Any Psychopaths here? What was the first sign that you realized you were one /b?

Any Psychopaths here? What was the first sign that you realized you were one /b?

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I voted for Trump

When I told people like you to get the fuck off my board


Over half of the Population did, that makes you a normie


you need to grow up and stop trying to corral everything with labels

came in many girls shoes secretly, no regrets

Uhhh... He lost the popular vote by like 3 million votes

also number of people who didnt vote


when i was younger i used to fantasize about scouting out neighborhoods for easy victims. i imagined killing them and living in their homes, just live out my life then moving on doing the same to another so on and so on. maybe i was just being lazy. fantasizing about things was where it started, eventually i moved on to other dimensions of thinking and being. ill continue if u want

Self-diagnosing yourself is dangerous.

3 millions of mexicans

That not secretly. I think she'd notice

off by 5. i guess what you say is bullshit.

When i started fantasizing about killing people and animals in many creative ways , one day it finally clicked I finally knew the reason why I dont feel affection and empathy

Please go on.

getting diagnosed by a professional is just as dangerous, if not fucking stupid as well, if you end up being one that is.

I just wanted to stuff my face in all the girls butts when I was in school / still do



It's so easy to spot you things.
And that 3 gorrilliions were all illegal votes:

Would recommend reading/ listening to the audiobook of: Diary of a Sociopath by M.E Thomas
Enlightening as hell, 10/10 would recommend to any phyco/sociopaths out there


cool story bro, I hope I meet you one day and can remove your eyes with a spoon.
let the people who are actually interested in this thread stay and just fuck off to a trap thread.

i used to write about these thoughts, roughly when i was 16-18. at the time i was smoking weed a lot, like $20-50 a day. because i was dumb enough to write my thoughts down (thought it was like art at the time, used to write and draw these things like ralph steadman look him up, great stuff) so yeah i was institutionalized (right before 18 yrs logically).

i played the system and pretended i did it all for attention, but i really was messed up. i managed to earn my way out with bullshit, got off with an OCD and depression diagnosis with a aggressive/violent kicker. no big deal take drugs, follow through with drug treatment etc.

so i got out couldn't smoke weed...look to the internet, this was back before things like Sup Forums, found a site called erowid learned about alternative highs. discovered DXM. every day for a year i tripped on a robitussin that only contained DXM. i would watch movies like taxi driver and the hitcher, literally placing my psyche into the films (all homicidal genres). began fantasizing about killing people - which came with it some christian bullshit that in retrospect stopped me...i definitely was worried about being punished for some eternity in an afterlife if i followed through with the direction i really wanted to. contd

so many edges, at a distance, you'd think that post was round


Was there not a study done that confirmed that 6/10 Americans are sociopaths? Thats one in every 2 people that you meet and I can truly believe that.

nice trips

You just triggered the 12 year old.

really, 60%? that's just moronic.
ive only ever read that its around 1-4%, with the average prison population being around 25%.
but then again its kind of hard to tell as you wouldnt exactly know unless they wanted you to know.

No faggot you can just shut the fuck up

That's some farmer's tan

within all of that timespan i was institutionalized several other times, managed to play it off my parents were the crazy ones. but during that time i committed several crimes, breaking and entering, theft, stalking, none of which i was caught doing except more possession charges and under age drinking, no big deal. but i kept thinking i was meant for something more, and i continued DXM. I moved up to two bottles a day on days off and one a night on work days, i began to create an alternate reality, which is what i consider it to be now, one where a part of me was awakened vs the shell i wear every day. that's when i realized it wasn't my subconscious telling me things it was literally an alternate conscious, my own.

you see somewhere between 18-21 i started making decisions based on what i thought 'other people thought'. instances like getting on a bus, feeling like people are looking at me weird because something strange happened to my clothes like a pair of boxers somehow got stuck to my sweatshirt on my back...suddenly i'll hear like 'oh my god what the fuck look at that' in my head thinking thats what a person is thinking, all based off of an initial glance they gave me...hard to really explain the extent of this, but it can be broken down and diagnosed as paranoid schizophrenia.



