>Yeah I'm really into film. My favorite movies? Citizen Kane, Vertgo, Tokyo Story, 2001, Seven Samurai, the list goes on...
Yeah I'm really into film. My favorite movies? Citizen Kane, Vertgo, Tokyo Story, 2001, Seven Samurai, the list goes on...
>my favorite movies are Moon, In Bruges, and The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford
>you've probably never heard of them they're pretty obscure
>i'm pretty much a cinephile
>Being this mad that you don't have patrician taste
>thinking you have patrician taste for having no thoughts of your own and just liking whatever critics like
>liking babby's first Criterioncore is patrician
>Not listening to critics to become more patrician
>listening to critics means mimicking an aggregate of their tastes
>Rick & Morty is hilarious
>being proud of having shit taste
>trying to shame others for appreciating higher quality art
Wew lad
>that list
>high quality
>Citizen Kane
>Seven Samurai
My ex's favs.
>If it just so happens that many critics like a film, you're just copying them and can't genuinely like it based on your own reasoning
Do you really need to be so cynical?
except the list in the OP is literally the top 5 from sight and sound
*blocks your path*
heh heh...typical...
*top 4 plus seven samurai
For real tho, 2001 is the most fedora movie ever made. Either 2001 or Fight Club.
At this point the only reason to watch any of those movies is to understand all the references and derivations in other media.
>it's the 'art quality is objective' meme again
These memes belong on reddit, friend.
Are there any movies you can list before saying that you're a cinephile that doesn't make you sound like an asshole?
This board is fucking garbage.
Pretty much any modern action or comedy movie.
dumb frogposter
Based Fredposter.
>This board is fucking garbage.
This board is fucking garbage.
Anything from James Cameron
Citizen Kane, Vertigo, Tokyo Story, 2001, Seven Samurai, Moon, In Bruges, The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford, the list goes on...
>yeah, I'm a film connoisseur. My favorite movie? 悪い奴ほどよく眠る, Ceгoдня yвoльнeния нe бyдeт, 2 ou 3 choses que je sais d'elle, L'événement le plus important depuis que l'homme a marché sur la lune, 素晴らしき日曜日
>I like Green Room, The Master, anything and everything by PTA, Mad Max Fury Road, Lord of the rings, Intertellar, Sicario, Inherent Vice, Spring Breakers, Pompeii, Frank, Lost In Translation, Under the Skin,
>you know only top tier cinema
good movies
name ONE good movie. ONE.
Ocean's Eleven
not an argument
I only watch kino
Not him but i liked harold and maude
but Alien is a flick of the lowest caliber, your taste is under serious scrutiny here
heres your reply senpai
>pic related
I wasn't asking you for a rating, I already know you can't judge anything
I think alien is great because at the very least its a metaphor for the destructiveness and hostility of space
even WITHOUT raping Aliens
I want children off this board
you better watch yourself talking to your superior like that Cameron
or what, you'll show me more Ripley tube ass?
legit lol
how about this one then
That list of films is superb. Just because everyone knows them or they're cited so frequently doesn't mean there's anything wrong with liking them. They're a popular choice for a reason. I don't know why people are so hung up on having obscure or different films in their favourites list.
Looks breddy good
name of movie/movies?
I don't think the point here is to say that people who like the films listed in OP have bad taste (though they really should explore more and develop their own taste; that said to normies they would appear to be saying incomprehensible gibberish, we often forget we know more about film than most people I think), but that anyone pompous enough to be proud of their taste in film, to brag about it like that, and especially to refer to themselves as a cinephile of all things, is a fucking twat and deserves to die. I mean, I don't necessarily love all the OP films but it's hard to deny the importance they all hold and the quality with which they were made. Whether they're good or not is up to you
On the silver globe.
it was confiscated by the polish government for a decade and was unfinished but its pretty great and weird therefore due to its own history
thanks boyo
on the silver globe
it's trash
only made for true plebs
if you enjoy it you are a dirty plen
the plenniest of the plens
I thought it was pretty insightful concept
>They're a popular choice for a reason.
because tasteless children don't know better
what exactly does it gives insight to
It's usually because people mistake things that are profound, groundbreaking, or iconic for things that are good. Then, they mistake things that are considered good for things they like.
that astronauts colonizing a planet could lead to their offspring creating barbaric societies that dont resemble the astronauts at all. thus what is the point
So what I go on Reddit... Grow up dude, this is a public board for anyone, not your personal space for misogyny and other dumb shit... Jesus Christ..
Nice retort
My favorites are Paris, Texas and Syndromes and a Century. I've watched and enjoyed all of these:
Do I sound like an asshole?
dumb frogposter
fucking nerd faggot get fucked you gay faggot kid
The Matrix is an objectively good movie.
who, semen, demon, etc.
lmao kid thata gross
muh diiiccc
you're too kind anons
Give me a source, I don't go for solo shit but damn I'll watch anything she does.
aaaaaaaaah my willyyyyyy
unsaucable jewbs are the best jewbs
I'd be a lot angrier but I'm typing one handed, might rip my dick off.
you're funny
Is it really really like this?
you tell me
a fan of Jesse James must of fucked your gf eh? (or your mom in case you don't have a gf)
It is. I'm done, see you in hell demon.
I think it's safe to say you like The Machinist without being a Fedora while still showing good taste. Just drop a Kafka while you talk about it and it's kind of tough to argue.
stop i can only report so much
No I can't do it, please post more or give source kind user sir/madam.
lol based mods
Please don't leave me to die with this boner.
2001 is one of the few films that can truly be considered art
>implying you know anything about art
Go on, what is art?
It's a step above kino
>this guy
Wrong, sorry bud. You can try again if you'd like.
I'm a pleb and too lazy to improve, it's just entertainment
>Wanting to talk about Tarantino
>People roll their eyes
>Wanting to talk about Refn
>"Oh I've seen Drive!"
no u
>Any Kubrick film can't be considered art
Tarantino is overrated frat boy and Fedora garbage. Kill Bill Vol 1 is perfect. From Dusk till Dawn is great, and the protector is amazing, but everything else is pretentious tripe.
>From Dusk 'Til Dawn
Written by him, same as True Romance, but not directed. I guess that only supports your argument.
Pretentious? I'd say if anything he's just juvenile. Middle-brow at best (Jackie Brown)
hes right
He's pretentious because he sticks his name in giant letters after carving a swastika into a nazi's forehead and having a character literally say "I think this might be my best work yet." I just hate his dialogue. At first it was neat, but why the Fuck should I watch 3 hours of boring garbage, again and again and again. He just jerks himself off everywhere over all of his movies. You're right, it's not highbrow pretentious, but for entry level upper middle class kids that think fight club is good, you might as well as well put on Une Chein Andalou.
How's my list?
The Third Man
Seven Samurai
Jesus Christ Superstar
Blade Runner
Sex, Lies and Videotape
Do the Right Thing
Groundhog Day
A Taste of Cherry
Plebeian or patrician?
No, he wrote a sentence about what Sup Forums likes without saying anything after making a stupid statement.
Fair points, but I guess I've always been a bit hipster about my movie choices. My good taste lies elsewhere.
I actually think Hateful 8 is QT's best work since Jackie Brown. It's still horribly flawed because of his ego, but it's a much more nuanced way of depicting race relations than Django Unchained (fun-ish but overlong and kind of shitty). Unlike that film, Hateful 8 is about two total opposites (black guy who hates Confederates, and ex-Confederate racist) realizing that they must stop hating each other and fight the true evil present in their world, and I think it does a really good job of carrying that central theme. It's just so much other shit in the film really drags it down.