tfw you're getting that 14yo punani
Tfw you're getting that 14yo punani
Other urls found in this thread:
>tucked in polo into jeans
>phone belt clip
>probably wearing sneakers
this guy had no hope of banging that girl
>mfw he's probably milking 12 inch big black cocks with his middle aged boipussi right now
prison rape isn't funny, i don't get the american love with it
obligatory what, no way!
>he still thinks pedos get put in the same areas as other offenders
Pedos are safer than almost anyone else who goes to jail. The person getting raped is most likely a young kid who got caught stealing
is anyone who got stung by TCAP actually in jail?
>i'm built well
Some did get arrested but they're most likely "out" by now. Unless they went full retard and admitted to everything, otherwise the sentence wouldn't have even been that long
Americans are just weird with sexuality in general.
A lot lot lot of them got jail/prison time. At least two of them are still locked up.
Is America the one actively importing the third world? I know they are trying to keep the beaners out, but Europe is basically sending boat to get all the Islamic and BB cock they can get their mouths on.
what did he mean by this?
Murricans love black cock.
I understand if they do, but really, they didn't break the law. They didn't actually send their dick pics to little girls or fug them.
I can't really say its entrapment or anything.
I could see many getting off with the "its just internet fantasy" defense.
They are all probably registered sex offenders now though.
What kind of fascist state do we live in where generic white males get sent to jail for just wanting to go to the beach?
people in the non liberal states got serious jail time. some got as many as 7 or 8 years, including the cerebral palsy dude. california and NY basically gave them probation.
>They didn't actually send their dick pics to little girls
yeah, a lot of them have done that
As someone who had a weird fetish of being attracted to 45-60 year old men, I can tell you that none of the guys on TCAP were fuckable.
they did break the law though. they wrote laws specifically so they could perform these sting operations and arrest people like this. i'm not saying i agree with the law since 95% of these guys would never be able to get anywhere near a real teenage girl let alone have her be willing to fuck them, but they're idiots, so in some sense they deserve at least a little bit of the punishment. maybe having your life ruined on national TV is enough though.
That's mostly just Germany chimping out like they normally do. You have to understand that the German never does anything by half-measures. They can't just remove the merchant parasites, they have to spark a war that reduces the continent to rubble and by the same token they can't just send support to refugee camps, they have to try to adopt the entire third world.
Sweden, Norway, The Netherlands, France, and the UK seem pretty hell bent on getting their share of BBC.
>Netherlands, France, and the UK
What's it like in 2012?
Still, sexting some dyke in her 30s who says she's 13 online hardly seems like a crime.
Not saying I disagree with it though. Its kind of like buying baking powder from an undercover cop posing as a dealer.
What a nice family this guy comes from, such simple folk playing with the K-9 units and what not.
haven't things just gotten worse since the Sryian civil war and everything, basically the EU has an open door policy.
Man has Vanilla Ice fallen on hard times.
>no light on bicycle
when's the next broadcast on TheHangout?
Petaluma represent
Most probably got probation at the most if they didnt have a dipshit lawyer or did/said something stupid
Laughed hard
What country do you live in? There are scores of documentaries out there about the US prison system...they arent "safe", and they are depending on the state clumped in with general pop
You are highly misinformed if you think pedos are the safest in jail.
jesus fuck, dawg
Their 'culture' is solely concerned with the negro phallus,they are true cuckolds.
kek, 14 is legal here, cucked americans. a 14 year old girl can be gangbanged with 2 bbcs penetrating her asshole and the police would be 100% ok with it
yea and duis shouldn't be illegal if no one gets hurt