/bb/ Big Brother 18

Frank bank edition

Previous thread No links to live feeds, they all get taken down and it's like $6 or some shit anyway. Have your parents buy them for, you plebs.

HoH (Head of Household): Paulie
Roadkill: Tiff
Veto: TBD

HoH Nominations:Tiffany and Natalie
Roadkill Nomination: Corey


Other urls found in this thread:


should put poll link in second post

remember when /bb/ made a chat room?




caramel ice cream scoop and a waffle cone
with strawberries, whipcream, and and hot fudge ontop!
I love it.



1st for reddit


remember Michelle is an absolute shit

veto happening right now?

I hate her.

first for CUTE

I didn't want it in OP so people that don't watch can't fuck it up

So what do you guys think if I make one for people still in the game on every Thursday after the episode? then I could do one for all HGs once in a while

First for Devitt


you got the right thread there, m8?

Who's the cauliflower?

yes wrong picture

Didn't fagitt make that to hit on the /bb/ girls but failed?



there is an argument for both but i kinda feel like once evicted it's over and the picture of what's left is much better even if you can't factor in how good or favorited someone eliminated was


Poll should only have people left in the game + Frank

Old soldiers never die.

should have went with calamari

Do only houseguests left in house but make Frank an exception

Michelle said that Paulie should intimidate Tiffany again today. What a fat cunt.




someone comment under that to join us at /bb/ on Sup Forums Sup Forums and then post it to r/bigbrother



She told livefeeders to get Bridgette fired when Bridgette made a joke about shaving her eyebrows

I can't wait till Michelle is evicted before Bridgette.

SJW confirmed.

literally perfect hnnng

Guess that Houseguest!

Isn't natalie the one with the dog named rory?

they should have made the room so the bumper cars actually work

they could spend hours in there driving in a 5 ft circle

Samurai sword sound alike something the edge Lord paul would say, he also mentioned he likes dogs, or was that Bridgette.
Bridgette or Paul.

ok here's my Ian level autistic and drunk plan

>post a final screenshot of results each Thursday before episode airs to be saved
>make new poll after each Thursday episode to run for the week
>new Thursday polls will only have current HGs in them
>make an exception to keep Frank the Tank in every poll
>name the polls by house week for archiving
>make a poll every few weeks that seems appropriate for all HGs for the sake of AFP
>only use this namefag for posting polls for easy searching
>do not put poll links in OP

seem good? The next poll will say week 5. We'll get more answers from me posting it on Thursday from all the showfags

The site also says my polls should stay up for 2 weeks and people are able to clear their own answers and change them but are only be able to have one active answer without cheating.

Only allow 24 to 48 hours after posting the poll before taking the final screenshot

Nope it was irl Forrest Gump, Corey!

Round 2!




You guys are good! Are you cheating?

Round 3!

no i just remember nicole saying that frank was the HG she picked as her favorite when she tried to make a final 2 with him in the stockroom

no I just know she's the only one to say Frank is her favorite player

fuggg. gotta be a black girl I'll say Zakiyah

>No father

Probably day or Z

well that would kind of make it a poll of what we thought for the previous week+ right after eviction. I think I like it better being how we vote after the whole week. it doesn't make a difference as long as I stay consistent really

Did Frank have any dick slips yet?

Kind of a trick question. It was Natalie!

Final round!

reddit.com/r/BigBrother/comments/4t6ydb/fed_up_with_joker_housewives_ratings_Sup Forums_set/



first thought was natalie for hairy but you just did her. I'll guess bronte

ur a huge faggot

>dem beta fag comments tho

>yeast infection
>gender studies and afirca degree
>student loans
>is a slut
>breast inplants

Are you guys retarded I love posting shit like this to Reddit to see their beta faggot reactions

post feed link or your mom will die in her sleep tonight

I'll make sure my background images say "suck my fat cock reddit" from now on

Anytime you see Corey like this Frank's dick may have slipped out.

He wears two pairs of underwear for hygiene and the health and safety of the house.

Bro I'm not posting ot because I'm a redditors, I'm posting it to see them squirm that we like Frank. I'm just another /Frank/ fag like yall

the picture has a link to the poll in it and they will spam it

>Very dank and rare Liz pic XD

It was ironic you shit head

you kept the link in the image you retarded faggot

poll is rekt

all them r/Sup Forums

what a fucking numale

The correct answer is /bb/ waifu Bridgette!

Hope you like hairy girls!

>they post my OC
I am so sorry everyone.


looks like we found the nigger that likes Paul

ewwwwwwwwwwwww so everyone here is gushing over some hairy beast

reddit is already changing the results thanks to this cock sucking faggot

at least put in a troll image


No. I prefer Bronte, but now that's she's gone I don't post her.

>I prefer Bronte
absolutely disgusting

>he's talking to them

underage ban this faggot

>Sup Forums makes something
>one faggot always has to post it on reddit and they ruin it

This is why we can't have nice things

>Does anyone actually know what Rooster Teeth Minecraft Achievement video the man from Boston was referring to?

>he's a Sup Forumstard

Sup Forumseddit isn't real they said, quit blaming bogeymen they said

I hate rooster teeth, that was a refrence to a story on the Mega 64 podcast, you do like Mega 64 right?

No you stupid faggot, stay on Sup Forums and reddit

hiroshimoot pls permaban all Sup Forums fags

I'm not a redditor, look when the last time I posted on that account was, 6 months ago. I only go on their to troll them, hence most those posts have negative karma

Ian is Sup Forums
Michelle is Reddit
Tiffany is tumblr
Frank is netflix

>Sup Forums isn't ruining Sup Forums guys! really!

Fuck off Sup Forumstard

Don't care

All I see is Bridgette going up, which is fine by me

Nigger I came from Sup Forums. Sure I like video games, but the only reason I like BB is because I was on Sup Forums in the summer of 2012

>I only go on their to troll them, hence most those posts have negative karma

>It's a "Sup Forumsredditor posts /bb/ content on reddit damage control" thread


>Sure I like video games
Grow up

I'm putting your reddit name into the background from now on


>I'm not a redditor
All of those submissions and posts on "r/Sup Forums" say otherwise you underage faggot