I'm not a Trump supporter but I would like to know why everyone is going crazy over this temporary ban...

I'm not a Trump supporter but I would like to know why everyone is going crazy over this temporary ban. If I'm not mistaken, didn't Obama do this with Iraqis coming in? How come nobody gave a shit then? I just want to know the fundamental differences. Thx.

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Google it you "if I'm not mistaken" JAQ'ing off dipshit retard.

If Obama did do that it would be against nation the US was at war with.

Trump on the other hand only banned the countries he doesn't do business with. Otherwise Saudi Arabia would be on the list since they funded 911. Strange the war on terrorism started with 911 but the US doesn't hold them accountable. Probably since they have oil and money is worth more than safety

Let the butt hurt flow through you, libtard.

>Trump on the other hand only banned the countries he doesn't do business with



Or google.com/amp/s/www.washingtonpost.com/amphtml/politics/countries-where-trump-does-business-are-not-hit-by-new-travel-restrictions/2017/01/28/dd40535a-e56b-11e6-a453-19ec4b3d09ba_story.html?client=ms-android-verizon


Somebody had to help us attack ourselves.

We were not at war with ANYONE when Obama did this.
Trump banned countries/ "states" that the Obama administration identified as needing "extra" watching for terrorism. Stay tuned to see what happens next. What scares you libtards is that he is doing SOMETHING within 10 days of taking office whereas it took Obummer 3 months and two vacations before he did jack-shit.

>911 was an inside job
So we shouldn't ban them for having Isis members?


President Theodore Roosevelt prohibited immigration to the U.S. of anyone who believed in polygamy, promoted it or lived in a country that practiced it. (Aka muslims)

President Jimmy Carter banned Iranian immigration during his presidency to deter the possibility of homeland attacks during and following the Iranian hostage situation. (Aka muslims)

President Obama banned Iraq immigration to the US for nearly a year in 2011 to ensure dangerous potential-terrorists didn't make it to the US (aka muslims)

President Trump is banning people from militant countries with no central governments to speak of and hotbeds for training terrorists, trafficking narcotics, and other crimes (Aka muslims)

Are you seeing a pattern here?

Democrats put an immigration ban in:
>"Oh what a great and progressive guy"
Republicans do the exact same thing:
>"OMG he's literally Hitler! Racist! Time to protest!"

This is why no one takes liberals seriously. Pathetic. A laughing stock.

You're an immense idiot and showing for the 1,000th time just how uneducated lefties are.

Obama came up with the exact list of countries Trump banned.


Democrats are just amazing hypocrites. Nothing new really.

Conveniently these are the same the US government does business with as well. It's not just a trump thing. SA lets us use their land for military bases during wars. UAE makes our hand nails.

Key difference is Obama didn't ban them

Nobody give a shit than because the liberal left media did not report about it.

SHUT THE FUCK UP. Obama did it so its just fine.

wow, the alt-right apologist propaganda machinery is running on all cylinders this week. You guys will be making excuses right up until the moment the Trump SS Commandos shove you into the oven

Actually, these countries were selected based on Homeland Security travel restricted countries defined under the Obama administration.

Nice try shit-for-brains.


A. His ban sweeps across multiple countries with specific allowances made for non Muslims versus a single ban due to a vertible state of war.

B. Trump's ban in some case is indefinite, and also allows for detention of green card holders.

C. There is a conflict of interest, with Trump giving allowences for those countries with whom his has significant business relations.

Those are the key points. I would recommend reading the actual order however, it is incredible broad and inclusive, while leaving specifics to those agencies on whom he can blame miscarriages. Former head of immigration reform called it "unoperable"

Make America Gay Again!!!

Liberals act and think like children.

Because 9/11 didn't kill enough people.

Should ban them all friend. Then take back control of our government, dismantle it
get rid of money and
organized religion
Live in peace with nature
Isn't this the ultimate goal in life really?

In President Obama’s last year in office, the United States dropped 26,172 bombs in seven countries. 5 out of 7 on the ban list. I don't remember anyone complaining about that. Instead they sang him songs and told him how much he was gonna be missed.

