The Three Doctors, Richard Hurndall and a Waxwork edition
Happy 20th anniversary!
The Three Doctors, Richard Hurndall and a Waxwork edition
Happy 20th anniversary!
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>mfw there are actually people that like Hurndall's 1st Doctor better than Colin Baker's 6th Doctor
>The Three Doctors, Richard Hurndall and a Waxwork edition
Colin Baker was easily the best thing about his episodes. And I even liked Mel.
6 was the worst Doctor.
Please show me examples of this because I don't believe you
Heh. Right, I remember this photo from 1983. That's the Tom Baker wax figure from Madame Tussaud's in back.
This 20th book was top tier for a pre-internet young man with fuck all stories on vhs.
It's funny because he ended regenerating into one of the most based Doctors of the show, rivaled only by 12 and MAYBE 4.
Is 7 the most overrated Doctor? I like Sylv but he's got to be one of the worst actors to play the role.
7 is absolutely based. His last 2 seasons are where he starts to get good, and if you continue on with the books and audios, he has some top tier stories and an excellent arc
I don't think 7 is overrated, he's probably the most morally interesting Doctor and one of my favorites.
But I have to agree that McCoy is definitely one of the worst among the 13 canonical Doctor actors, if not the very worst. Mind you, he can be great sometimes. But he has put in some really weak performances over the years as well.
Speaking of 7, the newest Main Range and the next 2 have Mel and Ace. When do these take place?
After the anthology release that came out last December. Which in turn takes place after the Hex stories.
Alright, thanks for that, just wondering how he got back with Mel, but I haven't listened to the anthology
Why would 11 start regenerating in The Impossible Astronaut if he is, in fact, the 12th incarnation?
Probably some bullshit to do with the tesseract
Because it wasn't really 11, just his robot "Doctor's suit". He was rusing.
Cloister, you around?
Because it wasn't 11 regenerating, it was the tesseract putting on a light show
Yeah I thought that'd be the get out clause. Did Amy and Rory know about regeneration at that point? I wonder what they thought the glowing shit flying out of his hands was.
It is pretty funny how the doctor Tricked The Universe into accepting him not dying
>Probably some bullshit to do with the tesseract
River gives 11 regeneration energy in LKH, He uses some energy in ATM to heal River's wrist which she also called a "stupid waste" so whether or not it was a robot doesn't matter because 11 did genuinely have extra energy.
So either he had some left over from LKH or the exact amount of energy Time Lords have isn't exact and varies between people like any other biological process. He had some left to heal minor problems, but not enough energy to actually complete a regeneration.
You have to remember that this was probably before the War Doctor even was a concept so 11 -> 12 was still a possibility
All the scenes where it seems like 11 is about to die (like when he decides to drive off a cliff with Amy in Amy's Choice) read differently, with the knowledge that was his last life.
Five Doctors is top comfy.
It'll be interesting to note that when I rewatch Smith's run. To be fair though, suddenly deciding to sacrifice yourself and knowing that you're going to die at a specific time in the future are entirely different scenarios and you would act differently under.
I don't know if what I just said is entirely relevant and considered deleting it but whatever
I legitimately miss cats!
Did they fuck?
>my only friends
Probably one of my favourite Davison stories, and I think it's better than Three Doctors and Two Doctors. Shame Hartnell couldn't have been in it, and Tom was still being grumpy and refused to be in it.
What would Weeping Angels be like in Hartnell era?
Extremely difficult to make work, due to the lack of editing tools at the time and the fact scenes had to be shot as live.
If it wasn't for that, they could potentially have been even creepier in the lack of colour and fuzzy image quality.
Basically impossible to film
Speaking of classic doctors with weeping angels, isn't Big Finish making that audio with 5 and the angels? I'm trying to imagine the angels in an audio story and it just doesn't seem like it'll work
The characters will just start announcing what they are doing with their eyes
>I'm closing my eyes now!
>My eyes are closed! Help!
>I just opened my eyes and this statue is here!
>I'm looking at a statue!
Fuck that's sounds awful
Most of the audios are.
>Most of the audios are.
Objectively wrong
You know deep down it's true.
Speaking of Audios and the 7th doctor just listened to The Rapture last night. Holy fuck that was awful.
>it actually turned out to be real angel dust and not a joke
Also Ace was annoying as fuck in it, I ended up just looking at pron for the last part and completely ignored it, can't believe the worst audio is coming up fairly soon. I am dreading Nekromanteia
I don't think McCoy's a bad actor at all, he's just got one very specific weak area, which is "being loud and the center of the scene." If he can do it quietly and off center he kills it, but when it comes to the whole yelling thing, not so much.
there are plenty of good audios, and some of the audios are among the best Doctor Who ever, but like 60% of BF's output is pretty bad
like I listened to Storm Warning again last night and its...not good
What would you say the audios do right that the main show doesn't, and vice-versa?
It's not bad, either. It's just mostly unremarkable.
I prefer the audios to the TV show.
I actually relistened to The Rapture a while ago. While the plot was pretty bad and McCoy and Aldred's acting wasn't their best, it dealt with fucked-up teenagers quite well, and it also had some really creative uses of sound design, especially to portray people being high. On the whole, I didn't mind it, though a part of that might just be nostalgia since it's the kind of Doctot Who story that BF would never even attempt these days.
