>Super 8 meets Half Life and meets Powerpuff Girls
Had a few problems but overall i think it was pretty good.
I wasn't ready for the pregnant boy finale
Stranger things
On episode 7 right now
Holy shit Netflix really is the next HBO. If Netflix renews this show and orders more similar to it, we could definitely see a drama/mystery renaissance in the next two years.
Because for once, content doesn't simply make money by being watch-baiting anymore with endless commercials about it being driven into the eyes of the absentminded. Content now has to stand on its own two feet to even gain a footing in this day and age of television. I fucking love it
>inb4 shill for netflix
Nigger nigger nigger allah ackbar
I just finished.
Like half the time my asshole was fucking sealed shut I was so tense. Fuck, this really was some fucking kino right here.
Also, this is how you do an 80's throwback right here. Shit felt straight-up Spielberg at times.
Desperately praying for a season 2 in hopes of more of my shaved headed waifu.
Netflix has been good for a while now. Anyone that disagrees is just a faggot. Even their pure entertainment stuff like Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Bojack and the new Voltron are all pretty damned good compared to what you would see on tv.
more like Super 8 and Half-life are derivative of the same stuff that Stranger Things is
This show is fucking mediocre. Can you enjoy it if you're not murrican?
Have you not finished it yet?
episode 6. So far it seems a show based on super 8 which I hated. Do the final 2 episodes really save it for me? I dont get it, I really think this must be something that appeals to Murrican culture.
I liked it a lot. I was shocked to learn it wasn't based on a Stephen King book lmao
Watched the first 3 episodes and so far it's been nothing but cliches from 80s movies.
The good cliches, or the bad cliches?
You've never watched a Spielberg movie? Or a John Carpenter movie? Or read a Stephen King novel?
How could you think this was JUST based on Super 8 (which btw is a pale imitation of Spielberg)?
>>Super 8 meets Half Life and meets Powerpuff Girls
Wow none of these are good. Thanks for the warning.
Like some of the Spielberg movies. Though close encounters was moderately interesting. Hated ET.
Some Carpenter movies are amazing.
Stephen King for the most part has written trash. Some of his books are good, but if you write enough you'll accidentally write something good.
Either way this feels like a kids show. Its not too smart. Not much happens. The dialogue is cringeworthy. Its seems to be mostly 80s style with little substance. I just dont get this show and usually Im all about scifi/horror.
OP's fucking retarded, ignore him. I don't know where in the fuck he got PPG from.
The early part of the season is extremely Spielberg-esque, to the point where it's basically E.T. Once shit gets moving though, it turns into something more akin to The Thing or a Stephen King novel.
There's shades of every 80's film under the sun though, including Ferris Bueller and Stand By Me.
Kill yourself already
Well, last two eps might grab you, I dunno. It gets more violent and creepy, if that's your bag.
>Its seems to be mostly 80s style with little substance.
I liked the show myself, but I kinda got this feeling as well. Like the setting was mostly about not having to work around the "cellphone problem" and pandering to nostalgia fags. People keep praising the soundtrack in particular, but to me it sounded so disjointed and like it was picked out by someone rifling through old best of the 80's shit. I looked up the Duffer Brothers because of this and sure enough those fuckers are only 32.
>I looked up the Duffer Brothers because of this and sure enough those fuckers are only 32.
Lol wtf.
>Super 8 meets Half Life and meets Powerpuff Girls
What the fuck? These are the comparisons you came up with? Are you autistic?
I liked it and I generally hate 80s shit, and I also hate modern shit trying to look 80s. It was in some weird middle ground where it actually gave me a solid erection the entire time I was watching it.
Camera at the end felt like I was betrayed by the show though.
it's kind of shit, but since i pay for netflix, i'm going to bloody well get my sixpence out of it, despite the wasted time and general self-loathing.
was I the only one who thought the paranormal stuff was the least interesting part of the series? If it were just a mystery about a missing kid in small town america that eventually came to paranomal conclusions i'd have been more invested but the way it immediately reveals ayylmaos i'm like, nah. Set dressing and atmosphere are 10's though.
What, Discount Dane DeHaan getting the camera? I thought that was a solid way to wrap up that arc, and I think it was implied that Discount Andrew Garfield was the one that gave him the gift.
Was surprised they went that route though, with Nancy choosing Chad's dick.
