D.B. Cooper movie when?
Did he die?
$200,000 in $10's and $20? that had to be like 200 lbs.
for you young dudes and non Americans
D.B. Cooper movie when?
Did he die?
$200,000 in $10's and $20? that had to be like 200 lbs.
for you young dudes and non Americans
oops forgot to post the wiki link
That wikipedia article is a great read btw
He got away with it, absolute mad man
A film about D.B. cooper! What a great idea. youtu.be
>for you young dudes and non Americans
Anyone who has ever worked with DC-9, MD-80, MD-90, Boeing 717 or Boeing 727 knows this guy.
>D.B. Cooper movie when?
That depends a lot who film makers will consider to be Dan Cooper. At least in one case there are legal limitations on how to portray certain individuals.
>Did he die?
Dunno, but I'm inclined to believe that he did. Skydiving after sunset isn't exactly safest thing to do, but I'm pretty sure his corpse would have been found if he didn't.
*he did survive.
My theories he used one of the 2 chutes he took on the money and the other on himself and either the money or his chute got fucked so he probably died or lost the money on the way down and just fucking booked. A guy that methodical and calm wouldve had some form of chute training I think.
>My theories he used one of the 2 chutes he took on the money and the other on himself
I'll doubt that he used two chutes. I think two chutes is a red herring meant to confuse FBI. Mostly because we can assume that he knew what he was doing.
>A guy that methodical and calm wouldve had some form of chute training I think.
Dropping the money on separate chute from that kind of altitude means that you will lose that money, especially if you do it in dark. It would take ages to find the money afterwards.
Didn't they recover a few bills from the river.
He probable succesfully landed and after trekking through some rough terrain he met his contact and took off and slipped his money somewhere.
He probably runs some portland compassion club now opened with 200,000 in dirty bills
Congratulations, you got yourself opened to 100 years of inquisition, now whats the next step?
Air war from the Luftwaffe's perspective would be p dope
Hijacking this plane, with no money!
Yeah, that would be pretty rad.
>High tech Nazi planes getting rekt by Poland's paper origami planes.
And it would get low reviews because people would call the movie unrealistic
I solved the mystery.
>Didn't they recover a few bills from the river.
Yep. In 1978. The reason why it is extremely unlikely that case is ever solved conlusively is mount st. Helens eruption in 1980. River bed is full of shit from that.
That would have to be done by Germans, as hollywood would never do it. It would be certain that movie wouldn't be about coolest Luftwaffe pilot. Hans Ulrich Rudel, as he was fanatical nazi and complete asshole as person.
>yfw the FBI have finally given up and just closed the investigation.
We already had a D.B. Cooper movie and it was the comfiest film ever made.
>The FBI task force believes that Cooper was a careful and shrewd planner. He demanded four parachutes to force the assumption that he might compel one or more hostages to jump with him, thus ensuring he would not be deliberately supplied with sabotaged equipment.[105]
>He chose a 727-100 aircraft because it was ideal for a bail-out escape, due not only to its aft airstair, but also the high, aftward placement of all three engines, which allowed a reasonably safe jump without risk of immediate incineration by jet exhaust. It had "single-point fueling" capability, a recent innovation that allowed all tanks to be refueled rapidly through a single fuel port. It also had the ability (unusual for a commercial jet airliner) to remain in slow, low-altitude flight without stalling; and Cooper knew how to control its air speed and altitude without entering the cockpit, where he could have been overpowered by the three pilots.[106]
>In addition, Cooper was familiar with important details, such as the appropriate flap setting of 15 degrees (which was unique to that aircraft), and the typical refueling time. He knew that the aft airstair could be lowered during flight—a fact never disclosed to civilian flight crews, since there was no situation on a passenger flight that would make it necessary—and that its operation, by a single switch in the rear of the cabin, could not be overridden from the cockpit.[107] He may even have known that the Central Intelligence Agency had been using 727s to drop agents and supplies behind enemy lines during the Vietnam War.[108]
That's more than just being a careful planner. And it's not like back then you could log on to the internet and get all this knowledge.
Were there any investigations into any ex special forces or CIA agents who just disappeared?
I have always theorized that Cooper was one of the governments own who decided to get rich quickly.
Scorsese is doing a Washington biopic
Honestly kind of shocked there hasn't been a 3 hour Oscarbait epic about Washington yet.
Nobody gave enough of a shit about Washington to make a flick about him. Things are different with the crazy SJW fads so it's no surprise that we'll get a movie about the guy who single-handedly brought a nation to war because he loved niggers so much. I can already imagine how they'll depict the slaves as innocent, smart and fascinating people who are ruthlessly oppressed by the demon that is the white male.
