MFW I realize we have 8 more years to enjoy watching libtards meltdown and throw temper tantrums

MFW I realize we have 8 more years to enjoy watching libtards meltdown and throw temper tantrums.

God bless you Mr. President!

Impeachment within 6 months. Trust me.

No, you delusional little baby. Say it with me: REPUBLICAN MAJORITY.

Promise you will kill your self when you are wrong ok

no but ur mum will be impeechd lol xddd

it's not a majority

shillary got literally 3 million more votes than him

she's still shit though. they both are. but trump (a.k.a. putin + bannon) is racist and idiotic as well

He meant majority in the congress and senate.

that's due to change in 2018 - if he doesn't use weapons of mass destruction and/or kill the EPA and thus our planet first

Donald would have popular vote if not for illegals, dead people and fraudulent votes.

[citation needed]


Hail Emperor Trump! 2017-?

>mfw I'm european and I can't wait to see the US becoming an even worse shithole than it already is

God Bless you Mr President!

have fun with boris johnson

>implying he gets another 4 years
>implying he dosent get killed

What? Can't handle the truth you dumb cunts?

still citation needed. post a source (that's reputable - not breitbart). stop making stuff up.



I actually thought that he was going to be a good president. Got proven wrong during the first 10 days. His executive orders are nothing but unproductive bullshit.

Although I think that immigration needs to be regulated - simple solutions never work. All you trumpfags are ecstatic right now but from my view, he's done nothing but fucked everything up for at least the next 120 days AND left out countries to which he has business ties.

Anybody who doesn't see through this is delusional.

This. 100% with you. I'm all for immigration regulation and fiscal conservatism, but he's a corrupt, racist idiot.

>Easymode Bait.
But I'll bite.
Yes schadenfreude is the most valuable thing when choosing a leader. Fucking retards on Sup Forums so many edgelords like yourself.

TIL temporarily banning immigration from countries the previous administration deemed a threat makes you a racist

So, what, Carlos Slim's blog or the Huffington Shitpost?

You are like a little baby.

Jews will migrate to Israel when the shit hits the fan. It was always apart of the plan. Ruin all western nations via unsustainable immigration and population displacement(low white births, high shitskin white births spurned by feminism and multiculturalism) and then when the west falls, Israel will be the only western nation standing. They'll then have unlimited leverage over the west.

Wall Street Journal, NYTimes, BBC, etc.

Stop feigning innocence.

by liberal standards you are a racist.

>Wall Street Journal
Eh. Not great.
I mentioned that one.

There are lots of other sites as well. I don't care, as long as it's not white nationalist propaganda (e.g. Breitbart) and doesn't lean too right (Fox News) or left (CNN).


LOL what

..,And they're all stacked up in places where they don't matter too, like California and New York City. Which is why the popular vote doesn't mean shit.

If you want to become a big-boy party again you're gonna have to do more than win two states.

Made-up stories and emotive pictures cause hysteria among the brain-dead.

>Blatantly ignores possibility of voter suppression in Republican areas, particularly the South.
>Actually believes unverified/alternate "facts."

>white nationalist propaganda
lmao, user.
Breitbart is not white nationalist propaganda. I'm a white nationalist, I should know. It's civic nationalist on a good day.

fucking tired of the liberal scum. I love watching them cry lololol