Safe to say that this is better than apocalypse now.
What was Sup Forums's favorite part?
Safe to say that this is better than apocalypse now.
What was Sup Forums's favorite part?
Other urls found in this thread:
I liked it a lot, especially the scene where Amry Dog's platoon goes into My Lai and Army Dog is forced to shoot the child when his squad members start raping her, really moving stuff
The ending is actually a homage to The Dark Knight Rises. At the end of the movie, you see the antagonists get kidnapped and put into a car, where they're being driven to a plane in the distance.
I loved the scene where Army Dog's brother-in-arms realizes that no amount of alcohol or coke will ever drown out the screams of the family he raped and killed. The part where he shoots himself in front of Army Dog was pure Kino.
that one scene where they have to burn down that vietnamese village and you hear all the children crying, then it pans to army dog and he starts howling, then it keeps panning to the full moon...
jesus. that gave me goosebumps.
Fuck you man.
I almost got this fucking film out of my head and you go ahead and post this w.o a spoiler. Christ, I actually served and this shit hits too close to home.
Favorite lines? Mine was Army Dog saying "woof woof" right after he catches and disembowels that Vietcong guy trying to get to the tunnel.
Really captures the mindset of the average grunt in Man desu senpai
The scene where his friend blows his own brains out after realizing the futility of their mission gets me everytime
This is my favorite meme on/tv/
>Thinking that a film exploring the base nature of man is a "meme"
Mate, this ain't one of the joker threads. Wtf is wrong with u
>A meme is "an idea, behavior, or style that spreads from person to person within a culture".
I was referring to the way in which it shows the people unquestionably following the orders of their corrupt military officials, and any deviance from their plans is swiftly destroyed.
But sure. Go ahead and think I'm making light of the most profound kino ever made
>The scene where he guts the muslim man just to hear an islamic prayer in the quivering and dying voice of a man who had a seemingly meaningful existence
The barrage of ethnic slurs and epithets at the crying infant getting her eyes stapled open to watch were a bit much at points but i think the overall message got through to me.
Pretty hard to watch tbqfh
My hands shake whenever I see a dog in public after watching it.
>Army dog stares off into distance with 1000 yard stare
>Out here it's hard to know who are the good boys anymore
>I guess one time, back on the farm I was a good boy, a real good boy.
>Now I just kill em all and let Rainbow bridge sort em out
What the fuck the dog doesn't talk?!
I don't understand this meme
why does it say family approved on the cover when the movie is so bleak and horrific? it doesn't make any sense.
that scene where the dog forces the little girls to play russian roulette makes deer hunter look like child's play.
>Army dog goes to Pet Store
>he has a flashback that the basket of pig ears were Gook Ears
>runs amok and bites the manager on the dick
war is hell, boys
Watch the movie. The the macabre, perverse, and disturbingly human horror will paint a picture of war-time conditions and show just how low an Army Dog™ can fall.
murk lore
>who's a good boy? I don't even know anymore?
What film is this actually from?
Army Dog is a pretentious piece of shit. The Director Kemp tries to outdo Apocalypse now and Full Metal Jacket by just throwing as much horror as he can at the screen. We know this film, we've seen it all before.
Though the cinematography was sometimes stunning it never manages to capture the intensity of Apocalypse or the candor of other entries like Platoon. Its derivative and stale. On the plus side Casper van Dien gave probably his best performance to date.
Stop trying to force memes, faglords.
>What film is this actually from?
uhh...real life?
There is a fictional depiction of Mai Lai in Platoon.
Dogs can't talk user.
>casper van dien and grace van dien
It sucks hes doing this now after being in Starship troopers.
i cant tell if the dog actor was really mediocre and phoning in his lines or if he was so good that that was part of how he captured that essence of trauma and disillusionment perfectly
sublime casting either way i guess
never really understood the point of the bayonette abortion scene
Sorry, I forgot, what was it about the director screening the uncut edition to protestors about again?
>that long drawn out hallway fight scene, culminating in the brutal necksnap
beast of no nation
i was blown away with the layers of complexity when army dog shares his single portion of dog food with the captured vietcong. the humanity you would THINK he was showing by sharing with them but then you suddenly realize he's forcing humans to eat dog food when see the decietful look on army dogs face. all bounds are shattered when the camera pans to the viet cong after theyre done eating and they sneer to each other amd you know theyre thinking "this chump actually thinks hes torturing us, forcing us to eat dog food LOL". it appears to be a draw until army dog retreats to his locked bunk and you see his workshop where creates his 'special blend' of dog food, a poor little girl tied up and meat grinder will be his company for the night. i literally had watch the scene three times to fully understand what was happening
Sorry, I forgot, what was it about the director screening the uncut edition to protestors about again?
>That part when he looks into the mirror and you see the reflection of a broken man instead of a dog
That hit me hard man, war had turned him into an animal, a dog of war
Bold decision to make the trailer have nothing to do with Vietnam or anything else that happens in the movie
>That part when the Dog had to Mercy kill his 14 year old owner because the land mine took his legs and he couldn't stop the bleeding.
War is hell boys... war is hell...
>That part where Army dog starts shooting villagers at random one by one to try and get them to reveal the vietcong in the village and he starts laughing more and more after every shot
>We are not good boys...we are just old war dogs.
Gives me chills every time.
Punisher: Born
The movie is It Ain't Me
>the scene where army dog barks for hours at the mirror, unable to recognize himself
>when army dogs hires a prostitute only to have her pat him and call him "a good dog"
I'm not sure if the director was a genius or madman