>"He's my friend"
>"So was I"
... what? At what point have Captain America and Iron Man ever acted like fucking friends? 20 minutes into the movie Iron Man shows outright contempt for Captain America.
>"He's my friend"
>"So was I"
... what? At what point have Captain America and Iron Man ever acted like fucking friends? 20 minutes into the movie Iron Man shows outright contempt for Captain America.
Other urls found in this thread:
It felt more of a rivalry since Avengers t b h
Fuck these ,pvoes. No death, no consequences
>Civil War
>More like Team Death Match
minus the the death
i want a secret wars movie
just because they don't hold each others dicks doesn't mean they aren't friends
I feel like there's a middle ground between holding dicks and showing nothing but annoyance and contempt for each other.
Plus it's Tony saying he thought Cap was his friend.
Tony's arrogant as fuck and prob never got that Cap just thought of him as a good guy work colleague.
It was shit. If you actually read it you would know Hickman fucked up
Tony was a lonely guy.
Maybe if he stopped acting like a cunt he'd have more friends.
Well, he tried his best to get the team back and stop them from becoming criminals. Steve has only himself to blame.
Obviously their friendship was developed over the previous 10 movies because the MCU was carefully crafted by scientists. Every piece fits together like a precise Swiss watch.
Are we talking about the comics or the movies? Because in the movies Tony Stark has been an irredeemable fuckup of a human being that can never be trusted to make any decision himself. Anyone should be skeptical of any idea he comes up with.
End of Avengers when they go get Shwarma.
Beginning of Avengers 2 when they are at the party and later just relaxing trying tomography Thor's hammer.
That image was semi-related.
To lift.
To lift Thor's hammer.
Fucking mobile.
He probably paid Cap's allowance, too.
He's probably referring to the first one
>being in the same room together = friendship
It's more a Whedon problem. He doesn't know how to write friendships.
Steve was friends with Howard and at least acknowledges that Tony is Howard's son and makes honest efforts to respect Tony when he can.
Tony has made explicitly clear in IM2 that he had issues with his father when he spoke to Nick Fury and in The Avengers, he let slip that the reason for it is because Howard seemed more obsessed with Steve than him even though "this so-called-Steve" was never around.
>"That's the guy my dad never shut up about?" -Stark, about Steve after he left the helicarrier lab when the hacking of Shield was discussed.
Steve is effectively some mythical older brother figure who always has praises sung about him and Stark is envious of as Steve always had Howard's full attention from Tony's PoV.
>This initial conflict is the whole thing that kicked off the "Civil War" Meme in the first place.
Tony came to meet Steve and let all his resentment towards him out in Avengers already and grew to understand him and respect him more than just a brother-in-arms, but as a friend.
BvS sucks Snyder is a hack
Why is Pym the only one in the MCU that knows Stark is a POS?
So, who's got it best, anons?
Tony used to bang Pepper
Steve bangs Sharon
Bruce bangs Natasha
Clint bangs Velma from the Scooby Doo live action movie
Vision bangs Wanda
Pietro banging Wanda.
This guy gets it
T'Challa bangs Steve
Dubs of truth and /thread
None of them are all that good, really.
But were they actually fucking or is Tumblr reading too much into a brother-sister twin relationship?
They fought as a team, tony built upgrades for everyone, including cap. In age of ultrom there was teasing and hanging out. They argued over the creation of a machine god while fight a super ai. They were friends, just not best friends
Because Howard Stark was a top level S.H.I.E.L.D member along with Peggy Carter, and S.H.I.E.L.D attempted to steal his Pym Particles. Apparently Hank Pym believes the sins of the father are those of the son as well.
If it was tumblr, she'd be a trans woman and Peitro a homo. I mean, it's obvious. You'd see it if you weren't blinded by your scummy cis white male privilege.
But they are.
>Apparently Hank Pym believes the sins of the father are those of the son as well.
And the same thing happened to him and Darren.
He can suck my dick, user...
Op is my friend.
I actually think that Steve withholding his knowledge of Bucky killing Tony's parents is a great bit of character development.
The guy who was all about truth, justice, and honesty is willing to lie and risk everything he has and all he stands for to protect his friend
If you don't mind, could you point out the hints that they're sleeping together? I tend to be kind of oblivious to subtly implied relationships.
When has cap ever been about 'truth'? His whole thing in the comics is that heroes shouldn't have to share their intimate details with government because of the dangers involved.
