Good night sweet princess
Good night sweet princess
So sad.
Will she be buried in a LEGO casket?
Of what? Chicken nuggets?
Wut? Shes no dead is she?
Ohh shit
>it's a Rooney discovers that dino nugs aren't made of real dinos and refuses to leave her room for a month while screaming and playing the LEGO racers building theme episode
Heroin OD
Who would've thought.
She stepped on too many Legos and never recovered. RIP
I thought she only used nugs and chocolate milk?
>tfw she probably started using because she wanted to feel like a big girl after reading about her memes on Sup Forums
FUCK YOU Sup Forums
you know that film Dark City? i'm not saying she's a Stranger, but she is pretty strange
Is "she" Paul Dano?
>it's a Rooney wears shades to make her eyes look like those of a LEGO minifig episode
Rooney no!
>no source
>no news about it when googling her name
>Sup Forums believes it even without a fake link
Why are you guys such fucking retards?
>He didn't see the article.
This thread is dedicated to the memory of Rooney Mara. If you have nothing nice to say, maybe you should stop posting.
found the actual retard
>"When I was at college, my nickname was Keds, because I wore Keds. I guess it wasn't really a nickname, because nicknames are usually given to you by people who are your friends and who know you. But I didn't know the people who called me Keds. I think that they didn't like me because I didn't want to join a sorority. I left that school."
You don't know how meme, huh?
That's sounds awful. I hope Rooney never has to experience anything like that.
can you image Rooney Mara at a frat party?
>just drinks a drink someone gives her
>wakes up in a darken room while someone attempts to probe her anus
>gets the crap beat out of her for resisting
>you will never be that guy
>It's not that different than when you're 4 years old playing house. I'm really good at playing house. I love playing house.
Wew lad
I don't understand this Lego meme.
Literally who and why should she be my new waifu?
That's because you're from reddit.
It's a real quote and it probably still happens daily from other actresses.
>no happy roon GF
>be Rooney
>get bullied by everyone around you for being retarded
>take solace in LEGO
>fat sad NEETs online make fun of you for it
>die of heroin overdose
Being Rooney is suffering.
This roll is for Roon Roon.
Rolling for laughs
Quad pls
Let's see
*Unzips pants*
Check these quads
Oh user, she seems amused
pls give me 4 roonie-fu
big money, no whammies, no whammies, no whammies, STOP
How many princess points she had?
dont scare me like that tv
the fuck am i looking at here
it's like a visual form of cancer. moreso than actual photos of cancer cells.
chicken tendies meme > good boy points as currency for tendies > /r9k/ draw anons room to simulate it > femanon greentext spawns > /r9k/ decides to draw a bunch of femanon rooms with good girl points as theme but then turned philosophical n shieeeeeeeet
okay, it all make sense now
let's see
Bitch looks like a female Tom Hiddleston.
does that mean she gets Taylor Swift moist?
The fuck. I thought only hobos and ultra-poor use heroin these days.
I imagine it'd be pretty difficult to piss in a bottle as a girl without some sort of funnel.
check me out
rollin rollin rollin
if dubs roon roon will step on my balls tomorrow
that face is made to be cummed on
>Be rooney
>Piss yourself constantly and wear diapers
>Won't do a role where you piss your pants
man, shit
4 get
I'd literally pay money to watch a celeb like Rooney even fake piss herself in a movie. Extra if she really did it.
>it's a rooney exhibits signs of being pregnant and tries to convince Ryan Gosling it is his child and that they can live in a LEGO castle if he wanted to episode
There's an webm of Elizabeth Olsen pissing herself.
rollin for my bf
roll again
I thought that was Mike Meyers in the thumbnail
I shall roll
So what I go on Reddit... Grow up dude, this is a public board for anyone, not your personal space for misogyny and other dumb shit... Jesus Christ..
Fuck it, roll
>he doesn't keep up to Date on RoonRoon's latest autist adventures
>My sister was really upset when my mom brought her home a training bra. She didn't want it, so I moseyed on over and picked it up. I was very eager to get boobs.
Not gonna lie, imaging this story play out IRL made me hard