I realised that I dont get right and wrong, only consequence. Realised it when I was dating a police psychologist and she figured it out. Made sense after I looked into it more.

hahahahah!!! i fucking thought that crud on his cheek was a spec on my monitor and i tried to scratch it off.

You arent a psychopath, just mentally ill bro. You will just end up as a hardcore druggie derro soz.

Cont ploz

did she follow up on that discovery? I imagine that something like that would be written down somewhere to be used against you later in life, say if you were arrested or something..

there were more extreme versions of this. during my latter years of my youth i ostracized my family, in strange ways. I would go to a family event, have a great time, everyone loved to see me, i loved to see them - genuine good times. but after i'd leave their conversations and thoughts would continue in my head. at the time i didn't realize it was more than just some 'imaginative thinking' because it wasn't a conscious decision i made. the conversations would go on, and i was literally held hostage. forced to sit there and listen to them. to react to them emotionally, and the reality was the conversations were part of my imagination, but they were i didn't boast 'i can read minds' because at the time it didn't occur to me as some kind of mind reading, rather it just felt like someone handed me a walkie talkie and i was listening in, so i listened in for insight, to my own thoughts that i went along with as reality delivered to me by someone else. again hard to explain.

anyways i would go on and on in my head, until i'd talk to a family member again and suddenly i was talking to them as if that imagined history actually happened. and at this stage 21-26 i was no longer on dxm, but drinking alcohol heavily. bottle of vodka a day that shitty burnetts. miss that.

after years of this i still contemplated homicide. i have only recently learned how my brain works and how to utilize it for benefit instead of irrational misdirection of my life. contd?

Too much wed made you paranoid, seen it a dozen times. You gone damaged your thinkin bean.


I don't know what you actually have, but you sound mentally ill, having a brain like yours is surely going to get you sent to jail at some point, don't be an idiot, remember, you can no longer do whatever the fuck you want when your in prison.

Dunno about psychopath, but i found i can shut off how im feeling like a switch. Literally, i can stop loving someone, and the next second i will love again. Feeling anxious? Click, not anymore. Depressed? Click, now im not. Happy? Click, now im horny instead. Also i can shut it all down and not feel anything. Fyi- not edgy emo nothing, like stoic data nothing.

Ok, go on

Calling Bullshit
You white privileged MF
You may be an opportunist but you are no psycho

lacking of any real emotions is worthy of a label you faggot.

Oh my god! SO scary that people this PSYCKOTIC are part of our everyday society!!! Really makes you think twice about saying something wrong to your neighbor!

i was told i have anti-social personality disorder by my psychiatrist, he told me to find a different doctor. lol

also, how old are you currently? if you don't mind me asking


Not psychopaths, just autists.

This is the thread where losers post to feel about their pathetic lives.

When i started chanting: HEY HEY, HO HO TRUMP HAS GOTTA GOOOOO

will do. so eventually i was arrested for sending a death threat to someone, inadvertently i was drunk one night and just told someone off, but deep down i actually really planned on killing them, i had followed for about 3 days before law enforcement came to question me, i lawyered right away got it reduced to disorderly conduct.

during those 3 days i followed this person every second of their life, documenting. i wanted to get a full week and find the perfect time and place but obviously that was interrupted. i wanted to just catch them so off guard and kill them so quickly that it would just have ended their life without them even knowing it was gone.

i still remember the feeling, sitting outside their house thinking about how i could go in i knew the door was unlocked. i could do anything. i owned that person, i could own more of them if i wanted. it was just right there. i didn't sleep the entire 3 days, just followed and felt like god.

that's about when i realized i was going way off fucking track. that's when i knew that a part of me was completely fucked and i needed to back the fuck off of everything, literally numb myself mentally to the point of a do nothing nobody so i could figure this shit out.



