Is there a more vindicated person on the internet right now?
Is there a more vindicated person on the internet right now?
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still in denial? it wasn't bad
More vindicated?
Against whom has he taken his vengeance?
Those thin ass lips...gross
DSLs are for cocksuckers aka women, you fucking faggot.
These guys gonna apologize?
Vindicated against what? Rolfe didn't care about the movie, said his piece and moved on. I bet he wasn't even following news on it in the first place after the trailers.
You got any more Trashman pics, I want to bring them back
t.alcohol fetal cuck
of course not
effen saved
Adolf "I literally did nothing wrong" Hitler.
>insult the fanbase
>wonder why movie tanks
>that feig tweet
Wow what a faggot
Vindicated how? It's a critical darling and on track to make more than the original, inflation-adjusted.
>that clip were she get offended by her national flag.
But I guess she prefers the sickle and hammer emblem.
based james dgaf
I don't see how he's "vindicated"
All the same people who had a problem with what he said seem to have enjoyed the movie, it does have decent reviews right now on rotten tomatoes
Before you say who cares about rotten tomatoes, not me, but surely if somebody is going to be "vindicated" then public opinion matters right?
She prefers arab cock.
I'm not even a Kraut and that triggers me.
If she didn't want it, why'd she grab it in the first place?
> It's a critical darling
The movie turned out to be mediocre and not the total disaster he claimed that it would be.
>Reboot some film
>People complain that it looks like shit
>Nothing happens
>Reboot Ghostbusters
>People complain that it looks like shit
>mfw ghostsbusters always sucked
>mfw two fat bitches and a lesbo
>mfw gorilla grodd is cast in the movie
All these faggots seriously wrote articles about James' not reviewing the movie? He's not even that popular what the fuck do they care?
75% on RT. That's a darling in my book.
>He's not even that popular
He pretty much started the whole buttblasted internet reviewer gimmick. He's famous in those parts, which is why all those other e-celebs got mad that the godfather of internet reviewing shit on their movie.
>mfw James is playing Trump Level 4D chess and exposing critics for what they are while maintaining his actual sweethearted game and movie nerd persona
One thing I really liked about the original Ghostbusters is if I didn't like it, million dollar wouldn't hire people to call me sexist.
Thats literally their job.
Journalism in 2016.
The New York Tiumes did a follow up hit piece which says his video refusal to review Ghostbusters 2016 while saying nothing overtly wrong, it has "whiffs of misogyny" and then SURPRISE they were on the outlets giving the new movie a glowing and unprofessionally written review.
>The New York Times
>personally attacking a man who spews expletives at old video games
4D chess. Rolf for President when?
What, did it bomb?
>Hillary Clinton Looks to Ghostbusters Cast to Boost Feminist Cred
Alright so they got that, I'm still confused on how none of these shit websites ever got their hands on this one to complain about it
You're a fucking retard then
RT? Like where any faggot is a critic? Ya whoop de doo.
It will not surpass the original, inflation adjusted or not
He's in their line of fire
thanks amigo
>75% on RT
I bet you preach Yelp reviews too.
>State that he's not going to see a movie, doing so with a video due to having a huge subscriber count
>Feminists and hack journalists get mad at him
>They shittalk him in articles and on social media
>His views skyrocket
>Get huge amounts of support from the average person
I think he did fine.
I mean, he's not internationally renowned or anything, but over two million subscribers seems decently popular. Not PewDiePie tier (holy fuck that faggot has nearly 50 million, what?), but decent.
He never needed to be vindicated, it was just people falling for dumb memes
only meme people hopped on the cuck meme.
Normal people never stopped watching and liking avgn because some autist made a cuck joke.
he is internationally renowned.
James is fucking based and every person who isnt a complete retard and has a career on the internet recognizes James for starting something big. He's been doing it since the early days of the internet and hasnt conformed to the bullshit populace of youtube algorithms to get better view counts.
avgn is a youtuber's youtuber, a gamer's gamer, a man's man and a nigga's nigga.
Did Paul Fieg really tweet about recording over the original Ghostbusters? That seems pretty silly considering that the original was probably recorded on film while new movies tend to be recorded digitally.
Paul Fieg is an unstable twat that has only lasted this long thanks to nepotism
Paul Fieg is the biggest cunt in the seven kingdoms