Friend's gf is bipolar

friend's gf is bipolar.....

he says she has gone off to clubs and fucked strangers. then comes back and cries for forgivness

is that really a bipolar thing?

i havent dealt with any girls like this.

Your friend is a cuck.

I dated a bipolar girl in college. Extremely unstable, even with medication. I don't know how bad she was on the spectrum, but zi think it was pretty bad. She would do all kinds of unpredictable shit and then wallow in sadness after the fact.

No, she's just an idiot who wants to have her cake and eat it too. In this world there are reasons, there are pretexts, and there are excuses. She is using an excuse that she hopes to masquerade as a reason.

That's not bipolar, that's just being a whore.

hypermania,yes when shes at the club
hypomania,yes,when shes at home
get her medicated or dump the crazy

Yes I've seen it happen to someone before

> /Thread

That isn't bipolar she's abusing her condition as an excuse to be a gutter whore, should have ditched her the first time, it doesn't matter what the excuse is, bipolar, drunk etc etc they still chose to do what they did and they are responsible for those choices no compromises

Yes, it's often part of escalated manic episodes

Yeah, when they are on a manic fit, their sex drive can be insatiable.

Fucked a wild little bipolar whore last night, did her in most rooms of the house plus out on the back lawn and rear deck of my house, come morning she didnt even know?
Have been with another bipolar chick once before she was married with a kid and when she would wig out would just go fuck randoms like is wasnt a thing
Bipolar is a nasty nasty thing best advice is stay clear they will convince you your mad too
very convincing and often very clever they learn to be to cover all the lies and madness

Stay clear at all costs

I'm bipolar, that shit she's pulling is called being a slut. She may be manic and hypersexual, but that's not an excuse to fuck other people. She has an outlet for her hypersexuality, she doesn't need to fuck other dudes.

And has she been diagnosed by a doctor or is she just calling herself bipolar so she can get away with shit?

Good point diagnosed and of meds self medicating is way different to edgy self diagnosed whores

This. Steer clear. Not worth the effort to be with a bipolar girl. The world will always be revolving around them and their mood. So much work. Not worth it.

I've pulled some typical bipolar shit when I was unmedicated/undiagnosed, but it's still not an excuse for how I behaved.

Greentext bipolar whore stories

i wonder what percentage of rape cases have bipolar victims/accusers

lots im sure


Dated a BPD / bipolar girl for a while, she did shit like this from time to time, she tried to cover it up by saying she was "poly" or whatever, but it's a common thing in mood disorders like this.

BPD people will have rampant sexual outings as a way to numb or distract from strong emotions they can't deal with, along with alcohol / substance abuse, cutting and other compulsive behaviors. Bipolars will do this too, usually in manic stages and then regret it afterwards and get really sad and try to fix their lives or cry about it (depressive), usually resulting in coping mechanisms that will trigger another manic episode and thus the cycle restarts.

The only way to fix this is with therapy and medication, usually therapy more often than not. If she's not getting either, he needs to leave her, it will NOT get better by itself and he'll end up emotionally scarred and questioning his own sanity by trying to rationalize irrational behavior.

interesting. i bet there are a bunch of guys staying with girls like this, if they are 9/10s pr 10/10s

I know a bipolar girl who did this exact thing immediately after it was clear her relationship was going to get very serious.

she begged Her bf's forgiveness and he got her an engagement ring within a month. she's never come close to cheating since.

but still, she fucked a stranger in one night. that would really fuck with my respect for her.,

Absolutely. They are generally VERY good at getting dick and even if they're 6s or 7s, they can be extremely seductive when they're in their hypersexualized moods. Picking up girls like this is easy, as long as you don't trip one of their emotional triggers, which is usually done unconsciously.

The issue being with this is that they tend to either become disgusted with you after the fact when they come to their senses and/or sober up OR create emotional attachments right off the bat. Their brains are miswired to see emotional connections in everything and are very sensitive to serotonin and oxytocin, which are released in droves during sex and involved activities.

Bipolar ex was hyper sexual. I thought I hit the jackpot when we first started fucking. Then all of the baggage of her disorder came around and pounded out all of my patience. Prepare for a roller coaster ride.

emotional triggers probably having to do with daddy issues?