Seriously. Starting now, I'm going to start auto-dropping any 80's shit that has the balls to play Africa.
Based Steve was best character
Yeah the correct terminology is Spielbergian!
Also the entire thing where the mom starts dressing up the house in christmas lights and stuff is almost straight out of Third Encounters.
>fan of scifi/horror
>wants substance
Who are you?
I really wanted to like this, but this is on par with turbo kid and kung fury. At least super 8 was directed by someone that lived through the 80s. Even Everybody Wants some was a better "muh 80s" than this.
Why is Sup Forums praising this? This show is shit
Probably someone who reads a book once in a while, like Hyperion and excepts the genre to have substance on tv too.
Then again stuff like The Expanse goes beyond generic trash. But I guess you didnt like that show. Too much "smart" talk
>this is on par with turbo kid and kung fury.
I mean you don't have to like the show but you're taking it a little far there buddy.
It's a netflix show, tons of people just watch it and praise it for simply not being on TV.
He's right though. Didnt get the hype for Turbo Kid either. The movie tried too hard
Yeah I'm talking more about the implied discount Andrew Garfield buying the camera. Like the whole last half of the season made it seem like she was going for the weird guy, then at the last minute they drop the hammer on your dick and put her back with the guy who scribbled "this girls a slut" in the middle of town. I get they wanted to play with my emotions I just don't know why.
Explain why you think it's shit. Your negativity brings nothing to this thread other than bad vibes.
I didn't watch it.
Bad writing, bad acting, awful leading child actors, weird pacing, and the soundtrack is completely off
Hes right this show is shit.
Watch it, its a bit slow but incredible. Far better than anything you would expect for a SyFy show
I thought Turbo Kid was good for what it was, it was an over-the-top nostalgia-pandering 80's/90's love letter. I had no problem with that.
Honestly though Stranger Things rises way above that bullshit imo. I'd say it's more on par with The Guest in terms of 80's stylings: doesn't go over the top, doesn't toss it in your facez, but is clearly designed to feel like an 80's movie.
You got your feelings hurt by a tv show? Jesus Christ, man, you really need to rethink your life.
>awful leading child actors
Compared to what? My anus bleeds with hate upon watching any and all child actors but I could tolerate these ones.
all child actors?
you dunnit now m8
>hur dur l read a books
whats with the influx of people on Sup Forums thinking they're super special and superior because they know how to read?
>wanted to
Compared to Max in Krampus, this lead was god awful. Not as bad as babadook, but worse than the girl in Jurassic Park
The amount of horror films and tv shows with substance can basically be counted on one hand. It's the same with action. These are style genres where the most memorable scenes are crazy death scenes, neat scores and so on. Maybe once in a blue moon you get something that isn't entirely stupid but that's really about it.
Them fighting off Faceless at the end (and Steve talking with Nancy through the door beforehand) made Steve seem like he was legit apologetic and was there for her.
I dunno. The fight made it seem ambiguous, she could have chosen either one.
i agree. some people are shilling it so hard, which makes me wonder if they're getting paid to do so, or they just don't know any better. it's on par with Hemlock Grove, which was fucking awful. at least with Hemlock Grove, however, i got a sense that some of it was tongue in cheek. stranger things just comes off like a try hard 80s wanna be movie made by people that weren't even alive then, and produced by old, out of touch people.
I've never heard of this and my netflix seems to have expired
The child actors were pretty decent if you ask me. Only problem is that they're not written very well.
Because the average /tvirgin doesnt read or have the attention span for it. So they dont understand how there is a wealth of superior stories out there in book form over tv, which tends to use the same formula over and over with slight twist.
user claimed that scifi/horror cam't have substance, thats because scifi/horror on tv has no substance. I needed to enlighten my fellow user on how wrong he is and that the problem is contained to the mediocre format that is tv. Did that answer your question faggot? Well.. Well did it?!
If you want to watch a somewhat decent "muh 80s," house of devil is much better than this show.
they chose the weirdest looking bunch of kids. The black kid was the only normal one
It's almost like they were bullied nerdy kids or something
I agree with you on the soundtrack. For an 80s tryhard nostalgia fest, the soundtrack doesn't match it at all. More orchestral themes than overused synth
Not who you're arguing with, but I thought the show had plenty of substance. There was enough story and motivation for every character that appeared on screen that I never once felt like I wanted to skip past any of it. That's fucking amazing to me, especially considering that there's a bit of teenage love triangle subplot.
