About to smoke weed for the first time

About to smoke weed for the first time.

What should I expect?

weed is bad for you


excruciating bowel cramps

instant, irreversible homosexuality...





If you're anxiety-prone, expect to feel anxious.

If you're outgoing, expect an amazing experience.

Nice trip, faggot!

dont over do it.

if you feel like you had enough stop

Don't expect anything else than to be relaxed. Have fun.

Time will seem to run slower for a couple of hours so you find yourself thinking of shit you would never do without weed. Make sure you trust the people around you, there's a good chance you will get paranoid for the duration.

ur goin to get addicted then u will start crack then crackcocaine then loose al ur friends then ur wife then ur job then u will start balding and getting fat then ur gona die of aids

expect to feel like you have never felt before
potential for pretty extreme psychedelic experiences with low tolerance and good bud.
don't be surprised if you have weird "visions" or auditory hallucinations. also you may experience closed eye visuals of varying degrees and even open eye visuals of sorts. altered thought process, inability to focus on conversation or difficulty staying on track. feelings of somnolence and hunger I dunno am I missing anything
basically Ops gonna get blazed up

a lifetime of drug addiction and further lack of accomplishments

Explain to me more about how and why you can get anxious/paranoid

lots of head spins (dizzyness)
you'll get a bit paranoid
you'll feel hungry fairly quickly
if you take a big cone should wear out after about 2 hours
have water and food ready before sesh
first time is better with a friend that's sober
it's awesome being high in the pool but have a friend supervising
also good to just watch a movie but i wouldn't recommend horror
main things;
don't panic
enjoy it

^, I agree. Don't do weed if you're anxious, you'll feel like you don'T breath even if you do, also you'll feel like your hearth will stop at any moment.

At least I do.

he's not taking lsd man..

depends if you're with peopl or not.

This. He speaks from experience and so do i.

Sounds rad

you won't get anxious or paranoid unless you're prone to it. don't worry it can't kill you haha and your age is perfect to minimize harm to the psyche. I'm that guy.
just blaze up my friend I recommend a joint and remember it can take half an hour to an hour to fully peak off weed so don't smoke too much


wow man, you should stop smoking, seems like you're close to panic attacks when you smoke.
Had a friend who felt just like you, ended up in a psychiatric hospital

Mainly because you have more time to think and usually this means overthinking your surroundings at the time. Don't worry if you do get paranoid, it will pass and you won't feel strongly enough that you are in danger to do anything about it.

laser beams and cyber dinosaurs

it can be quite rad haha
just get some yummy stuff in the oven and kick back and talk shit. weed is nice

difficulty rolling seeds and twigs

Thanks for the answers, my dude.

Can't wait to blaze up soon

How long you been smoking? 10 years here.

I try to quit, but then I can't eat, sleep, or focus.

One of the biggest mistakes I've made

Alright, thanks man

Visions really ? I can relate to difficulty staying on track, hunger, closed eye visuals, but visions ? Get you expand on that ?
The only thing similar to this that i experienced is paranoia about spiders, i thought there were some black stuff running around on the floor in the sides of my vision and got completely mental batshit crazy about it alone in my apppartment, running around, yelling and shaking

Already got a fat one rolled up


yeah man I have smoked fat dabs and had very intense daydreams I could easily equate to a "visionary experience" like detachment from reality and a bit of a vision dream type deal I dunno it gets pretty psychedelic when you don't abuse it haha

with seeds and twigs? Enjoy that. Kek

wrong. I've smoked for 25 years and have never had a problem stopping for however long for drug tests or what not. It's not hard. You're just a lying lazy cunt looking for an excuse to feel bad.

I've been smoking for 7 years now, and i'm starting to wake up.
Since two weeks i'm trying to smoke a single joint a day, and man, this is crazy good.
If you're trying to stop ruining your life smoking, just remember the begining, how dazed you were when you smoked, and how good it was because you felt better, deeper thinking, etc.
By trying to come back to this ive improved my life, i do loads of stuff before smoking and my life is getting back on track.
And i can feel really stoned again, so its all good for me, just give it a try m8, hope this will help you

Expect to feel like you're in a dark cinema, or tunnel vision when looking at bright things and also you will begin to feel intermittent touch sense, like for example when eating food, like you feel it then you don't it's really weird.

You gonna end up with a cock up your holes for heroin, gaylord


Expect to be scared, then the long realization that weed doesn't really do much.

im proud of you man. and you're not wrong, im indeed a lazy cunt, but i think all regular smoker are in a way, or at least trying to escape some reality.
What i wanted to say to OP is that there is a risk of going full lazy and not giving a shit about anything anymore. Ive seen it happen so many times.
You are one of the few. But i'm slowly stopping now, and ive never been better


Expect to eat much afterwards, fattie.

weed has very strong effects the first several times. its so strong you may find it too intense, but just keep reassuring yourself that it isn't really that big of a deal because it isn't. cherish those first few times. weed is never the same after. try not to find yourself in a situation where you need to be responsible after smoking the first few times. later on you may find that you have not trouble smoking and being functional, but the first few times you will be obvious to everyone, including yourself.