He's actually a proponent of privacy rights.
Not him, but the actors admitted to using body language so that their relationship looked uncomfortably close. The most obvious moment is after Wanda mind-jinxes Tony.
He didn't know Bucky killed them. He suspected.
lol I just know it from the Spider-Man series.
Before the airport fight, Steve and Falcon interrogate Bucky about the Siberia mission. After that, he knew, and he chose not to tell Tony
So what would have been the best time to tell him? During their massive fight, or when they were trying to stop someone from awakening a group of super soldiers?
Maybe phone him up and leave a voicemail or something?
the 1994 tv show, that is
>reverse image search
aww Google is trying to protect me, that'a nice of it
>Vision bangs Wanda
When Stark found out, he asked Steve if he knew. Steve lied, and Stark saw right through him
"I didn't know it was him!" was probably true to the extent of "I had enormous suspicions but no 100% proof that it was him." Probably. A weak excuse for Captain America.
Yeah from Tony's perspective Cap was one of his closest friends as he never really had any real friends.
From Cap's perspective, Tony is just a comrade that shares the battle field but not really a friend like Bucky or Falcon
>I actually think that Steve withholding his knowledge of Bucky killing Tony's parents is a great bit of character development.
Sounds like a major-league dick move.
At least he gave Stark his dad's shield back.
He said, "I didn't know it was him" when first prompted, and then Tony bitches out because that's not what he wanted to hear.
Knowing that Tony isn't in the right state of mind to actually have it explained to him that, "I didn't know until recently", he actually goes for the 'truth'. It was going to end up in a fight no matter what, so there was really no 'right' decision for Cap to make.
My point is that it's a nice bit of moral greyness from an otherwise squeaky-clean hero
Is that Peanut Untouchable?
It's almost like Tony has no idea what friends are.
Just another example of his extreme narcissism.
There's nothing really morally grey about trying to keep a mentally unstable egomaniac from murdering your mind-controlled friend out of some perverted sense of vengeance. He even tries to reason it out with the fucking guy about how he was mind controlled and how it won't change what happened, but oh no fucking alcoholic daddy-issues Stark goes, "I don't care he killed my mom".
>There's nothing really morally grey about trying to keep a mentally unstable egomaniac from murdering your mind-controlled friend out of some perverted sense of vengeance.
Get out of the basement, fat boy, make some real friends, and then think long and hard about what you just wrote.
If only Bucky began shouting "Martha", then they would have been blood-brothers through the bonding ritual.
They were married in Godzilla.
Please don't bring up that awful movie.
It's not like Steve himself is suffering from mental issues.
>Cannot get drunk
>Believed it was his fault losing his friend.
>All his best friends are dead.
>Doesn't want to socialize/His entire life revolves around his job/Can't live without war.
>Acts suicidal, not caring if he puts himself on danger.
Then Bucky turns out to be alive and he choses to not do the same mistake again.
>Acts suicidal
lol wut?
>Heroes who put themselves in danger are suicidal
Wouldn't that be every single one of them?
The whole thing was retarded.
>civil war when it's ten characters tops
>angry general ross man who has no patience and can't sanction buffoonery of any kind when it's clear context matters
>cap literally doing everything to protect his psycho assassination terminator friend even to the point of attacking cops
>iron man not simply disintegrating everything in his path with his superior firepower and engaging in hand to hand combat
>vision gets manhandled by arrow guy
>steve witnesses a video that shows his butt buddy literally killing tony's parents and still defending him to the point of talking shit at tony after beating him up
Not to mention that ever since he was defrosted Steve has no leadership charisma and in most cases just plays the fish out of water character who makes dubious "morally right" decisions and generally only operates well when he needs to beat someone up.
Its more a reflection of their loneliness and isolation, especially the very insecure Wanda.
Wanda is deprived of cuddles and Pietro is her only comfort. So he gives her the affection she is missing.
It's odd, yes, but understandable.
Olsen and ATJ took a retarded puerile thing from the comics and made it poignant and touching as well as unsettling.
>angry general ross man who has no patience and can't sanction buffoonery of any kind when it's clear context matters
>iron man not simply disintegrating everything in his path with his superior firepower and engaging in hand to hand combat
He didn't want to.
>vision gets manhandled by arrow guy
Yeah, and second later he is beating him up.