Well it's stupid of him to keep saying that all those votes were illegal but I find it equally foolish that everyone else keeps saying that "there is no voter fraud".

I have never voted outside of Maryland, but I'm sure that most states do things pretty similarly and based upon the setup we have here (and even watching it evolve over the years) there is absolutely zero way that you could tell if a vote was legitimately placed.

It is equally insane that people cry about the government requiring you to have some form of identification to vote. If you're too fucking lazy to get some form of government issued picture identification then you're too lazy to be a member of society and you do not deserve to cast a vote.

>Using Comic Sans

>shotgun to the head

holy FUCK! i would hate to see the 1%. gotta be fucking ugly

how is shotgun to the head only 99%, that seems low.

Im not that poster, but I can kinda relate to that. Back when I was young(13/14) and sold weed I'd get high all day everyday. Cause my brain was still developing I think it contributed to having an ill mind. Have week long bouts of what feels like paranoid schizophrenia to the point of where I cant even answer a phone message. Though I did do a lot of psychedelics, from the age of 17-22, they episodes started a lil after the first year of daily smoking.

i actually don't have a great ending yet so sorry to lead you on like this. i've spent the past few years studying criminal law and forensic investigation. i've also been enjoying learning about computers, specifically networking and internet protocol. there is hours and hours of things that officially could declare me insane but we all know this website's TOS and posting condition is we accept that everything posted here is a work of fiction.

but these days i have managed to embrace my mental illness and utilize it to my advantage. i got a great job, managed to come out of some beta shell and be a person that people enjoy being around. and i've learned how to ignore the shit flowing through my head.

my last struggle now is this re occuring thought when i talk to people on a personal level in person, like we go aside to talk about something like other friends or something, i just get these urges to punch that person, or worse, and gauge their reaction. while they go on and on with their predictable line of text i think about if i could get away with killing them and burying them or hiding their body, how i'd do it. i don't want to do it. but it's like a weird re occurring habbit that pops into my head every single time...and so i just accept it as that, just a thought.

as long as i maintain impulse control and a steady understanding of what is real and what is bullshit in my head i can continue to live a great life. now for those of you worried ill hurt someone or something...well...I guess only time will tell.

30 years

why suicide? homicide is much more therapeutic

Hahaha there was a guy who talked about suicide back when I went to school. The guy had attempted a shotgun anhero and survived, though most of his face was gone, had one eye and no jaw. 3 years later my stepdad shot himself with a 9mm handgun, his only attempt was a successful one, one clean hole in. Hard to pay respects to a guy if you blow your entire face off.

Because you're too much of a pussy to kill anyone.

no one is stopping you Dexter

have at it

I got about a year into my 1st relationship and realised that I fantasised more about slitting her throat and watching the blood drain out of her face than screwing her, felt the same about every girl since.

not that guy, but I can see where he's coming from to some extent, the thought of committing homicide is therapeutic, though actually doing is is stupid as fuck, why run the risk of spending 15-life in jail for a few seconds/hours of fun...

When I couldn't enjoy nutella without a dab of sour cream.

educate yourself enough and you can achieve anything without consequence in a world comprised of only moving matter and energy.

Good luck with your mental illness

well thank you. i am sure no matter what i don't be miserable and i won't be alone - and somewhere in there i will do something that at least "i" think is great.

cheers m8. sorry for the disappointing story but at least it was all honest.

fair enough, but still, no matter how I look at it, homicide just comes across as almost pointless, if someone fucks with me, id rather make them hurt in a way that doesn't have a chance of making my life boring by sitting in a cell, pretty sure that makes me a sociopath rather then a psycopath

