Is this supposed to be their own galaxy, or another one nearby?
Because if it's their own galaxy they'd have to be ridiculously far from it for it to look like this. Like, even with hyperdrives it would probably take them at least years to get to this point.
I think it's a dwarf companion galaxy because your right they wouldn't be able to get that far outside their own galaxy so quickly desu
Eli King
You guys are idiots. The ships in star wars break causality and travel faster than light like it's nothing. By conservative estimates the falcon is moving at thousands of light years an hour while in hyperdrive. They could easily leave their own galaxy with that kind of speed.
They would also arrive at their destination thousands of years before they ever left but hey, that's sci-fantasy.
Jose Jones
It all happened in a galaxy far, far away.
Julian Reyes
It could be a satellite galaxy, or a star cluster that formed along side the galaxy but wasn't sucked into it's gravity. Maybe their gravity is interactive enough to allow a hyperspace route
Joseph Miller
It could also just be a young star with an accretion disc.
Jose Reyes
Jack Price
Shit, you might be right.
Ethan Torres
Aaaaaaaaaaand NOW!!!!!
Robert Richardson
It's the galaxy but it's also Star Wars and that should be the least of your worries when it comes to science in a space fantasy.
Liam Wood
It's also spinning way too god damn fast.
Julian Roberts
But it's canon they don't ever leave their galaxy
Lincoln Rodriguez
>They would also arrive at their destination thousands of years before they ever left but hey, that's sci-fantasy. That's not how fucking going fast as fuck works.
Brayden Thomas
>faster than light neck yourself, hyperspace is a different dimension.
The Rakatan Empire discovered Hyperspace travel and used it to conquer the entire galaxy. The slave species gained access to Hyperspace travel through reverse engineering such technology. The discipline of understanding Rakata and other Wild Space tech is the study of exo-technology. The lightsaber is one such example of exo-technology.
Juan Nguyen
If it's a star shouldn't it be too bright to look at? Like if it's a young one it should be pretty small, which means they'd have to be pretty close, which means it would appear pretty bright.
Sebastian Murphy
Didn't Family Guy make a joke about this?
Cooper Diaz
citation please?
Michael Green
So they're looking at our galaxy?
Nicholas Ross
Or maybe Irvin Kershner just demanded a cool space picture and some guy ILM whipped together some green screen image.
Sebastian Brooks
Nothing exists outside the galaxy you dolt. It's called Wild Space for a reason.
Lincoln Myers
>he watches family guy
Aaron Lopez
"newly" formed star?
Ryder Foster
The Republic Fleet could orbit the sun of Coruscant.
Austin Jenkins
It's in a star cluster that's bound to the galaxy. They used hyperspace to go there via a hyperspace route. There are several known planets such as Rishi that's outside the normal galaxy.
Jason Martin
Looking at the maps of the SW galaxy, it seems like you can get from one end of the other to it in a day or so at hyperspace
So it'd be logical for a Rebel fleet that's just had its ass seriously kicked to be hiding outside the rim of the galaxy. It's a big sky.
Asher Harris
It's our galaxy even longer ago
Nathan Lopez
It's the Star Wars galaxy. In every piece of media where the galaxy was ever shown for any reason shown it looked exactly like that. Lando is flying right at it for goodness sake because he is going there. Because it's their galaxy. Because they wanted an iconic shot. Because fuck science watch a sci-fi if you want science, not a fantasy.
Anthony Morales
What's so hard to believe that it's the galaxy? They have hyperdrives. They could literally fly anywhere they want in very short time spans.
Jose Roberts
not if it isnt undergoing fusion yet
looks to be just on the cusp of fusion, like its a metaphor or some shit
Nolan Gray
Yeah but they're way outside the rim. In order for a galaxy to appear that small they'd have to be many hundreds or thousands of galaxy lengths away from it.
Pic related is how Andromeda would appear in our sky if it were brighter. If we're generous and say the galaxy the rebels are looking at is 5x larger, and therefore 5 times closer (assuming the galaxies are the same size) they'd still be 500 million light years away from it.
William Brooks
They're looking at Hell.
James Cruz
Don't you mean 500 thousand?
Hunter Ward
Yeah sorry.
But still, that's at least several days, if not weeks in hyperspace. I mean, I guess it's possible in that case, but super unlikely.
Nathan Powell
well they never fully explore there own galaxy in the new canon hyperspace route is fast but limited in some region out of it and you going much slower
Nicholas Wood
It's their own galaxy. They can get back there because their ships go really fast. You're not supposed to worry about those details you basement dwelling nigger.
Cooper Flores
>.5 past light speed
Han solo literally says this in the first movie you piece of shit.
Actually that's exactly how it works, get off your chinese cartoon board and read some fucking books.
Jaxon Davis
plenty exists it's just not mapped
Hunter Nguyen
Because that galaxy far far away is actually....
