The lyrics


Other urls found in this thread:

Im like bitch who is ur parents
Cant reach the the top of the counter

i gave her dick, she a man (ay)


the death grips of our generation


holy fuck you're right




A lotta effort for a dumb shitpost!

inb4 XXXS

death grips are already the death grips of our generation.

is he wearing boys clothes


>that cashier laughing

took me a bit but when it clicked it was kek

fuckin kekd

That made me skin crawl because of how horrible those words were


reminder that XXXTentaction is so good in bed that his gf cheated on him

this whole thread is gold

His pregnant gf cheated on him with another guy.

Also the kid isn't his lmao

>race: U
what the fuck is this supposed to be?

>5' 6"
>120 lbs

Unknown (as in his career)

>tfw asian
>tfw dude's smaller than me

I have taken bigger shits than this guy

what's your diet? trying to get on that level



>120 lbs
>born in 98


eyeroll worthy

Its an ok post but toy dnt have to samefag for attention


more like XXXD

Wtf i love xxxtentacion now