Instead of being pissed you should be thanking him for keeping the terrorists out of the country

Instead of being pissed you should be thanking him for keeping the terrorists out of the country.

Other urls found in this thread:

> keeping the terrorists out of the country.

You mean the ones who attacked 9-11 who were from Saudi Arabia?

Look just admit he's a little bitch. He doesn't have to violate the constitution to prove so.

Should have added Russia to the list

Trips of truth

As a proud member of ISIS I was very displeased when President Trump announced that this travel ban would take effect. It'll be harder now for my family to come over here and blow up a town in the name of Alah.

dude, idk why the people (if i can call them that) here are so against him. like, nut up and accept it. we took care of your nigger for 8 years, and we never had massive protests when obamacare was out. we just sat there, planning and waiting for someone like trump to rise to power.
now it is your turn, you are pissed that you lost, you are pissed that bernie gave up, you are pissed that shillary threw away her campaign by calling the other candidate every name in the book and having no substance of her own. so be grownups about it and just wait and plan to strike back at us.
its called politics, it sucks and is the most retarded thing the human race has ever invented, but now we have to deal with it

He's getting stuff done. Fuck immagrints

> Now that Trump has done the thing we wanted.

Hello redneck.

What stuff would that be besides fucking our country up?

good joke

you people voted a terrorist into the presidential position

lol no I betta' chimp out

It gets idiots like you talking who should shut the fuck up


>armed toddlers

You didn't have protests? What about the whole tea party thing that led to republifags taking over the house in two years? Granted, those we smaller than what is happening now, but Obama was also hated by less of the population.

I'd like to thank him for keeping tigers out of the country. Haven't seen many of them around lately, have you?

im not surprised. Toddlers are little shits and they dont understand people die when you jab them with pointy things


A bunch of saudis and a couple Egyptians attacked the US, and the US invades Iraq and Afghanistan

Bernie didn't give up he was burned by the DNC. So yeah democrates should blame them selves for Trump.If they would of stuck by Bernie he would have one.

The list of countries he ban was taken from obama administration.

>being shot by another American
should he ban black people?

Ironic. ISIS said this is a holy ban from God or something because it legitimizes their claim that the US is at war with Islam not just terrorism. Radical jihadists can use this to push Muslims on the fence about radicalization to go through with it.


>If they would of stuck
If they would have*

Do you know why the Obama administration didn't want 9/11 victims to sue the Saudis?

It's because Obama didn't want to open a can of litigious worms and get sued by all the Afghans and Iraqis the US blew up

Thanks reddit fag :)

The people that fought Nazi's were considered "the greatest generation"

Nothing more American than punching one. Fuck you and your reality TV star.

Also, because the idea of blaming an entire country due to the actions of a few extremists is ridiculous.

I forgot the alt right are illiterate retards.

Yeah, let more and more immigrants live in your country and then you will wake up living in an islamic states of america. Typical libfags and socialists.

Okay you pussy fucking political bastards.

I am getting pretty fucking fed up with all the protests when everything Trump has done so far has been for your own fucking good.

Did you know he signed an executive order that took away the penalty for not using ObamaCare?

Do you even give two shits about the people who couldn't afford it?

Or the people who were affected by the penalty?

Do you not understand that this guy is ten times better than Bernie and one million times better than Hillary was for then country?

Do you not understand that this greedy motherfucker cares more about putting people to work than either political party that keeps getting forced down your throats?

All you fucking panty-waste bastard protesting are a bunch of fucking idiots and should just go home, smoke a bowl and chill the fuck out!

You know it doesn't matter what the fuck I type or say. You dimwits are so narrow-minded that it won't amount to a hill of beans.

Go on living your fucking dream because that is all it fucking is. And if you get your I hope you fucking enjoy your self-imposed misery.

Which tribe do you belong to, Chief?

>a few extremists

Are you seriously this retarded?