Key difference, he proposed the bill. If he had another year, he would have. Stay mad by facts, kid. :^)

>wow I have no logical rebuttal to the truth so I'll just fall back on "hurr durrr Hitler hurr durr alt-right."

How about stop with the buzzwords and explain how you're not just a hypocritical piece of shit? Of course, you can't do that. You're in full-blown denial, kid.

Somehow, the world has reached a place where it is bad to try to protect your own people from any possibility of danger. Also it's evil to be white

Trips of peace have spoken the truth!!!

Roll tide

Sponsor: Rep. Miller, Candice S. [R-MI-10] (Introduced 01/06/2015)
Nope, by your own source even


Trump is the worlds greatest PRESIDENT

That pic. Lmao

Trump supporters are going to have the fuck beat out of them daily.

>didn't Obama do this with Iraqis coming in?
no he fucking didn't faggot
shut up


I live in Europe (upper class, educated). We are sick of arabs, and I am REALLY glad Trump fingered them good this time.
European politicans slowly are going same route and I bet German A.Merkel is living her last political days off.

I see no changes whatsoever in daily life. business runs as usual and adapts. People (like everyday fucking normal people, not some arab scmucks) are not affected by anything liberal media says.

Some people laugh off Trump, but they know deep inside nothing is going to change.
So it is laughable to say anyone is going crazy and the world is burning.

I bet Trump will do just fine. Give him some time.

Lol yea he did. Him and trump are one in the same. Makes you mad don't it?

Or maybe it's that you can't do business where terrorism is a hotspot.

>fundamental differences

It's this simple: JEW MEDIA POISON.

You really think so about the euros doing the same? I don't know much about the on goings over there. I'm constantly cucked by the media here

Not even mad. Joyous to have about 3 of us kick you fuckers in the crotch into the gutter where you belong.

Isn't he pro israel though?

Let me sum up the libtard logic on this one. The ban is temporary and is so more strict security measures can be put in place. If we weren't so entrenched in our us vs. them party politics, that would be common sense. But libtard logic says that this is a permanent ban and next will come death camps, since Trump is literally Hitler. Libtards call this a Muslim ban because these are majority Muslim countries. That doesn't make it a Muslim ban. This is the same logic as the pushback against the southern border wall. The wall is designed to increase border security and keep out more illegal immigrants. Because those immigrants come from a country where the majority are not white, that means Trump wants to spend billions on a wall because he is racist.

Liberals just need to shut the fuck up and face the fact that their shit got pushed in this election. Dust yourself off and come up with a better candidate and a better platform next time. We did.

You are mistaken read up..

He's extremely Pro-Israel.

Israel has the entire Republican party cucked.

In President Obama’s last year in office, the United States dropped 26,172 bombs in seven countries. 5 out of said 7. Hmmmm didn't remember hearing complaints then? Everyone sang him songs actually. Said they were going to miss him. Funny

Oh, threatening violence on someone who doesn't share the same beliefs as yourself. How "progressive" of you. Must be a democrat. Does it make you mad that your party's blatant hypocrisy can't be covered up by MSM now that obama's out of office?

Stay mad, kid. :^)

Why 3 on 1 though? Is it because your liberal votes only counted for about 33% of an actual vote because you were stupid enough to live in densely populated cities?

I don't support government though.

Trump's RealDoll Ivanka converted to Judaism to marry her husband, who is a real Jew.

You see what I mean though right? If he's pro israel, why would the biased Jew owned (which it is) media try to smear him? Or is it possible that they're just reporting on what is happening...

>the biased Jew owned (which it is) media
paranoid faggot

don't care
you voted for that asshole
that means you get a boot to the face
that's your life from now on

Most Eastern and central Europe is pretty much anti-muslim.
UK is strongly swinging towards anti-immigration (Brexit was basically the result of dissatisfaction of people. While UK kept their mouths shut about Eastern european workers (after all, despite our differences, we still are very similar culturally), they broke once arabs started pouring in and voted to break some of the ties)

and I think I heard France is swinging towards some changes. not really sure about what exactly is going on there, just heard that on radio this morning.

