You wouldn't misgender her would you Sup Forums?

You wouldn't misgender her would you Sup Forums?

looks like a sader version of my maths teachers

Looks a bit like MJ. I kinda like that.

even if I wanted I can't because I don't care

you mean him?

Maybe xir identifies as a guy who identifies ad a woman.

You ASSHOLE< UGH!!!!!!!!

Hmm I'm not seeing any telltale masculine features

only one i can see is foot width

maybe a little bit. Still looks a bit masc. If she continues with HRT though I wouldn't be able to make that mistake for long.

Penis? Biologically male. Vagina? Biologically woman. What you look like is unimportant and gender dysphoria is another mental illness like dementia. I'm not even a conservative, just a rational human being.

Did you assume its gender?????

> rational human being
> what you look like is unimportant

Do you not see the flagrant contradiction here? Appearance is almost everything in social interactions.

No hips and that jaw line, its obvious

Agreed. What I should have said is 'unimportant to this discussion', my bad.

looks a bit like her

Question: will biological m/f still matter when cyberbrain-cases and entirely prosthetic bodies are a thing?

Strong chinny chinny chin, but I still would

is he covering his ass chin with the phone. kek


Fuck, that's a girl's face on a man's body. They need both.

show feet


oh my good you fucking tease

got snapchat or kik?




Stop being a transphobe

Screw him gurl, i'd still hit you.

Damn you're fucking hot!

no her

moar? who are you?

The size of those feet blegh

I would.