Racist core

ITT:post some racist albums,im going to make a chart

Fuck off Montie


RTJ3 too


great thread keep going



[insert 30917513856312096483205941576'82164307126412738056031247632108756023460123654215 NSBM albums]

>TPAB is racist
When is this meme going to die.

it's racist towards blacks

update lol


are we doing one per artist? we could put every AJJ album on here


Yeezus, All Amerikkkan Badass, R.A.P Music

yeh,one per artist


Johnny Rebel - For Segregationists Only

this thread is going places


good one user

t. upset white people


trash thread sage

it's post-ironic dude. we actually love all these albums.

Aw thanks
Fanisk - Noontide
Various - Hitler's Inferno - In Words, In Music 1932-1945 - Marching Songs Of Nazi Germany


Sabaton - Coat of Arms

Holy shit this is the most forced Sup Forums meme stop spamming this board



Boris - Flood
Vektor - Terminal Redux
Electric Wizard - Dopethrone


bash the fash


obligatory burzum


Beyonce - Lemonade

its already on the chart m8

Cultural appropriation = racism


put in joey badass' new album and kendricks upcoming one because thats bound to be more guilt tripping muh evil whiteys shit

Kendricks album wasn't even racist tho. The only people who think that are uninformed ans stupid. That being said, no it is not his best album. And no it's not a goat album.

only 5 slots left



i thought this was just going to be goofy immature humor, i was really shocked when on Objects of Desire they started singing about how the jews are the only race that matters


damn...really makes you think

Type O Negative - Slow, Deep, and Hard



That really makes me think.


what the fuck i hate these albums now

what the fuck i love these albums now

ok now tell me 50 songs on each album where they say something racist

go on, i'll wait

>Sufjan Stevens

What the fuck?

Electric Wizard?
Iggy Pop?

Neutral Milk Hotel are racist against Jews because Jeff wants to rape a young jew girl like pedophile disgusting because he wants to ruin her life.
Sufjan doesn't sing about black people on that album like wtf and he's Christian and christians are racists like all of them wtf.
Radiohead is racist against people who buy on Gucci and fat people.

They praise white people on I, The Witchfinder.
China gurls and tiny people.

What is racist about Pulp

lmao TPAB aint racist its about him evolving in fame and suicidal thoughts

No they don't, user.

It really is.
Kendrick fucking destroys gang culture

They are too British to be friendly to people from other nations (that's racism).
Yes they do, white men.

You think Pulp istoo British? You ever listened to The Kinks? I think they'd blow your damn mind.

The Kinks are not only racists, they're nazis.

illinoise wouldve been better