What's Sup Forums's consensus on this wonderful trilogy?
Back to the Future Trilogy
they get worse with every sequel
only 1 was good, 2 was iigh, 3 is meh
1 and 2 are equally great, 3 is a little worse but still good.
>Seeking consensus
I'm sorry.
A better trilogy than Star Wars or The Godfather. All three parts are at best top-class and at worst watchable fun.
And they aged really good.
made this thread yesterday
1 is god-tier Hollywood. 2&3 are good sequels but not good stand-alone films
The first was really fun, the second was kind of weird but alright, the third was stupid as hell but fun to watch.
The most jarring thing about the second was the whole Crispin Glover ordeal, it made any scenes with George McFly in look completely mental.
What is the best trilogy of all time?
Toy Story?
Dollars Trilogy
Shh don't talk about it
They'll make an all female reboot
I only liked the first one. Its grounded in some sort of reality you can relate to but the 2nd feels like they went out their way to make an absurd future.
The 50s era seemed serious with some jokes added in but the future seemed like full on goofy bullshit
What didi he mean by this?
Would Eric Stoltz be better Marty? Fox is qter but Eric looked like he's actually related to Glover.
Can't imagine anyone other than Fox in the role tbqh
A trilogy that will never get a reboot. Thank you, Robert.
Kid had to pee and was trying to signal the director. Either that, or he was a kid and was pointing to his dick because he thought it would be funny.
he was mimicking the director of photography who was signaling someone to move the camera foward and down
For some reason I used to love 2 and think it was the best out of all 3 but now I think its pretty bad and not very good compared to the first.
Because when you were younger all you wanted was a hoverboard, and now that you're older, all you want is to fuck your mom.
Thats strangely accurate
I thought it sort of got what I call the Trilogy Syndrome: the first movie is great, second is even better, third is meh compared to the first two but still good
Not enough diversity
Women characters are too weak
Not enough homosexuality
No mention of transgenderism
Terrible/10 needs a progressive reboot immediately
Fuck you, don't give them ideas
1 > 3 > 2
2 > 1 > 3
It's like you forgot Marty's "daughter".
1=2=3. A trilogy is a trilogy. You can't just watch one movie of it. You've to watch all. The future and western are both cool.
not even Leone's best trilogy
Would be really interested to see his version.
Also, Shue or Wells?
Shue for me.
>le ROTJ is bad maymay
>Part 1
Fish-out-of-water romp
>Part 2
Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey
>Part 3
Basically a western
I loved every fucking bit of it. Lord of the Rings may be the better trilogy, IMO, but BTTF is quite likely my favorite.
As I recall, they went back for Fox because he had the better sense of humor they were going for.
back then: Wells
now: tie or Shue, dunno
Correct, apparently Stoltz was too serious. Kind of weird, you'd think they could tell him to just act a little less serious. But Mart came across as serious as well.
Serious question : what is the third film in the other trilogy? Google refuses to tell me
BTTF part 2 all day.
3 gets a lot of shit because it has to try and follow up 2, but I honestly really enjoyed the fact that they opted to just have a fun hokey adventure in the Wild West rather than try to go even farther into the future
>Once Upon A Time In The West - 10/10 film
>One Upon A Time... The Revolution (AKA Duck, You Sucker) - 9/10 movie
>Once Upon A Time In America - 11/10 kino
No Crispin Glover in 2 or 3. Fuck em. 2 and 3 were shot back to back and looks that way, hastily made to make money. 1 needed no sequels
>AKA Duck, You Sucker
This confused me. Thanks user
Kek I actually had. That scene was legendary
1 > 2 = 3
Prove me wrong. Protip = You can't
>once upon a time in america
The greatest rape-fest of our time
there are only two rape scenes and both are essential to character building and plot
Product placement: the franchise
Oh its cool to see a Pepsi in a movie 30 years ago but its not now? Fuck off hypocrites.
Shue fo sho
>only two
wew lad. Most characters in Oz get raped less than that
best things ever except the paradox in part 2 and certain implications about Doc Brown (how much did he see? how much did he fuck with the timeline by accident? how old was he by the second movie? was he actually equipped to be a dad? what did he and his new family do after the third movie?)
The worst problems are that part three is kind of boring compared to the first two and they had no idea what to do with Jennifer. Other than that they are pretty flawless comfy movies that are timeless in their quality.
Which of course means that Hollywood has to make a female fronted reboot of them with a front fart joke.
I know that Part III is the worst one, yet it's still my favorite
>But Mart came across as serious as well.
Well, Fox was, but in a humorous way. Which is I think the nuance that they may have been missing with Stoltz. But I haven't look at the footage yet.
Play the BTTF games, they're mostly story driven puzzle games, and they show what happens after the third movie. They're surprisingly good. Lloyd is the only one of the original cast, although Michael J. Fox does make a cameo in the last part.
It's my favorite too. I like of Part II's future nonsense (they knew damn well whatever they did would be out of date, so they just rolled with it and went as over-the-top as possible), but Part III is a pretty solid movie in its own right. If you ignore the fact that the beginning is following up the cliffhanger of the previous one.
>this whole thread assuming BTTF is not shit enough to deserve a whole thread about it
>your whole post assuming your opinion isn't shit
Well, the way you said it, seems like the whole movie has constant rape scenes. I'm sure there are plenty more movies out there with more rape in them.
pls go back to your letterboxd General.
First part has best clothes.
>tfw Zemeckis and Gale will never, EVER let BTTF be remade or rebooted
I never complain about it. I just laugh it up.
What the fuck are you even on about?
fuck you, I'd love more BTTF even if they don't do it exactly right
the thing i love about BTTF is that none of them are marty's story.
pt.1 is george mcfly's story
pt.2 is biff's story
pt.3 is doc's story.
marty's just the conduit. like mad max.
I never noticed that, that's pretty cool
they are all Marty's story too though, to some degree, because he has character development in each one and across the whole series
No you don't. It wouldn't work at all.
cancer right here, pure cancer