to be called African Americans.

Sony probably didn't want it because a gay character would get it blacklisted out of theaters in China, but since China isn't showing it anyway because it's too supernatural I guess they said fuck it, do what you want

>Lesbian character hits on other female with a pickup line
>Wiig's character wants to juggle the sexy secretary's balls in her mouth

If either of these scenarios played out with a male it'd be sexist.

Hey, fags. Question here for anybody who's already seen the movie:

What were the worst cliches present? I fucking adore this kind of rancid shit.

of course i'd see things differently if our culture was different, who wouldn't?
Not every instance of a gay on film is political.
that's true, i can think of blue is the warmest color for example, but not much else. brokeback mountain maybe?

>150 million production budget
>100 million marketing budget
>banned in china

Yeah good luck. They would be lucky to make 1/2 of the total budget back.

>heterosexual flirting in films is banned

>Oh god, that's terrible! We should boycott this movie! No one should support a studio trying to censor homosexuality in 2016!

Someone go post this.

But there's a rub I have. Those films are obviously about homosexual characters.
No one is going to throw a fit because they're easily avoidable for straight audiences.
Throw in a 'random' gay character and many feel fucking tricked, how dare they have to subject themselves to that.
I can understand not wanting to see a gay blowjob, fullscreen, in the middle of Dirty Harry, but this sort of recoiling is ridiculous to say the least.

i'm sure there are some people like that, but i think most people dislike it for the pandering aspect i was talking about

My point being that it only comes off like pandering because they're such baby's about it.
If you just fucking calmed down about seeing gay characters and didn't throw an autism fit, you wouldn't notice as much.
It's not pandering so much as finally getting to a point where you can start giving people what they've been asking since movies began. There's always been a demand for queer characters, and an even bigger demand now for ones that aren't serial killers or doomed players in a morality play.
Gay film makers gave it to themselves in the 90s, what you're seeing now is just mainstreaming catching up.

>Yfw not paul feig

i think theres a difference between writing an actual gay character and slapping on a gay sticker to try and trick the feelings of the gays

"seeeeee...just like you guys! *flicks wrist* now give us your money : )))"

>male secretary is made into retarded sex object
>'its funny because its how men treat women!'

Who'd have thought it? the best women comedians can aspire to is by imitating masculinity

i think the hairstyle makes it pretty evident, was there literally a single dumbass in a theater that couldn't connect the dots so far?

Paul Feig is LITERALLY the Anthony Burch of film.

black girl having black girl dialouge

has there really been a demand for queer characters since the dawn of film? give me a source on that pls
i think it's the same thing with having a diverse cast in general, some movies are more of an entertainment and a product to be sold rather than art, so they have to make as many people want to not feel excluded and feel okay with giving their money over
it's a business decision and an industry and i dislike that part of film immensely but that's for another thread

I don't think so.
Throwing in a random gay isn't queerbaiting. What I have a problem with is making a character all but objectively gay from a queer viewer's perspective, but not going so far as to actually do that.
That way they appeal to gay audiences, while still being safe from straight backlash.
I love Fried Green Tomatoes, it's a good movie, but that's exactly what they did. (Especially since they're objectivly together in the book it's based on.)

Having gay characters for the sake of having gay characters is actually pretty much what you want. Remember, when you see a character in a movie, you don't have this third 'mystery' slot, you just kind of low key have them as straight until proven otherwise. Look at all the ire that's raised when you suggest a character that isn't cannon gay, might be gay.
Gays wanna see gays that just happen to be gay, let straights have straights that just happen to be straight all over the place.

You're/They're the one seeing it as pandering.

im gay

reward me

>has there really been a demand for queer characters since the dawn of film? give me a source on that pls
It's called independent film and gay film festivals and gay culture itself. You would have so much 'reading gay' of characters if they didn't want gay characters.
Don't know how much you're actually interested, but check out the Celluloid Closet; it's a great place to start.

>i think it's the same thing with having a diverse cast in general, some movies are more of an entertainment and a product to be sold rather than art, so they have to make as many people want to not feel excluded and feel okay with giving their money over
True, I understand they're a business, but I don't fucking care if some straight is upset with simply seeing someone gay. That shouldn't be a market to be pandered to, no matter how fruitful it is financially, it's fucked.
Oh, sorry, we can't have gays like you on screen because it makes some straight people grossed out? You see why that's upsetting to be hearing until pretty much now.

>it's a business decision and an industry and i dislike that part of film immensely but that's for another thread
OK, so if you can be comfortable with that, don't be surprised when the tide is changing and what's making money is gay characters.