PS: If you managed to get through Minuet in Hell, you should survive Nekromanteia just fine.
Speaking of audios and the seventh doctor, main range user here, listened to Shadow of the Scourge last night.
Absolutely GOAT, had an interesting villain, good pacing, good setting, 7/Ace/Benny best tardis team, nice character development for 7 and also chessmaster 7 is based.
Capaldi loves feet :)
So next up for me is The Holy Terror. Should I be excited? I hear Frobisher the penguin is based, but I don't know much else about the story
Was Capaldi only on The Late Late Show once?
I don't remember too much about the story tbqh but I loved Frobisher. Big Finish really should use him more often.
It's good, yeah.
If Moffat said S10 is going to feel like "a brand new show", reckon we'll get a new title sequence?
They have an excuse to now considering there's a new companion and all.
Also they may put Matt Lucas in the title sequence since he's a big name. That would require a new one though, since it didn't really work in Last Christmas with Nick Frost.
Would be a bit of a dick move to Chris.
The 2nd Smith intro was only there for about 8 or 9 episodes though
I love the visuals of the current title sequence, with the clockworks and planets. But just can't stand the theme tune, (puts my teeth on edge).
The guitar version of the tune re Before the Flood, with the current visuals was perfection imo.
I don't usually have a strong dislike for things. I even enjoyed watching Kill the Moon but I seriously think that theme is the worst thing in over 50 years, it's so fucking awful.
It's far from being my favourite version of the theme tune but I like it far more than any of the other NuWho versions.
That's a shame.
cover and back for the next Iris Wildthyme anthology released
Cool. More SJW nonsense.
Looks shit.
Gareth shitting on DW yet again
>It's #WorldEmojiDay & there's no TARDIS emoji!
>How are we supposed to show our #DoctorWho love in emoji form?!
Well he isn't exactly wrong.
Since yous are talking audio...
Finished the 1st part of the Sixie and Jamie trilogy.
Was alright, anyone here liked it?
That trilogy overall is a belter, make sure you listen to all 3 as it's like a 12 part story.
He must have been in his element with Jenna.
Let me get this straight
>Gallifrey is saved by 13 doctors - all 12 of the doctor's original regeneration cycle, plus the first after he's gifted more regenerations
>The doctor goes to trenzalore because the time lords signal him there, since they actually weren't destroyed and are just in a pocket universe because the 13 saved them
>There is a timeline where Matt's doctor dies on trenzalore
>Matt's doctor goes to trenzalore because the time lords lure him there because the time lords were saved by capaldi
>But matt's doctor dying on trenzalore means capaldi didn't happen meaning gallifrey was never saved and couldn't have called matt there in the first place
>Mass popular success rebranded as eccentric lifestyle choice. Insanity.
Gareth is literally one of the most sane people on twitter
I'm glad there are still people who exist that think fandom identities/cultures are stupid
Bootstrap paradox. Things happen and because of time travel they create condition that bring them forth in the first place.
I suggest you don't worry about those things and just enjoy yourself.
That makes sense for the 'final' timeline where matt gets more regenerations and becomes capaldi
But it doesn't explain how the time lords survived in the timeline where capaldi's doctor didn't happen since matt died on trenzalore (let alone why matt died on trenzalore if the TLs didn't call him there since they weren't saved since there was no capaldi)
timelines affect one another and bleed over. Don't think of them as straight lines but as a big ball.
There's a proper timeline where Time Lords saved by the 12th Doctor would save 11th Doctor so he could save them.
And there's aberrant timeline where they didn't and all died. Time timeline was erased because it's unsustainable, but it still gave opportunity for time sensitive beings like GI to fuck around with timeline.
The Holy Terror is GOAT
Not speaking as someone who sucks BF's dick, but IMO when the audios really supercede the show it's because they've got an idea ambitious or niche enough that the TV show wouldn't bother with it, and the time/patience to work it through compared to the often hyperactive/rushed NuWho.
When they're just working well normally, it's because they just have a writer adept enough to do a really cracking execution of a formula with memorable characters and dialogue.
Conversely, when they don't work it's because they're coasting on having the actors or the Classic Who aesthetic (or for some boxsets, the trappings of 'epic') without actually having an interesting story or dialogue.
Big Chief haven't got shit on Hot Toys
I thought that the first part was alright but it gets better and better after tha.
The tie-in companion chronicle is fucking awful though.
wew holy shit
Is cats a legit schizo or just baiting /x/?
Probably just baiting /x/. He doesn't seem schizophrenic.
>He doesn't seem schizophrenic.
You seem to have mistyped 10
>he doesn't know about I Miss The Old Kanye
fuck off cats
>No references to the house of Windsor being of nazi reptilian stock
This is all horse shit poppycock nonsense
2/10 learn the facts Cats goddamn it.
GOATest Murray of all time coming through.
Reminder that 2009 was peak murray
Say what you will about 10's melodramatic end but vale decem is a fucking GOAT composition
This is great too.
I wonder if poor Murray had a stroke and lost the ability to compose properly.
Maybe moff told him 'no more choirs' and that ruined everything