What's the deal with father john misty?

is he a fake?

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He was post-ironic, but now he's starting to mix it with new sincerity in a weird combination

He's pretty insufferable though

my brother saw him live last year, according to him he is very real

I could say things but I won't as I'm not that kind of person

>but now he's starting to mix it with new sincerity in a weird combination
he hates the word new sincerity

He seems like he has ASPD,or NPD, or both.

Good, because I'm going to keep using it

He is faggot

his schtick is insufferable, but there are moments where it comes off well such as "The Night Josh Tillman Came to Our Apt"

He's like the Millenial version of Randy Newman.


>tfw Ameriplebs can't handle Half Man Half Biscuit banter

I started listening to hmhb just for the reason of if I ever met them I would know wtf they were on about

As good a reason as any desu




I like him.

Ironic how he uses a stage name to communicate what he's really like, and that, according to him at least, his J.Tillman records were very try hard, and wanted to speak on complex issues and sound overly moody.

I like that he can talk about more mundane things on a deeper level. I have a love-hate thing going on with ILYHB because I can't listen to it without thinking of my ex, but I just love most of the tracks.

Irish Republican prisoner of conscience?


Father John Misty is not post-ironic or "newly sincere" in any way.

He read a Wikipedia page on Infinite Jest and he thinks that makes him intelligent.

hes so handsome...ugh.......

lol same about ILYHB
such an ex-gf record