Hold it Sup Forumsoys!

Hold it Sup Forumsoys!

This is a STEM field master race only thread

MechE reporting in

Material Engineering

Women's studies

CompE reporting

Biomedical engineering
Chemistry minor

I hate my life

computer science here

Comp Sci here, hating my advanced C++ class

Electrical and Mechanical Dual major master race reporting in

Anyone have any suggestions for a cool internship to apply to?

I need a 3 month one over this summer

Hopefully "advanced C++" is nothing but template metaprogramming.

Mathematics major / Physics minor reporting in

Physicist here

Been doing some superconductors research, specifically HTS YBCO.

Pic related

Med student

I should have studied biomedical engineering instead.

>Med student
hold up homes, this is a STEM thread. last I checked, the M stands for Mathematics. gtfo scrub.

Chem major here.


>I should have studied biomedical engineering
missed those reading comprehension classes, bud?

H-h-hey guys... IT Degree reporting in... Yay S-S-STEM, right guys?


Rare and Elusive MinE student

math grad student

but why

chemical engineering reporting in

Heya. Computer science here

Better change that major

Math/Physics Double Major here
All other fields are derivative
suck it, eng nerds

Someone plz ask me about my research

What is HTS YBCO

so elusive i dont even know what that is
what is it

room temperature when?

Can you make LSD?

CompE (leaning towards hardware) working on advanced assembly language rn

compsci major reporting

I'm guessing Mining maybe

Hopefully in our lifetime dude, but I can't act like we're making big steps lol. And no funding anymore.

Yttrium bariam copper oxide high temperature superconductor. Superconducts at 90K, and liquid nitrogen (which is cheapish) is 77K, so it doesn't need expensive liquid helium.

However, at liquid helium temps (4.2K), it has virtually 100% energy storage capability. You could stretch it out the length of the universe and still have signal at the end from a 9V battery

Bioinformatics MSc student here

>liquid helium temps (4.2K), it has virtually 100% energy storage capability. You could stretch it out the length of the universe and still have signal at the end from a 9V battery


Neuroscience/Psych minor checking in. Inb4 Psych jokes. I'm trying to do AI related work faggots.

kill urself and find a real field

Yeah but shitty thing is it needs to always be that cold or you have a critical failure and you lose hundreds of thousands of dollars

I guess last night I'll mention is in the pic in the first post, that is actually some wire that was in liquid helium, during a "critical current test". Basically, copper wire that's used in houses holds a certain amount of maximum current (and power in electricity = R*I^2) it can hold. This superconductor held 1000X more than copper could before it burned

Math major here

Wait until we perfect AI sexbots. You'll probably be first in line virgin.

>This superconductor held 1000X more than copper could before it burned
You wouldn't phrase the sentence like that if you were for real.

Mien Neger. Math/Physics fag here

I did a C++ major

Unless you're fucking good at math and can go do finance or engineering you're gonna have a bad time

have to add 4 more classes tomorrow, got a senior card for each of them but apparently that's not enough to garantee a spot anymore. wish me luck!


It's called dumbing it down needledong

Computer Science and Engineering here, also savvy enough in Chemistry and Physics that I reckon I could hold degrees in those subjects as well

Comp sci freshman
I was so scared it would be hard
>Mfw took AP comp sci
So when's it get hard?

CS major here sticking with web and soft development. So far web(HTML, java, etc) has been easy as balls

6th year senior here, the parts that i found most challenging were comp architecture and assembly code

science and knowledge of the world are satanic.

No, you're a fake.

there are DOZENS of us

>9 volt battery
>how are you gonna connect both ends of the battery retard

history major here but currently in CS188 for a semester

quite liking AI Studies over any overspecialized math courses that I could've taken

the world needs more people like us. we're the best.
source: i am a dr

EE here. Got a good laugh last year when a local university started calling it STEAM and added Arts to it. That lasted about 6 months and they went back to calling it STEM like everyone else.

Why? I'm a Chem E and thinking of doing BioMedical E as a postgrad. Is it bad?

does construction management count?

>tfw no aerospace eng yet

am i special guys?

GEMS Engineering, that's Gender Ethnics Multicultural studies for all you ignorant faggots