Eat some dicks bro

No she didnt care about it, she even handballed me to her bff (also a cop) after we got bored of banging. No reason to report me, I am functional and have no criminal record. She even says that lots of cops are the same, as are fire fighters and soldiers etc. I am a firefighter and do security too. I learned some things when I was younger (maybe 8-10) about consequence after I tried unsuccessfully to kill some kids in seperate incidents who picked on me or just did something I didnt like. Had a good dad that beat me just the right amount for it, taught me to obey rules when I need to and control my temper ( I dont get angry anymore, just a cold fury that I put aside and dont forget about). Women seem to figure it out about me if I spend lots of time with them. I have slept with around 150 women and dated maybe 50 (some at the same time) and they seem to like it, maybe even what attracts them to me as far as i can tell. They like that I am "a bad dude" and that if I am crossed that the people involved will just vanish someday in the future. The latest girl that is quite alright and I am considering keeping because she has loads of perks said she was trying to figure out if I was a psychopath or a sociopath. FYi all the people claiming that they thought about killing someone or fantasised about dark shit makes them one.. wrong. You just dont get it. I have spent hundreds of hours watching people while doing security work etc to figure out how everyone else works and I am pretty sure I got it down pat now, everyone says I am the most kind and friendliest guard around. "Mr Nice Guy" is my nickname with lots of regulars, gotta blend in. I am better at being normal than most normal people are because I can do it without the mental illness and bias that most of you people have.

that's the life i try to live coloring inside those lines, again, however - emphasizing my current studies of criminal law and crime forensics - not because i plan to do anything, but because i don't like feeling powerless. i enjoyed feeling like i could do whatever i wanted and thanks to my time spent educating myself i could do as i pleased. not sure what that is really classified as but i do know this:
some one somewhere will get you, they will hurt you in some way that will fuck your shit up and you will want more than that. maybe not you in particular, but the average person. that being said, i'm glad you have a more reserved way of thinking. you will probably make better decisions than i. but i no matter what i do, i will at least not be alone in my head.

Unless you get caught, then sent to the Psych Ward and dosed. "They" can get rid of that part of you that you are enjoying.
I suppose you'd be cured then, and released back into society only to quit your meds and go back to the same thing.
Thanks user for helping me illustrate an issue with American mental health systems for a paper due. Nice thread OP.

Come at me bro

Fucking loser post your waah story
You aint no psycho
you pussy I can smell it


damn i got so caught up writing my own bullshit i missed the other stories. anything good?

Nothing good about killing people,

Suck those bullets back into the guns, then send them back to the factories where they can be disassembled, then sent to the mines where the raw materials can be buried deep within the earth.

that 'waah' story was replying to my question, and doesn't come across that way to me, it was a thought out reply because on Sup Forums, anonymity pretty much ensures that people can say what they mean. keep on believing that calling someone who either is or isn't a psyco/socio a pussy is going to effect them at all, because on an user board, it isn't going to have any effect other that making someone, in this case, me, want to reply.
I'm not exactly sure how I should respond to that, but thanks for taking the time to reply, I shall think on your philosophy, that part about having educated yourself you can now do whatever you feel like should you choose.
and on that note I may just have to think about what ill actually do if someone does something that ticks me off enough that I feel justified in getting even, because atm, I have no idea.

when i came here

imagine living a mediocre life though, would it not resemble a cell compared to a life where you had so much control you became part of history? what if you could do something so great you could even possibly get away with it too, but you did something that nobody else could do except maybe a few in history and you defied all the rules - risked everything - and experienced that as your life. that to me is what living really is, even just having a small taste of that - it was pure, raw natural almost animal...natural...and suppressing all of this to maintain a fake reality isn't living at all. it's mind numbing, it's a lot like prison. but yes, i agree, i choose to not do anything so i can enjoy a casual supply of mediocrity vs risking a life of minimal reality.

this is all very interesting to discuss. wish i could do it more.

