Has kino gone too far??

Has kino gone too far??

Cinematic Universes were a mistake.

pls be fake

also appropriate digits

Everybody wants to be Avengers.

This is no different than all of the YA adaptations following Harry Potter.

As Hollywood dies, its trends are getting more elaborate and difficult to emulate.

Nope, found on Wikipedia for Scooby Doo movie reboot (S.C.O.O.B)

Do you people realize there has been a Hanna-Barbera universe for ages? It was just always in cartoons and not put on film

I don't really consider this a bad idea inherently, because it's already established.

Hanna-Barbera's Agents of S.C.O.O.B.?

I feel a television universe is different than a movie universe. In a movie, you have an hour and a half to tell a story. A universe does not work in this format. In a television show, you have hours and seasons to tell a story, so a universe isn't shittily forced into a small pocket. Who gives a fuck if Fred Flinstone shows up in 1/100 episodes of Dudley Do-right.

Phase 1

The Incredible Fred
Shag-Man 2
Captain Daphne
The Mystery Gangvengers
Agents of S.C.O.O.B

I expect them to do like they did with Who Framed Roger Rabbit where it's just an assload of cameos or something.

I don't mind that if it fits the scope of a single movie. I hate the whole setting up for a tangentially related movie thing, but that's just me.

>forgetting guardians of the mystery
>not liking rocket scrappy

Phase 2 include Yogi Bear, Huckleberry Hound and Laff-A-Lympics

Honestly this all sounds so retarded that I would probably see each movie on opening night.

Guardians of the mystery is phase two

>Dastardly and Muttley live action directed by George Miller

Please Hollywood

Harvey Birdman CU when?

>Harvey birdman movie
Sign me up

Shag-Man 3: Shag Harder.
Shag-Man 4: Super Shag
Velmor 2: Yog free or Boo harder.

Well if it's anything like this I'm on board

I'm actually hype for this

>Teasing me about more HB
Fuck both of you

Right after we get more Sealab and golden age Adult Swim returns

>It's a Fred Flintstone fights Grand Dad episode