Germany is getting very dissatisfied with their leader Angela Merkel - from aside she seems to be the worst leader they ever had - let in 1 million arabs, made deals with russia that put Baltics and Ukriane in a bad spot etc. Her friendship with Putin is disgusting and it strongly feels she has some personal gain there. After all Putin served as agent in Eastern Germany and I fucking bet there is some hidden network going on. German nationalism is on the rise.

Thank gods NATO is pouring some army into Baltics and Poland, so Russia doesn't do anything stupid (they wouldn't dare anyways, this circus with military drills been happening for 50 years and doesn't affect business or normal people relationships).

So World has reached interesting breaking point and I don't feel it will get worse. Something will change, maybe for the better.

You think liberals are fascists anyway. Why not 3 of us, like Brownshirts? You fucked up faggot. And you won't have any teeth left because they'll get kicked out and you don't have insurance now.

>Not being able to understand my argument or obvious sarcasm.

Sorry that I've flustered you.

I'll fight you faggot


>I believe in non-violent, peaceful protests and tolerance

>until someone disagrees with me, then it's "a boot to the face"

And people wonder why fascist-ass democrats lost the election?

fuckin kek, enjoy the next 4 years faggot :^)

What a snowflake. Getting upset about someone else's views

Oh shit, no I'm good...s-sorry.

Interesting. I keep hearing europes disgust with trumps decision on the temp ban. Can never get a straight story here so I don't watch tv at all. Shouldn't all the white people get along first before we decide to get along with the brown and yellow? Only makes sense. I hate government anyways so

I don't care. Trumpfags like you will be dragged out of your houses and your jobs and you will have the fuck pounded out of you. That's how bad you fucked up faggot.

If you had any hand in putting this shitstain in the White House, you should have to eat shit and watch it on youtube

Basic Tenants of Fascism:

>"Nothing against the state". Any type of questioning the government is not to be tolerated. If you do not see things our way, you are wrong.

Democrats: You don't want to sell a cake to a gay couple because of your religion? We're going to tell you you have to or close your business.

Democrats: You don't want to perform gay marriage in your church because your religious beliefs don't agree with it? Don't care. Do it or we'll close your business/church.

Democrats: Don't want to pay for contraception/abortions for your employees because your deeply-held religious beliefs disagree with the murder of unborn children? Don't care. Do it or we'll close your business/charity.

>"Everything in the state". The Government is supreme.
Democrats: Bigger government, more control of individual lives, more taxation. We can spend your money better than you can.

Democrats: Don't want/need to buy this product? We'll force you to buy it or we'll penalize you a few hundred/thousand dollars every year until you do.

Republicans: Smaller government, states rights, less taxation.

We don't THINK democrats are fascists. They, by the very tenants of fascism, one and the same. You can't silence the truth no matter how badly you want to.

Tell me how I'm wrong. Can't wait to hear this one. :^)

Hmmm...interesting point.
As a counterpoint, I would like to offer that this isn't actually going to happen.

The word liberal is thrown around so much now by the trump tards that I'm starting to think they don't even know what it means...

Side note, assuming someone is a liberal just because they're smart enough to see that trump is retarded is the same as me assuming you're a racist inbred cousin fucker for voting trump.

shut up asshole
do not quote to me what a "fascist" is
you are going to be the victim this time
and if you even think of pressing chrages or testifying FUCK YOU

It's more retarded campaign style posturing, I was holding out hope he'd tone it down and be a bland Republican. Instead he continues to do these largely pointless things so his supporters can cite his "accomplishments". It's emboldening partisanship.

Appealing to people who can't find these countries on a map, who have never met a citizen, and who fell for Bush style Boogeyman propaganda is dangerous. While everyone here seems to revel in some potential civil conflict, Id rather live my quiet shitty life in peace.

Sure, kid. Let all that "tolerance" out. :^)

Nah can't be it. It HAS to be because he's a racist who is using the presidency to punish countries where "he never made money". Totally makes sense in my small liberal brain.


your posts are "the Basic Tenets (spelled right btw Trumpfag) (lel) of Needing a Safe Space"

Man up you fucking pussy


>fuck Obama he ruins everything
>Trump is only doing what Obama already did, gosh he's the greatest!
What was that about hypocrisy? Either you realize what's going on is insane and unethical or you put your own foot in your mouth.

