Daily reminder that basic-face worse-than-Maddie only continues to have a career due to 'Maddie vs Chloe' fandom heat.
Daily reminder that basic-face worse-than-Maddie only continues to have a career due to 'Maddie vs Chloe' fandom heat
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I have no idea what you just said.
who cares
this is the future
Why is she so smug bros?
one smug maddie > all smug brynns
she knows she's the new /queen/
Hey fuck off Chloe is a cute!!!!!! Shame she's gonna look like her mom.
But holy fucking shit i miss Brooke, most beautiful fucking girl.
Oh? Oh, that's interesting. This is from Dance Moms, right? The television show that pedophiles masturbate to? Oh, that's quite a revelation, that little tidbit of news.
Or, to put it another way, WHO GIVES A FUCK?
Why don't you guys ever talk about these?
Hey any alternative to cu(-)nny chan? i miss it
Brooke had fat ass though.
literally the prettiest and holy shit that body
>there are regular dance moms threads on Sup Forums
I wouldn't have minded them 3 years ago.
Neo Sup Forums eat shit.
No one here knows shit about dance, maybe if we talked about the dances these threads wouldn't get deleted. It's so stupid, they are on a TV SHOW no need to delete!!!
She's okay. The other DM girls acknowledge her on social media and she doesn't return the favor. What the f*ck is she so busy with?
Literally riding on the coattails of her sister.
Should've booted that bitch seasons ago.
I kinda like their jewtube desu senpai
she was until puberty rekt'd her shit
Sorry, dickhead. The mods do their job and guess who helps them out? I'm here to talk film, not pedoshit.
Makenzie is talented as well.
thanks for proving me right buddy
Does Chloe have a lazy eye?
like hell she is. she does acrobatic parlor tricks.
when the hell was the last time she got a solo?
Eh, when they were kids, sure.
they're still kids, the age difference between you hasn't changed