Leo Young
Is empire strikes back one of the most influential films of all time?
say you travel at the speed of slight for 10 years away from earth and travel back to earth at the speed of light for 10 years. you have aged 20 years but earth will have aged much longer and everyone you might have known will be dead
Dominic Morgan
technically you wouldnt age 20 years though sorry youre clock is running slower at the speed of light
so you would age less
Mason Jones
Could they not be in the outer rim?
Michael Reed
>you would age less
No, dude. You would age slower compared to the rest of the universe that wasn't traveling at light speed. Time would pass normally within your frame of reference, so twenty years would still be twenty years.
Lincoln Sanchez
I always assumed it was their own galaxy.
At that point in the story the rebels were a migrant fleet, regrouping and avoiding detection. It makes sense that they would be way the fuck out there. With hyperspace magic there's no reason they couldn't be that far out.
Leo Sanders
I know thats why i said youd age less. when youre traveling at the speed of light you wouldnt age normally, your clock is
time is relative so yes its compared to earth, but if you were just talking about your travels you would travel 20 years but you wouldnt have aged 20 year your clock would be slightly behind
Nicholas Nguyen
It takes an estimated two weeks to travel from one end of the galaxy to the other at their highest speed you dipshit. That view is from several galaxy lengths away. For what purpose would they be that far out in space? Also, according to the EU (ya I know it's not canon but whatever) the star wars galaxy is surrounded by a force barrier which disallows anyone from leaving the actual galaxy. Regardless of those two facts, the galaxy they're looking at is most likely the rishi maze galaxy.
Jason Davis
one of the neat things about galaxies is that there are many stars that exist outside of the main 'glowing cloud' that you think of as being the galaxy
but the probability that a star would be this far outside of the main disc is pretty small
it would be even more difficult to find it, in the unimaginable emptiness of space
as large as stars are, they are preposterously small compared to the distance between them
Chase Ramirez
same goes for our solar system and the oort cloud theres possibly billions dwarf planets in darkness
Liam Roberts
You're really not getting it. If you traveled at light speed you would only age slower from a frame of reference outside of the vessel you're traveling in. Within the vessel, time would appear to pass normally. So if twenty years passed from your frame of reference then you would age twenty years. Outside of the vessel more time would have passed.
Joshua Thomas
star wars hyperdrives can cross their galaxy in a matter of hours if it's a relatively clear route
if that's their galaxy, flying that far would only be like a week or so
But I think in the EU it was said to be the Rishi Maze or whatever, i think the fat diner alien in Ep2 mentions it. Don't know if it was in the canon before that, but its a dwarf satellite galaxy that flies around theirs
Tyler Walker
I think it's the neighbor galaxy, Rishi maze or something...
Jack Gray
I recall that I learned that your biological clock actually slows down though at higher velocities, yes relevant to an outside observer but so that you wouldnt actually age 20 years but slightly less. the frame of reference is important but your biological clock would be effected
Logan Gonzalez
No, he said you'd arrive thousands of years BEFORE you left which is absolutely fucking false.
Matthew Hernandez
>Within the vessel, time would appear to pass normally. So if twenty years passed from your frame of reference then you would age twenty years. Outside of the vessel more time would have passed. i understand that but i still this your biologicoal clock wouldn't have aged exactly 20 years traveling at the speed of light
i misread that yea that makes no sense you travel to the future because of the time dialation
Alexander Wood
>Also, according to the EU (ya I know it's not canon but whatever) the star wars galaxy is surrounded by a force barrier which disallows anyone from leaving the actual galaxy.
What ? can you elaborate on that? that sounds really, really, really stupid. Do the writers know how big would a force barrier that can enclose a whole fucking galaxy be? What powers it?
Isaiah Martinez
Why would you post a link that you can't understand? You don't go BACK in time by approaching the speed of light. Outside of your ship, time is going by very fast while you're aging normally. You'll return far in the FUTURE, not in the past.
Oliver Jackson
It just appears that way to an outside observer. If you have mass and are traveling at C then you will experience no time whatsoever (you will also be dead, but there's that)
Hyperspace/bleed/transwarp and all that shit get around this limitation
Ian James
Why would you reply to a post chain you can't understand? Read it all again then apologize.
John Stewart
Looks like a blue giant and the proto-planetary disk or a nebula.
Thread of faggots right here.
Easton Cooper
Nothing "powers" it really. In the EU it's called a "hyperspace disturbance". It took a dozen Jedi to get through the barrier with a single ship. Apparently there's also an opening along the rim that allowed the Yuuzhan Vong to enter the galaxy from their own galaxy.
Hunter Campbell
>if it's a young one it should be relatively small's your sign.
Jace Robinson
ok i gotcha. shame we will never be able to go .5C
Do you think ripping spacetime infront of a spaceshit is the only logical way for spacetravel?
Jackson Campbell
How much food and water did they have to bring with them on those fucking enormous ships? Or did they have some means of spontaneously generating those?
Also, travel in hyperspace takes hours, sure, but what about the humans and droids traveling on the ship? How long does it take to go the distances between crucial locations on a large starship?