Jews vote overwhelmingly for Dems over 80% of the time. They are pro-immigration because they want to breed whites out of their native countries so they don't get exterminated again and can more easily control the population since minorities have lower IQs. Trump is preventing their immigration plan from working temporarily. A minor bump in the road for them.

>We can spend your money better than you can.

Well yeah. All you faggots ever do is cut taxes and pocket the money. You don't know how to do social spending, that's why you're not allowed to generally.

>Was holding out hope he'd tone it down. He continues to do largely pointless things that embolden partisanship.

obama's executive orders: 274

trumps executive orders: 4

pot calling the kettle black once again I see.

>appealing to people who can't find these on a map..

No facts, no logic, no rationale for the way you think, might as well fall back on name-calling and "hurr durr more educated" when nothing else works.

Transparent and pathetic as fuck.

Jewish people are white you stupid ignorant trumpfag

its more so that its a blanket ban even to people that are legally allowed to be here.
you can't do that while they are in mid flight and when they land say "hey we changed our minds, go back"

Thats the problem.

also they lied saying it was about terrorists but excluded saudi arabia from the ban.

fuck you faggot
Obama never fired off a string of nazi fucking shit like Trump just did

all you Trumpfags are liars
fucking liars

13 year old identified. Get the mods on this one.

Daily reminder there are more than 2 genders

not even 2 weeks in and trump is fucking up.


>mfw both sources are libtard media
>mfw they actually cite these websites as sources

This is what is wrong with people. They are so misinformed.

Incorrect. They view themselves as being an entirely seperate race. "Go'd chosen people" google it faggot

I'd hold you down and make you eat shit on camera, Trumpfag.

because obama is a nigger, and trump is white. Thats the only difference.


shut the fuck up you Stormfag piece of garbage

Jewish people are CAUCASIAN

I firmly think people who argue over this stuff online are retarded. From both sides. You'll always think the dem is retarded. The dem will always think you're retarded. There are hardly ever facts or statistics because one side always accuses the other of having false or biased data. Everything else comes down to subjective opinion. This applies to everyone: you'll never convince the other side.

Not directing this toward you specifically just that your comment was the most recent. I'm just sick of reading all this shit. Same thing every time

Way to cherry pick the only snarky bit I put in there and ignore the rest

Because there are liberals and there are libtards: liberals realize that this has been done before and while they are disapproving generally, they knoiw that it's nothing new. Libtards went over to le Reddit and have gotten fired up by the ultralib circlejerk of "FUCK DRUMPF LOLZ" and are acting like this is the end of Western civilization as we know it.

Welcome to the next 8 years.

No one said banning immigration from countries known to harbor terrorists, export terrorism, and funnel narcotics (mainly heroin) throughout the world is insane when you can't properly vet them as security threats. Liberals are the only ones who said it's unethical.

Even IF there are a few countries missing from the list, you're trying to argue that it's wrong to have the other 7 countries banned to begin with. It makes no sense.

Let's say you have 10 groups of 5 people. 1 person out of each group is known, without a doubt to be a murderer. Are you arguing that it's useless to ban 6 of those 10 groups (and stop 6 known murderers) because it would inconvenience a few others?

>from both sides

why do lolbertarians always make apologies for right-wingers like this?

Too bad your grounded and can't leave the house until you apologize to your mother for not eating my cum out of her asshole last night. RIGHT?

I can see why people think this is wrong, but hardly unexpected? All he's doing is living up to loads of his campaign promises straight away. It seems to me that people thought he'd make all these promises (like most politicians) then do none of them and instead he has them all underway instantly. It'll be hard to get used to I suppose, politicians actually doing what they say they will.

Bruh your sites and data are all gonna be cuckservative bullshit too. There's no arguing because neither side believes the others' sources

Trumpfags like you will be jumped and rabbit-punched on a daily basis. You chose your path and you aint gonna talk your ass out of this.

No, Obama only fired off a string of drone attacks on the same countries on Trumps 'banned list' and ordered the literal deaths of thousands of their citizens during his time in office. You're right, revoking some passports is 100 times worse somehow.

maga my, man, lets get to work and make some moeny

4 in the first 10 days of office. Plenty of time to set anew record, you retarded faggot.