The claim is the Saudi government allowed al qaeda to exist and did nothing to mitigate them, so it would be sueing the Saudi government for failure to take action
While on the other hand the US send planes and drones in to bomb the shit out if these places without doing enough to prevent civilian casualties.

But I agree with your point too

Have you dumb fucks not been paying attention to the carnage these shit stains are causing in Europe??

Enjoy paying to help build his wall. Enjoy him posting passive aggressive Tweets like a teenaged girl on her period every time a celebrity says something mean about him, while at the same time not allowing federally funded organizations to post objective scientific facts. Enjoy his 'Best and Brightest' cabinet, almost all of whom have no experience whatsoever in their chosen fields. Enjoy his pick to lead the FCC reversing Net Neutrality, basically allowing your ISP to throttle your connection for pretty much any reason they want. Enjoy his undercutting respected media outlets and the intelligence community. Enjoy him pissing off China while we owe them trillions. Enjoy his Health Care plan that will be even more fucked up and expensive than Obamacare. Enjoy helping pay for raising a kid you don't want and can't afford when he appoints his Supreme Court Judges that overturn Rowe VS Wade.
At least he's not Hillary, right?

Trips of truth

Shush. You're ruining their precious "all muslims aren't bad" narrative.

>islamic states of america

Jesus christ you are one paranoid mother fucker. Dude there is like .05% of the country is muslim

Are you scared it will jump an extra .01%?

Is your life really that void of activity that this is what you focus your attention? Go and do something. Live life.

You scared of immigrants? That just means you aint half the man you think you are. If a third world shit-skin that can barley speak english is taking your job, you probably suck at it. If they are stealing your women, be a better man.

There were 19 hijackers 15 were Saudis

>it says its bad on my TV so everything must be terrible in a continent i have never been to

Passive agressive? Lmao. He is just speaking truth.

If Trump gave a shit about stopping terrorists, Saudi Arabia would be on that list, instead he's gargling their collective jizz because of his business interests over there.

>implying 9/11 is the only extremist attack to happen
>implying france doesn't get fucked by attacks like this every month
>implying the U.S. won't be a safehaven for these fucking dickheads

I'm only 5 years old. I think the Muswims are good people. They just want their people to be happy. If that means taking out a few Americans along the way then why not? What did America ever do for me?

By all means, let the poor "migrants" live on your block. I'd love to see what happens.

Definitely drank the Trump piss koolaide.

So the majority of the 29 million people that live in Saudi Arabia are radically islamic terrorists? Boy, good thing we buy so much oil from them then, isn't it?

> smoke a bowl and chill the fuck out!

how the fuck am i supposed to do that when your orange god is doing shit like this

Fuck off with that shit man.

>nigger can't even spell kool-aid

Curry and Hummus bruh

>implying only saudi arabia has extremists

Nigger, are you seriously that dumb in real life?

>we took care of your nigger for 8 years
>bernie gave up
>shillary calling the other candidate every name in the book

this is high quality bait

Alternative facts. At least use your own side's vocabulary.

Do you know why they hate Americans? Because of American pro Israel policy and American military bases in Muslim countries and American support for tyranny in the Arab world.
They don't hate your freedom, they hate your countries policies.


>You scared of immigrants?
have you not seen what is happening in Europe?

yes duh

you definitely are 5 years old, because only a five year old would think that is witty


Yeah, just care about yourself and the world will burn around you. Yeah.
It isn't about jobs and women. It's about the fact that they can't live with people with another culture, another upbringing. They create their own communities which will never assimilate.

unlike you, i have actually been to europe. Its chill. I like it there. It was pure chaos like Sup Forums makes it out to be

than again, i didnt go to Sweden. but ya man, go to europe, place is a blast

*it wasnt

>yeah I went to europe like 10 years ago when it wasn't a shit hole

Not really proving your point, bud.

We were initially talking about the idea that victims of 9/11 could sue the country of Saudi Arabia. I don't know when you decided to jump in.
Are you this dumb in real life?