Leo Hernandez
>Sup Forums - applied astrophysics
Landon Gutierrez
>for what purpose
Oh I dunno, hiding from the empire
Jacob Jones
That's not "a galaxy" they're looking at you mental midgets (aside from the whole star field which constitutes part of their own galaxy). The bright central object is a stellar core surrounded by an accretion disk of gases.
Cameron White
>Time to go visit my old friend Maz >proceed to travel faster than light >Maz is dead and her temple is in ruins when they get there and search the overgrown rubble to find the lightsaber Time dialation would have made episode vii better
Isaiah White
Andromeda is also like 5x bigger than our own galaxy.
anyway, lucas thought that that scene would look pleasant. it makes no sense, and nothing like that is ever shown again.
Michael Parker
>thousands of years before they ever left
What does the word, "BEFORE" mean to you? He (or you, most likely) claims their arrival PRECEEDS their departure, meaning they go BACKWARDS in time.
That is absolutely WRONG. That's not how time dilation works. Good lord, read your own fucking link you moron. Interstellar made this a very easy concept and you're still fucking this up.
Brody Martinez
>i misread that yea that makes no sense you travel to the future because of the time dialation
correct :)
Mason Young
for all the crap episode ii gets and it does deserve some, at least its a star wars movie
Jonathan Thompson
>still too stupid to understand reply chains
Holy shit you're a literal retard. Maybe you should fuck off to reddit since Sup Forums is clearly too complicated for you.
Jaxson Collins
Wild Space is a part of the galaxy that is unmapped, not outside the galaxy, you dumpkoff
Kevin Green
Oh my god this idiot actually thinks "your biological clock slows down" means you actually age slower relative to your own perception of time.
for fuck's sake stop watching shit tier sci fi fantasy flicks and go to school
Mason Kelly
That was an EU thing.
Ryan Butler
The whole context of the closing scene, taking the film itself (primary canon) without any book-helps or nonsense, makes /pretty clear/ that that galaxy is "their" galaxy.
-The rebel fleet has been routed, and needs a quiet place to hide out. extreme deep space seems like a good idea, maybe. It's been a while but between Empire and Jedi, I seem to remember meme-chatter about "the rendezvous point". This deep-space hellhole is clearly one such place, in any event - the fleet is partially together at least.
-Every figure in the frame is regarding THAT galaxy, THAT place. The Falcon is flying back towards it, on a new mission. All of this has both factual and emotional content: the film has been spent getting beaten down, on the run, the chips are down. But we're alive, we've got hope, and we need to re-adjust, because it's all about THAT place, THAT thing --- THAT galaxy, which really is THAT "galaxy far, far away". (no need for labria puns).
-We are of course in a fantasy story first, and a sci-fi story second. So maybe they have the tech to go out there! Maybe they caught some wormhole or other plot device which need not be mentioned atm, doesn't matter.
Brandon Butler
>Nothing exists outside the galaxy you dolt.
Luke Gonzalez
You're right, I misread your post. I thought you were defending him. Im drunk and irritated. My bad.
Jace Barnes
nigger i took ap physics 9 years ago. i get time dilation, i took physics in college also but that was 5 years ago.
Scifi flicks are too boring especially when people like nolan beat you over the head with exposition.
my point stems from this. we on earth are careening through space, but when i get into a car, and drive, even though its negligible my biological clock would age slightly less, when in in the car, compared to if i wasnt moving. i would age normally nobody is saying you dont, but its this effect that would compound if you were to travel at speeds that werent negligible compared to the earths velocity
Elijah Foster
>In order for a galaxy to appear that small they'd have to be many hundreds or thousands of galaxy lengths away from it.
Damn, you're completely right
Jaxson Stewart
Pretty sure its just a star or a quasar or something like that.
Leo Gutierrez
It's OK user we all make mistakes.
Thomas Edwards
Gabriel Murphy
yea it looks like a star forming senpai
which ironically works better than a galaxy thematic wise. lucas males pottery without even knowing it himself
Ayden Thompson
>tfw no Yuuzhan Vong war kino directed by Zack Snyder
James Cruz
You only appear to age slower from an outside frame of reference. You would perceive and experience time exactly the same no matter what speed you were moving at.
Luis Rogers
>most intelligent thread on Sup Forums in years >it's about a George Lucas movie
How the fuck did this happen
Jordan Russell
Adrian Myers
Angel Hernandez
There's literally nothing wrong with midichlorians.
Austin Moore
I agree theres nothing wrong with them because star wars is a samurai western fantasy comedy space opera
Jace Price
So what I go on Reddit... Grow up dude, this is a public board for anyone, not your personal space for misogyny and other dumb shit... Jesus Christ..
Asher Hall
Just going by what's seen in the movies travelling the Galaxy is trivial. A few weeks at most, if not hours.
So without bringing the EU into it there is no reason to assume they didn't just take a long road trip. Maybe not far enough to go to the next Galaxy over, but still enough to get a nice view.