>Deadline reports that Jake Kasdan (director of the criminally unappreciated comedy classic Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story) will be directing this remake and the film will be hitting theaters this Christmas. Little is known at this moment about how much the new film’s plot will resemble the original’s, but I’m sure you can expect even crazier CGI animal shenanigans to abound.
Good, Jumanji is comfy, maybe they can even make a franchise around it, I wouldn't be against it
Joshua Bennett
We need based Zathura
Levi Nelson
But how can the players be in danger if The Rock is there?
Also, Zero Effect is even more underrated than Walk Hard
Jackson Baker
Pretty sure there is no inherent danger in the game, since it all gets reset when you beat it. Even deaths and births.
Landon Smith
What if everyone dies though? Does the last person left alive automatically wins?
Carson Watson
There was a franchise around it already faggot > Usual consumer toys > A cartoon > Zathura (A Jumanji Story) No under 18's allowed
Jayden Martinez
Too small to be considered a real franchise desu user that's why I ignored it
Jacob Mitchell
Why is it that all remakes are suddenly turning into try-hard comedy movies? Neither Jumanji nor Ghostbusters were primarily comedies. It's like the executives don't get what kind of movie they're remaking.
>that incest subtext when the sister falls for the older version of her brother
Elijah Morales
Zathura is shit compared to Jumanji.
Brayden Smith
source please
Luis Jenkins
Zathura, my nigga
Landon Thompson
That blind nostalgia
Eli Hall
Zachary Brooks
>No Robin Williams
Jacob Miller
This guy was an older version of her brother and if I am correct I do remember her hitting on him a bit but I haven't seen this movie since like 2007 so idk
Dylan Hughes
>Be Robin Williams >Sign a contract to star in the sequel to Mrs Doubtfire >Kill yourself 2 weeks later THE ABSOLUTE MADMAN
Bentley Taylor
Yeah. It's like a "feels shorter", uninteresting version of it with space. Comparing it with jumanji killed it for me immediately.
Matthew Cook
She had a crush on him through the movie after he was introduced, and after the game ends her brother teases her about it in the end
Bentley Fisher
It doesn't need to be a straight up remake, it can just take place in the same universe where new people play the game
Grayson Perez
ah yes I remember now. Really need to buy the Anniversary edition on Blu Ray.
Wyatt Martin
I mean the cropped porn he posted
Brayden Ramirez
What a missed opportunity to have Brendan Fraser as a guy that comes out of Jumanji.
>comes out of Jumanji all JUST >they take him to the barber >comes out all fixed, JUST days behind him
Mason Cook
Zathura was the shit, liked it a lot more than jumanji
Jayden Morris
>the moment when they fix the robot and it starts attacking the space lizards