Long may she reign edition
Old salt and bread
Long may she reign edition
Old salt and bread
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Azor Isaac
Sofia Puta
Azor Bran.
azor brandon the rebuilder
for what purpose?
I made a thing
They needed the CGI money to fix Emilia's monstrous looks.
>Bran didn't mourn for Summer, Hodor, or the Three-Eyed Raven
Thank you, Uncle Benjen
Muh shitty dragons and KELLY C /s
Daily reminder that Jon is the white wolf. A trueborn son of fire and ice, leader of the free folk, avenger of the Red Wedding, savior of Winterfell and Kingindanorf.
Im too afraid to ask whos kelly
This picture is spoopy for some reason. It triggers my uncanny valley response and I don't know why. I think it's his eyes. He looks dead.
Karl's wife
>whos kelly
It's because he is too cute for this world.
Dead inside
Rapedrogo's wife
d&d got lazy and sick of writing direwolves
of course nymeria and ghost just simply disappear, while summer has to fucking die
Bran only mourns his legs and Robb for a little bit. He's a cunt
Really makes you think
kelly best girl
He was most upset at Ser Roderick's death
he looks like one of those porcelain dolls with the glass eyes that roll around when you move them
may he smug for all eternity in the seventh heaven
>I think it's his eyes. He looks dead
It's really strange lighting. It makes his eyes look dilated like a corpse. Doesn't help that he's looking straight upward expressionlessly.
D&D must really hate gay people. They butchered Renly and Loras's characters and completely cut JonCon. If Tumblr had actually read the books they'd be going insane
implying tumblr doesnt throw fits over loras on the regular
>muh watered down gay stereotype
>implying he won't be reborn in S7 to BTFO Cersei
the tumblrinas who did read the books have been going insane for years.
how do I get a Gilly gf
his eyes always look dilated
>dnd kills off a disabled characters service animal
fucking monsters
Slay a ww
4 u
And dump him in the freezing cold with no means of transportation. Didn't even have his sled thing anymore. Thanks Uncle Benjen
>give religion authority
>get mad when they enforce religion
Anyone else feel the Cersei crowning and Dany armada scene should have been flipped in the finale?
Would have been nice to end on a foreboding note with Cersei. Fed up of Dany endings
It's surprisingly something I share with them. Renly was cool in the books and Loras trying to fight Brienne was one of the only good parts of her chapters. Also Loras taking Dragonstone
>implying he won't revive as a white walker
>Dany sailing over with an army of savages, dragons, sellswords, vikings, and ladyboys
>Not forboding
Did Meera react to Jojen dying at all? I can't remember.
She's the one who finished him off!
>refers to eyes in which the white space above or below the iris is visible.
like this?
Bran is a bad person, a genuinely bad person. He's also lost his role model, the decent man Ned Stark and instead moved onto the wicked evildoing kinslaying shit Bloodraven.
Renly was literally gay Robert in the books, promising a quick war to get all the battle-hungry knights to follow him. He's afraid of blood and hates violence in the show (except when they revert to his book characterization during his meeting with Stannis for some reason).
Loras is literally gay Jaime, devoted completely to Renly's memory. He goes as far as to join the Kingsguard because he lost his only love. Show Loras is more than happy to betray his family's secrets if you've got a hot dick.
You spelled "beautiful" wrong.
"We all know what my brother would do. Robert would gallop up to the gates of Winterfell alone, break them with his warhammer, and ride through the rubble to slay Roose Bolton with his left hand and the Bastard with his right. I am not Robert. But we will march, and we will free Winterfell … or die in the attempt."
Who /bookcanon/ here?
My ass is ready.
>season 1: muh dragons
>season 2: WWs
>season 3: Meesa + muh dragons final shot
>season 4: Arya heading to Braavos
>season 5: Jon dead
>season 6: muh ships, muh army, muh dragons
Damn season 4 ruining the ice or fire ending shots
Idk why they couldn't keep Tommen bonding with Loras in the show.
Betasteel is that you?
Indeed, but I was thinking about inside the weirwood. The last scene in season 4 was her knifing her brother, skip season 5, then in season 6 it cuts to her hanging out with Bran, Hodor and the 3ER. Was Jojen ever mentioned in season 6?
Florent Pride Westeroswide
>Bran is a bad person, a genuinely bad person
You also spelled "beautiful" wrong. Twice in the same sentence.
Yes but old bloodraven just told her that he was meant to die anyway
Just finish ADwD yesterday
so what is Jon now? is he just fully back to life? does he eat? sleep? is he like benjen? or something different?
tbt to when Gendry died in Gilly's hands
>Ghost v Summer
>White Wolf v Wight Wolf
No he wasnt kek
meera was just being emo outside the cave for like half a minute and that was pretty much the extent of him or meera being sad about anything in season 6
In S6E2, Meera was supposedly mourning her brother and the fact that she was stuck in a cave with nothing, but it was realistically about 2 years after they entered said cave.
No, but they had an entire year to process it off camera.
Anybody got any fun CKII scenarios to play? I still haven't tried the dance of dragons or any Blackfyre rebellion
The show will never explore this
First for Theon's cock
2??? its closer to 1 year
What have you done so far?
show us your muscles, Sup Forums
Please name the episode of the show this name is stated. Otherwise please refrain from mentioning non-show characters in show discussions.
>Bran is a bad person, a genuinely bad person.
>There are people who actually believe this
Probably the same people that will unironically defend Jamie fookin' Lannister.
Is that Skins?
What is Gregor doing to Unella?
Lena Headey said the initial scene was horrific and got cut down a lot in editing
what did bran even call him that whole time they were in the cave? Mr. Raven? Professor Raven?
Butt things
Theon will never get revenge. Sure he deserved it but he'll never be part of ramsay downfall.
Fuck her with a metal cock apparently
>dat necrosis
>implying he can get it up
Maybe Theon will join the Unsullied.
It's just contrarians m8
you'll be a soldier
Thrown away for muh stronk sansa power and emo boy :/
Actually i made that same mistake but then i thought about it: the events of every season occur over the span of a year, but brans arc in S6 occurred over one or two weeks, meaning that closer to two years had passed since they entered cave so that the end of the arc matched up with the end of the season. Its possible more time passed if breera take all S7 to get across the wall for some reason.
He didn't. If he needed his attention he just threw small rocks at his head.
>implying he didn't die with a raging erection from bashing oberyn's skull in
>implying rigor mortis didn't set in giving him a permanent hardon the whole time he was smashing cersei's enemies
Nah he threw small rocks to make sure he was asleep
Why did Sam steal Heartsbane? Isn't his dad going to come to the Citadel and kick his ass for that?
On any other show yes, here no.
Giving her the Lord's kiss
>dat zit
ironically his upper body strength is probably bretty good by now
Probably. We wont see it happening but Randylls gonna march his ass into the Citadel with bloodshed in his eyes.