>mfw a copycat did the exact same thing a few months later and only got caught because his disgusting friend sold him out
Hes actually Tommy Wiseau
Is this how he financed the Room?
Great thread gonna read some more about this guy.
>only one great post (mine) in the entire thread
>great thread
sure, buddy, sure
>Cooper knew how to control its air speed and altitude without entering the cockpit
how do you do this?
On the same Wikipedia page, it states that he picked a nonfunctional training parachute as backup (the FBI gave him that one by accident). Yet he still picked it, despite the fact it was clearly marked as so. Clearly he didn't know everything.
we need more serial killer movies.
Here's the citation for that statement.
>Based on interviews with a woman known as "Clara", who claimed to have discovered an injured Cooper two days after the hijacking and lived with him until he died a decade later; considered a hoax by the FBI.
What retard added that information to this article?
yeah i thought it sounded stupid
>"for you young dudes"
>"For you"
Dang. That is the subtlest Banepost ever. Goooood job
But screw D.B. Cooper. What about this imitator?
>There were no further notable Cooper imitators until July 11, 1980, when Glenn K. Tripp seized Northwest flight 608 at Seattle-Tacoma Airport, demanding $600,000 ($100,000 by an independent account),[132] two parachutes, and the assassination of his boss.
>After a ten-hour standoff he was apprehended, but on January 21, 1983—while still on probation—he hijacked the same Northwest flight, this time en route, and demanded to be flown to Afghanistan. When the plane landed in Portland he was shot and killed by FBI agents.
The definition of insanity is trying the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.
perhaps he's wondering why you'd hijack a plane after hijacking a plane
>and the assassination of his boss
kek, give two reasonable demands and a completely unreasonable one. true madman.
>perhaps he's wondering why you'd hijack a plane after hijacking a plane
Who we are doesn't matter. What matters is out plan... to case the plane and hijack it a little.
>and the assassination of his boss
Negotiating chip, I'm sure. The voices in his head said it'd work.
>tfw no movie about based Polk or Jackson
what a story
>white male
you do know what the current year is right?
isn't he doing Devil in the White City with Leo about H.H. Holmes?
Non American here, only learned about DB Cooper from the movie Without a Paddle but he seems like a genuinely interesting fellow.
He's attached to a dozen projects so I wouldn't put in any stock in a specific one being next or even being made by him, at all.
A bill weighs almost exactly a gram. Let's assume the $200,000 was in all 10s. Dividing 200,000 by 10 results in a total of 20,000 bills, which would have been the absolute maximum. With each bill weighing a gram, we're looking at a maximum total of 20 kg for the entire amount. A single kg is about 2.20 lbs. This means that the absolute maximum that the cash could have weighed was approximately 44 lbs, not 200
In the river they found scraps of the parachute and a large portion of the money. He would have landed in the river because it's one of the only locations that would be clear of trees in the national park, and would be reflecting enough moonlight for him to actually find in the dark.
It wasn't some lazy creek he landed in, it was the Columbia River. Class 5 rapids in a 3 piece suit, with a parachute trailing on your back. The guy is dead.
>WANTED: Have you seen this man?
What I'm wondering is how can a person be on probation just 3 years after hijacking an airplane?
70s were different. Hijackings were like a casual crime cause you didn't blow up thousands of people afterwards.
damnit wanted to quote
Doesn't sound like a lot, but imagine trying to stay afloat in a swimming pool while holding 4 bowling balls. Now imagine trying it in a raging river, at night, in a suit, with a huge parachute tangled around you. He's dead.
how old is this guy?
He could have easily survived if he landed upstream in the river
Well, they found some of the cash, and apparently, there were a few bills missing from inbetween the stacks (the FBI gave him money that was documented and sorted). The only other explanation is that someone else found the money, but why not take all of it with you?
How can it be a biopic when no one knows who he was?
Nobody knows. Greg Sestero and others have said he's much older than he makes out he is.
I think around sixty.
Could be an experimental narrative where it runs through different scenarios of who he was and different outcomes after he bails out of the plane
>Starring James Franco as David Koresh
>Starring Mark Ruffalo as Jim Jones
>Guest cameo by Sean Penn as Harvey Milk
>Starring Jake Gyllenhall as Ted Kaczynski
>Opening scene is an infant crying in quarantine
King Ghezo
>Starring Idris Elba as King Ghezo
Mad Jack
>Starring Henry Cavill as Jack Churchill
>Score includes lots of bagpipes
To Hell And Back
>Starring Elijah Wood as Audie Murphy
Helter Skelter
>Starring Christian Bale as Charles Manson
>Directed by Roman Polanski