Anyone else excited for Kong: Skull Island?

I like the cast and the story direction. Glad its not another remake and more of a sequel to the original with the setting being the 70s and the island itself.

Hope we get a trailer at comic con.

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so looks like we are getting the trailer next week


Last thing I saw him in was crimson peak, and I didn't have any issues with his performance

Hooray for you.
I still say nope.

He was good in High Rise too. Not sure I buy him as an action man though.

How big is Kong gonna be? Like 100 feet?

You'll never fuck tay anyway user

Looks... boring.

By boring I mean 'Terminator Genesys' boring.
You know, when they pick a good movie and then remake it in a shitty action-y way that has none of the charm or good things of the movie?

Yeah, that kind of movie.

will this skull island be as disturbing as Jackson's version of skull island?

>action man
Some shit just can't be unseen.

He'd make a good Bond but I tire of his capeshit character

Maybe they'll make Kong female. For diversity and shit.

interview with director
>“The film takes place in the ’70s,” he continued. “The ’70s was a time where it was believable that we could still be confronted with myth. And there was still unknown in the world.” At the start of the decade, NASA launched a satellite program later known as LANDSAT, which involved satellites mapping the world from space – the end of that “unknown.” In the film, “this island pops up,” leading the characters to investigate.

>Hiddleston plays an ex-British SAS tracker; Larson is a war photographer, “who’s seen all sorts of terrible, terrible things.” Vogt-Roberts avoids any specific details about what they find on the island, but he’s adamant about what they don’t find. “We’re very explicitly not telling the beauty and the beast story,” he says. “The original is a classic, the ’70s version is great for what it is, and Peter’s version is a great retelling of the 1933 film.”

>Instead, ‘Skull Island’ digs into the mythos of Kong’s homeland. And a key part of that mythos is, well, size. “The thing that most interested me was, how big do you need to make [Kong], so that when someone lands on this island and doesn’t believe in the idea of myth, the idea of wonder – when we live in a world of social and civil unrest, and everything is crumbling around us, and technology and facts are taking over – how big does this creature need to be, so that when you stand on the ground and you look up at it, the only thing that can go through your mind is: ‘That’s a god.’” Pretty big, we’re guessing? “You will see when we drop a trailer,” Vogt-Roberts teases.

Also this movie features the Monarch organization from Godzilla '14.

Trailer next week. Pretty hyped desu

He'd make a beta Bond and the double entendres would sound even smarmier than usual.

>"it ain't me" starts playing

wouldn't be surprised

Not into girls, actually.

>tfw Godzilla vs King Kong got shoved back till 2020

Well Kong doesn't come out until 2017, then we have to wait for Godzilla 2, so a 2020 release for Kong vs Godzilla makes sense I guess.

Oh I remember watching this in theatres. Freaked the shit out of me

That shit reminded me of Berserk, both the Lost Children arc, and the Eclipse.

Fucking love that tropical but not comfy or paradisiac at all style, whitout coconut trees or nice beaches

I am excited for Hiddleston. He looks so good without his ridiculous long hair and make up from Thor.

So like Godzilla 14?
I mean don't get me wrong, it was a technically decent film (as in pacing, camera work, acting and what not was solid), but it was mostly just kinda plain.

Nope, you are literally the only person excited for this movie. There isn't even one other person excited for a big budget reboot of a classic monster movie.

Half life monsters

I am suspicious that you may actually be Hiddleston shilling. Or a horny landwhale.