What films are neckbeards into?
What films are neckbeards into?
I like a majority of these movies.
Anything with masculine men doing all the things they'll never, ever get to do.
consider suicide RIGHT NOW
I hate this fucking meme. I want to personally bash the face in of the fat fuck who started this neckbeard/fedora meme with his shitty fucking pictures of himself. Now i cant share the majority of my opinions or tastes without being called a fucking fedora or neckbeard by you cancerous faggots.
>Big Lebowski
Really, now?
Basically any film by Tarkovsky, Kubrick, Malick, Truffaut or Ozu
Get some fucking taste you fucking fedoracore pleb lord
Eat my jizz you shittaste elitist fuckbitch
That's actually the headshot of a legitimate actor. And that's not a fedora. It's a trilby.
gay bastard
How the fuck anyone can enjoy shaun of the dead. That shit wasn't funny or intresting at all.
neckbeards have good tastes in movies.
gotta be a turbo pleb my friend
Game of Thrones.
Superhero movies. They often use the term capeshit ironically.
Lord of the Rings.
The original Ghostbusters.
Pretty much anything you that can be labeled with the term "Kino"
Here, an old meme for u
autistics like epic british doctor who humor
right, we should all adore Burgerland comedy instead.
>le fart jokes
i think chris morris is funny. but ask the average reddit gentleman if he likes epic simon pegg he would rather say yes he quite does
cheese dick
He lost weight, you know?
Why is he making fun of Based Ricky?
This guy seems nice and a good fella to hang out with
I don't know I'm not a neckbeard.
I have a better question for you OP what type of films are FAGGOTS into ?
There Will Be Blood
he's a pederast
>Big Lebowski
>not fedora
gay fuckwit