So a large amount of people can't be psycopaths and the way society is with constany demoralization it's not unlikley

Got nothing to do with trump just pointing out ur flawed reasoning because u trust shit that has no relation

It's weird and every fucking liberal supporters do the same shit every fucking time
When are people going to realise that stuff that doesn't make sense is just not funny after a while
Fucking vampires that just don't stop sucking dick, they do it anyway but it does nothing and all thats happening is people getting high off the idea

Please don't take me literally and try relate some stupid shit to what i said

well good for you. you experience a life where you feel not a single soul is worth extinguishing early. personally i enjoyed witnessing the deaths of several people. i felt justice when MSM told me to when we hung hussein and whittled bin laden, unfortunately i missed the bin laden pics, i don't think anyone got that pleasure. but that was when i was young dumb and full of cum

there has to be someone out there somewhere that you think we'd all be better off without, and not you directly but someone else did something about it? how about kim jung un? okay don't name names but just think about it. it's all hypothetical concepts of the mind we are discussing here - rights and wrongs - exchanging ideas on humanity. again emphasis on the fact that everything posted on Sup Forums is a work of fiction, why not go with it? just embrace the fiction and let your mind wonder a bit on the idea. that's the beauty of this medium for information exchange. there is no 'this person said that' only words on a screen. but if that's your final answer, good on you. you are a peaceful bro who probably understands more than most other people.

hear way too many voices and see to many hallucinations

the greatest threat to your defense is underestimating their offense.
-sun tzu

anything in particular? any stories? keep this thread alive its gonna 404 soon

just when i thought this thread had hit maximum cringe

interesting take on things, though I kinda have to think that the chances of doing something on that level that its considered great and/or history worthy is pointlessly small, as well as that great is a subjective word, different for every individual, so actions generally aren't going to have a lasting effect, but that follows on from my view that being remembered after my death doesn't bother me either way because ill be dead so it doesn't matter.
and like you said, very interesting to discuss, because it would be insane to discuss irl.
sounds more like schizophrenia than anything

When I realized how easily people can be manipulated and toyed with simply by speaking a few words

I'm not, but I believe everyone else is.

Enlist or go solo if you think lil' Kim is a problem.

Also I really hate to burst your bubble but
"there has to be someone out there somewhere that you think we'd all be better off without"
Personally I don't care.
As a psychopath who only cares about himself who is the 'WE" that you refer to in your post?

this bitch is definitely looking to get raped

you cringe at me that's fine.
you're one person out of 7b
i cringe at your lack of understanding math and statistics. you keep doing you're good at keeping threads alive, that's your function in life. to bump Sup Forums threads.

continue to cringe at what you see here. i hope you don't lose sight of your goals of all the cringing you have yet to do.

I like to torture small animals. Especially rats.

once you learn to placate the people you meet you'll learn to appreciate their views and likes/dislikes. eventually you'll learn to associate that majority as a 'we' concept instead of a 'them' concept. at this point you seem to be approaching this as if you have little to no real experience in this, but rather just kind of an outside spectator that wants to play dress up on Sup Forums.

it's cool tho. to each their own m8. cheers. you ...won? not sure, whatever it is you wanted you got it! grats.

I was diagnosed with NPD and BPD 10 years ago. Nothing has changed.. unless your psychiatrist says you're a psychopath, you're just some idiot making light of a very serious mental illness.

Sorry OP but wanting to kill people doesn't make you a psychopath, stupid. Until you act on your aggressive thoughts, you are not a psychopath. Since you've made it this far in life with your thoughts and actions under control, you are not a psychopath and never will develop into one. That isn't how the brain works. After reading everything you've said I would diagnose you possibly being homosexual. Your self conscious inward thinking and guilt of Christian upbringing has suppressed your sexuality, turning it into what would be mistaken as a mental disorder but it is just your ways brain of justifying the homosexual thoughts you are having. For example you feel like people are thinking things about you because you feel ashamed of being homosexual, so you make up ideas in your mind about what they are thinking. In reality they are only thinking that you are probably gay, maybe they are men that think you are cute. Do you understand?