The score was overdone
>makes me wonder if they're getting paid to do so
No, it's more that they are young and are easily impressed by stuff. Just think about how some teenagers get excited over their favorite bands and stuff. The same applies to TV shows and stuff.
>stuff stuff and stuff
>it's on par with hemlock grove
You had me until here, dirty memester.
u can look normal and be nerdy. These kids just look like orcs and goblins
I see you get my point. Kids like stuff.
I have a massive hard-on for synth/electronic-style John Carpenter shit, but yeah to really sell it here they should have made an actual orchestral score.
Fuck it, get John Williams in there. Might as well go the Full Monty.
>criticizes something
>literally has nothin more than
>"its not smart enough for a reader like me"
>"books are superior medium silly Sup Forumsirgin"
>"pacing, soundtrack, acting all bad"
>"plot is also bad bad not good"
>"muh substance"
just not liking something is fine, but you don't have to pretend to be smarter than you are to justify it.
Shit, super 8? I completely forgot that existed.
I saw it in the cheap-o movie theatre when it came out, don't even remember who I went with.
Was it any good? I can't remember.
Yeah let's get some normal looking kids and give them pocket protectors and call them nerds. It'll fit right in with the rest of the ABC family lineup.
You're really scraping the bottom of the barrel if you're picking on kids for being ugly.
The kids in super 8 didn't look extremely strange. And they were believable as dorks
Don't get me wrong, I like slow burning synth, as long as it matches the movie/show
I liked it when I saw it.
It could have been better in retrospect, but I still think of that one kid shouting "Production value! Production value!"
when I'm getting ready to shoot a short.
Like, if it were a futuristic style movie like EFNY or Blade Runner that score would be fucking hype.
can someone post pics of the short girl, shes A CUTE
Yeah, but they were aiming for a Spielbergian, Joe Dante, Landis type shit. Honestly, if the score was better it would make the movie more memorable. Super 8 had a great score
They fucking sucked and that's that.
Are you mentally retarded
I was criticizing But you took the comment out of context and went on a mentally ill rant. Kill yourself already.
Why have I literally never heard of this, but now everyone's talking about it?
I really liked the soundtrack. To me the show felt like it was using enough 80s shit to not be superficial while also avoiding trying to make a perfect 80s clone and the soundtrack reflected that 1:1.
I didn't know elfen lied got a live action adaption.
It just felt overused, like it is in every muh 80s movie. Synth wasn't that huge in 82
Netflix, it got dumped in one go
Just came out two days ago.
That's what I'm saying though. I liked it because it fit the show, which was also not trying to fool anyone into thinking it was actually made in the 80s. It's completely modern it just tastes like an older era.
>just tastes like an older era.
How old are you?
no, it really doesn't, summer child
You guys want to fuck or what's the deal here?
Hope the second season is set in the 2000s with mike and eleven living together :3
>u can look normal and be nerdy
No you can't. Kill yourself you fucking normie.
she's fucking dead
t. Reddit
That sounds fucking amazing. Can't watch without the fiancee though, waiting on him that bastard!
>Not eleven and Nancy
The fuck is wrong with you fag?
This shit was so fucking good. The soundtrack is fucking top tier. The spoopy alternate dimension was sweet as fuck, all the organic cancer shit, hell yeah. OP as fuck psychic powers with drawbacks. X-Files tier men in black. Alien monster thing looked awful, and I wish they kept with the Ep.1 wierd slenderman type shit.
The absolute best child actors ever, bar none, I fucking LOVE these kids. Whoever directed their acting deserves a raise and directing capabilities of every child actor from now on.
I feel like this show should have been more violent and more intense.
it's better described as: stephen king meets 80s john carpenter meets x-men
2000s horror sucked, i'd rather have it set in the 70s
It reminded me a lot of Saya no Uta in terms of the alternative world's design as well the as the monster design.
Not sure what everyone is bitching over in terms of "Style over substance," It's a visual fucking medium.
It has nothing to do with X-Men despite the characters referencing it a couple of times.
It's literally a Stephen King story told like E.T./Close Encounters with a John Carpenter score.
No it's better described as elfen lied meets hellraiser.