Trump has started deportation of black criminals which Obama refused to deport.

Funny you libtards are cock smoking nigger loving snowflakes. Have fun with the beaners and niggers beating the shit out of your kids while they bang your white wife. all the while having white guilt because your a race traitor.

Trips and failed...

>Trump bans food!
Hey, you should thank him for keeping you thin! ... just the same.

The Saudis cleaned house of the Wahhabist supporters and family members who aided in 9/11. And the Saudis are an active ally in the war on terror.

Meanwhile, seven terrorist affiliated nations with governments that support terrorism or nations currently in turmoil that cannot screen immigration applicants with terrorist ties, have a short term moratorium placed on them until sufficient vetting processes can be enacted.

You liberal cucks can't even fucking read the god damn executive order before you piss yourselves in a feckless, impotent protest.


You do realize that people can talk about different subjects at once, right?

Or are you just autistic.

last year actually, but whatever.

Europe was cool. It was fun. I didnt got mugged. I ate good food. What more do you want?

kill yourself

partially incorrect.

"Terrorists" is actually a byproduct of three-letter-agencies.
And Trump does not yet control them.

Bull fucking shit. Who the fuck believes this anymore. Fucking moslems out in ME right now killing each other arent even TRYING to blame USA. They just want their fucking caliphate, and they want it everywhere. They admit this and are fucking serious about it.

not even close to the same thing. Do you need muslims to survive?

fucking false equivalence.

>And the Saudis are an active ally in the war on terror
Nigger the Saudis are funding the shit out of ISIS. Syria is a Saudi Iranian proxy war.

Alpha male in action

Do you disagree?

Bull fucking shit. Who the fuck believes this anymore. Fucking moslems out in ME right now killing each other arent even TRYING to blame USA. They just want their fucking caliphate, and they want it everywhere. They admit this and are fucking serious about it.

They have been intentionally exporting Wahhabism for decades which is the source of most radicalized Islam.

I was talking to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi also known as the Bag Daddy. He said to always believe in Alah. And to kill some Infidels and Americans along the way. ALHU AKBAR!

You know, I fucking hate both Trump and Hillary, but I definitely prefer Trump. Still doesn't change the fact I hope hes out in 4 years

clearly not a nigger if they cant spell kool-aid
thats one of the only words niggers can actually spell

>believing in equality
>xxi century


Why do yanks unironically think they can use Europe as a bad example.

The fear of the Euro right is literally that their countries are getting closer to being like what the US has been for a long time.

The ethnic enclaves, the cities abandoned to crime, the deepening economic/social divide, the (illegal) minorities used as blunt instruments for politicians/businesses to gradually remove rights, the collapse of the welfare system, the rapey brown dudes...

No it doesn't.

Alpha male in action

Do you disagree?

9/11 happened because Muslims wanted a calphate in New York

>Conveniently uses stats from 2014

From your Twitter feed yesterday?

Conservative wit.

Replier to your post is severely retarded and can't read.


You did fine back when Bush was in office.

And when Obama fucked over the medical insurance.

Oh wait, you dad paid for that insurance so you never knew how much it cost.

Did you know thanks to Obama my Health Savings Account is taxable?
Health Savings Account - money out of my paycheck that I purposely set aside in case of emergency medical expenses like the emergency gal bladder surgery last year I paid for that now is taxable since I used it to pay for the surgery.

Since when has Biff Tannen become an alpha?

How come these stats go only up to 2014?

Trump was elected to make tough choices, which is what he is doing. All these anti trump protestors are secretly glad that he is doing so because they can protest in a variety of meaningless ways while Trump acts as the fall guy to protect their white liberal world from right wing extremists. By being the bad guy he is allowing them to maintain their self delusion of moral superiority. They should be thanking him'

9/11 happened because Moslems were doing the only thing they know how to do. Bringing down civilized soceities. But but Palestine...