No, they just have mood swings over the most minute things.

I guess I'm lucky. I've been with my bipolar gf for over 4 years, and have never had a bad day with her. She has that shit under control with medication. Her sex drive is higher than any girl I've ever been with too.

Not even remotely. That's a common assumption, but no. Could be anything from hereditary mental issues, childhood trauma, PTSD, etc. Emotional triggers or whatever you want to call them are just things that make someone with strong emotional reactions *feel* things that are uncomfortable. Most people with mood disorders, especially BPD, are unable to process the feelings correctly. Getting bummed equals despair, annoyance turns into rage, and the feelings are so overwhelming they have to do something to get it to stop.

It is a bipolar thing.
What they choose to do with it, is a different issue, because unless treated (and in some cases if...) it will keep going. Typically this gets worse, not better with age.

(I'm doing a PhD in psychology, so I may know a thing or two)

That's good to hear. Just make sure she stays on those meds. My ex was pretty unpredictable even with medication, and when she stopped taking it without telling anyone, it became obvious really quickly that she was completely out of control.

Exactly. In the beginning, it's awesome, usually cause they're trying REALLY hard to keep it under control so they don't scare you off. Once you're ensnared, they let it go and you're fucked.

Study some humility... Oh snap!

Yeah, she's fully aware that she needs those to keep it under control. When her doctor tries to change shit up, she flat tells him no. The stuff she takes now works great, and she doesn't see the need to fuck with that.

Poor Decision making can be a facet of her diagnosis, especially on the Manic phase

im in school to be a psychiatrist specializing in chronic mental disorders such as bipolar. This behavior seems like she is just expressing guilt. I do not know if I have ever heard of someone blaming bipolar as the reason theyre a whore. Honestly, she is full of shit. Tell your friend to get a new gf.

To continue on this, the other way that people deal with this type of hypersexuality is to have 'open' relationships. I recently slept with a married girl who has "an understanding" with her husband. I wasn't aware of this until recently, but apparently, instead of ruining their relationship, they just fuck whoever they want, but still live together and have their life, although I think she takes advantage of it a lot more than he does.

Obviously this doesn't work for most people and it's probably not very healthy (she has some deep seated childhood issues and emotional problems, while still being semi-functional), but it's not my issue to deal with.

epic shit post
or your failing school
or both

Even with meds they are still fucked up. The meds can also enhance the reactiveness of their emotions till they get it right. Then when they don't do their meds look out. Sexuality is a big part of their bi-polar disorder. And it is a disorder.

This is pretty true. I've now been involved with four women who were bipolar:
1. was a fuck buddy who would fuck me whenever I wanted with no strings, but every now and then would end up in hospital. Would not want to be her partner because she could not stay faithful at all.
2. Was fine usually but every now and then would get upset and needy over little stuff. She know about her bipolar and was consciously trying to keep everything under control. Smoked too much weed and was willing to fuck in some unusual places.
3. Was someone I lived with. Was usually great but every now and then she would have a melt down and start throwing stuff all over the place, breaking phones, dishes, books, doors, and shit. She would get violent too. I really didn't like it when she was manic like that. She would also lie and sometimes sleep around.
4. Was batshit crazy. She wanted a boyfriend who would love her but she was an ugly fat cow so I would just use her sometimes for blowjob. She threatened to make false rape and violence accusations against me unless I became her boyfriend, so I ran as quickly as I could.

In summary: bipolar often involves being hypersexual, which is fun in bed sometimes, but it involves mania that can lead to unpredictability, lies, infidelity, and risk-taking behavior. Overall, it's better to have a bipolar girl as a fuckbuddy than a girlfriend. Meds help too, as does weed in moderation.

i'm bipolar and i'm perfectly fantastic. stop assuming my lithium level, faggot.

Why bother with a bipolar? Can't you get a nicer GF?

Would you say you're exactly the same as normal or are is your condition just well balanced so it doesn't become disruptive?
If the former, then congrats! I've only ever seen examples of the latter. It's a very tough condition.

i have to be on meds or i start acting like a lunatic. i used to self medicate with hard narcotics. i wouldn't wish this on anybody else. lithium is a godsend, though.