guys I have a massive toothache. Shits just radiating out thru my face/jaw

> guys I have a massive toothache. Shits just radiating out thru my face/jaw
Fuck I do to get rid of it.
Brushed my teeth n took aspirin and smoked a bowl....
Need some legit pain meds would be nice...

Oh and I cant drink....

clove oil

Pain killer and go to your dentist as soon as I osiblr

cayenne pepper on your gum. gargle whiskey, dont swallow. oxycodone?

800mg ibuprofen every 4 hours.
get to county medical center cuz youre a poorfag and get that shit taken care of asap before the infection spreads to your brain and you die.
oh wait - just take ibuprofen

You have an infection. You need to go to a dentist and either get a root canal or the tooth extracted. Don't do this and the infection might spread, rot your teeth, spread to your jaw, break it, get into your brain and kill you. Cheapest option is extraction, root canal is more expensive but you'll keep the tooth for many more decades, assuming it's good now.

Don't be a dumbass and pop pills, whiskey and clove oil until you drop dead.

Go get antibiotics

Tom Hanks used a rock in castaway

Go to the dentist or you're going to die. Seen a dude drop dead on a construction site when the idiots tooth infection reached his brain . Dont be fucking retard, go see a dentist

Tom Hanks is a raging faggot

Best idea

You sure its an infection? Its not like red or anything. Just like half the tooth is missing.and I ate some jelly beans and the shit then started to really hurt.

6 dabs


I had a tooth go bad. Tiniest of little cavity dot on the surface, huge hellish nightmare at the root. Pain was one of the worst things I've experienced. Nothing would touch it. Finally nutted up and went to the denist. It was a disaster under the surface and he had to remove the whole thing. He did a thing where he packed a clove strip down into the root/socket and the pain melted away in an instant, in a way that made tears immediately stream down my face.

Medfag here, Asprin is not the best NSAID. You're going to have to wait before you take another NSAID, however, next time take some naproxen or a high dose ibuprofen such as Motrin 800.

Agrees ^

Tryin not to take ibuprofen because I have hep c and severe liver damage.

You should have flossed all those years

ibuprom/ibuprofen 400mg best one

Some salt and water, gargle that and go to the doctor

If your tooth is abscessed, you are fucked lmao. You'll either need a root canal or have it completely pulled. Good luck. You'll know if it's an abscess if you get a fever. I had a tooth abscess and my fever hit 104.9. I passed out in the doctors office and woke up missing teeth and a 10k bill. Woo!