>steve witnesses a video that shows his butt buddy literally killing tony's parents and still defending him to the point of talking shit at tony after beating him up
>cap literally doing everything to protect his psycho assassination terminator friend even to the point of attacking cops
What user said except the part of acting suicidal.
ITT: People with no friends discuss the friendships of fictional characters
> Cannot get drunk
Tony wishes he had that problem.
>cap literally doing everything to protect his psycho assassination terminator friend even to the point of attacking cops
He didn't want his friend to get killed. As soon as he felt they weren't going to outright murder him, he stopped resisting.
>vision gets manhandled by arrow guy
lol wut? When did this happen? He stopped him for a total of 8 seconds and then Vision just showed him how he can never hope to do any actual damage.
>literally killing tony's parents and still defending him
He knew his friend was brainwashed into killing several people. Hundreds, even. Why would this 'new' information change his actions?
But yeah everything else is on point.
Cap's feelings for the Buckster led to him hesitating and letting Crossbones go boom boom which in turn landed Wanda up shit creek.
He wishes that he wouldn't be able to get drunk? Does he really love the taste of rum and coke or something?
>Cap is a soldier
>Attacks soldiers doing their job.
>The villain of the movie turns out to be a soldier too.
What went wrong with him?
I don't get why Tony and Steve even fought in the first Avengers, he wakes up after 70 years, everybody he knew is dead and Tony is son of his friend from 40s, but he acts hostile to him, in 2012 I thought it was very stupid reference to Civil War story from comics
His father kept comparing to Steve.
They butted heads because they were both alpha males in a team needing a leader. You wouldn't understand.
>he let slip that the reason for it is because Howard seemed more obsessed with Steve than him even though "this so-called-Steve" was never around.
It's funny, I've watched first Captain America recently and to me it looked like Steve was more interested in Howard Stark than vice versa
No it didn't. The trigger for the bomb is right in his hand. Crossbones could have pushed the button at any time. Not like he could try and kick the trigger out of the guy's hand.
Although I suppose it could be argued he should have knocked the guy out or outright killed him without doing any interrogation.
And Wanda being up shit creek is bullshit too. They had at least a hundred dumb niggers standing around watching them fight who would have died along with them.
He was chosen because he makes choices not based on patriotism or orders but because he has a strong character.
This movie just made me want to watch ant man. I had no idea he was such a cool character.
He knew in Winter Soldier - Zola told him
>Clint bangs Velma from the Scooby Doo live action movie
>Freddie Prinze Jr was Fred
cameo in Thor 3 with Hulk when
Why the fuck didn't Bucky give a speech about how he is sorry for the death of his parents and wish he could have stopped himself from doing it but would not stop Tony from killing him and right as Tony acts like is about to kill Bucky he doesn't and says some speech about how he loved his parents and doesn't blame Bucky. Than all three of them go fuck up that German dude that started all that shit.
Felt pretty forced that Tony was on a war path for bucky after finding out about how Bucky was brainwashed to do it.
>"I didn't kill your father"
>"Then why did you run?"
You'd think a black man would understand the dangers of instantly submitting to people who have already made up their minds about your guilt.
I think the bigger question is why wasn't this movie about Steve Rogers retiring and watching the world go to shit with a smug grin on his face when the world goes to shit thanks to government regulations getting millions of people killed when these world-changing events happen.
They were going to NUKE an entire city for fuck's sake.
he isnt an american negro, only they have that problem. negros in africa just have to worry about getting an arm chopped off because of who their grandmother was
The trailer gave off a false tone to that scene. In the trailer it definitely seemed like Tony was a little hurt by Steve picking Bucky over him, but in the actual film, Tony delivered that line entirely differently. In the film, "So was I" was definitely indicative to Tony saying he and Steve are no longer friends, for Steve supporting the man that murdered his parents.
>Angry that Steve supports a man who killed his parents due to his mind being fucked up and turned into a living weapon
>Is perfectly fine with his father who was a weapons designer, and himself who was lead of a company that provided weapons to terrorist groups for many years
He's so evolved.
LITERALLY made for the trailer
honestly Bucky saying it wasn't his fault and to cool down probably would have made Tony madder
>what is familial ties?
You forgot about cap rescuing Tony from that nest of gundarks
No I mean he should confess that he is sorry that he killed his parents and is willing to submit to Tony and right as Tony acts like he is going to kill Bucky he smashes that tape recording of the event.
fair enough