Do you think horror films are inherently misogynist? Most of the most brutal violence is often directed against women...

Do you think horror films are inherently misogynist? Most of the most brutal violence is often directed against women, especially as a punishment for expressing their sexuality, this disempowering women.

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no. brutal violence is just as frequently dirrect against men. though it tends to be less of a big deal.

of course not, that kind of thing is usually intended to evoke a feeling of revulsion in the audience

dario argento definitely has bane-size issues.

and I'm certain he molested asia all the way from babyhood to womanhood. he's probably still having her suck him off now that he's a bedridden cripple

No, there's a shit ton that have women as the soul surviving protagonist. Horror is a girl friendly genre for the most part

>If film shows something
>It supports it!

I want this fucking SJW thematic to go and fucking die and every person that ever fucking used this sort of an argument.

Horror isn't misogynist, what it does is it addresses the role of woman in society, reflecting rather than dictating.

Yes of course they are, there is documented evidence

>in before kissless virgins, MRAs and redpillers try to refute this

>Most of the most brutal violence is often directed against women
No it isn't. You just think it is because more often than not the protagonist is a female. Also the vast majority of villains in horror movies are men so I could just as easily say they're misandrist for not portraying female villains as often..

They just know their target audience.

in general movies do not depicte violence against women, there are like maybe 2 scenes in all of movies of a woman getting her head blown off.

Horror movies are the few exception because it has to do with virginity because of laws made to dictate morals in movies and then because of that the censorship laws arbitrarily made over what is allowed.

It's a very complex subject, but you can blame Halloween for the "scream queen" trope which even with the violence on both sides of the genders, does make the women more memorable.

All horror movies punish expressing sexuality, it's because of censorship laws that ended in 1960's and was used as the template of modern censorship.

It's since stopped. Most adult movies have sex and nudity because of the violence they had an adult rating already.

Sex sells.

yeah, the one who surives is always the virginal, pure one who has not yet dared to express her sexuality. those who play by the rules of patriarchal oppression are rewarded with their life.

>Most of the most brutal violence is often directed against women
Are you just making that up
It's just usually we don't view men as weak and vulnerable so we aren't as affected when a man is tortured and killed.
A recent example being when Sansa was raped there was horrible outcry and the writers changed the way they wrote the next season, but when Theon got castrated and viciously tortured the season before no one made a big deal out of it.

>However, Clover cautions audiences against seeing "final girls" as products of feminism. Final girls are still seen like the other women who have been killed after taking part in sexual activities by being a part of "the chase". Clover concludes that the final girl is "an agreed upon fiction [for] male-viewers' use of her as a vehicle for his own sadomasochistic fantasies."
>Implying anyone even needs to refute this stupid horseshit

>Implying because they didn't have sex on camera means they're a virgin

Wikipedia has about zero credibility if they have trash like this up

you can't refute it. it's based on assumptions that can't be tested. you can only denounce it, which doesn't accomplish anything other than signalling your personal disagreement. that's why it's so self-perpetuating and dangerous.

Disapproving of sexual immorality isn't 'misogyny'.

Not that it needs to be treated the way horror movies treat it, but that bias about female sexuality is wired into humans, so it will be a part of the structure of such stories. But it is for other natural reasons as well - women are weaker and more vulnerable, and there is more of an impulse to feel protective towards them, so they will make more suitable victims but also protagonists and heroines in such stories.

But as far as disapproving of female promiscuity, it has always been that way, as women are the sexual gatekeepers and need to be more selective, and, y'know, can get pregnant. Women themselves are the biggest judges of other womens' sexualities.

I really don't ever want to hear the misogyny argument. It doesn't factor into anything. Progressive politics don't factor at all. It's all meaningless.

>Based on assumptions that can't be tested
Nigger did you just prove yourself wrong?

You're getting my sides this time, user.

you may be retarded


You're right, I should just start believing the patriarchy is demeaning women through the all influential power of shitty slasher flicks. That's less retarded. Also, hang yourself

yes that confirmed it, you are retarded

Lol jk I was only pretending user :^)

It is commonly made clear in the film through bullying the pure virgin character suffers at the hands of the slutty Stacys in the group as well as their Chad boyfriends.

Read Men, Women, and Chainsaws. Incredible, probably the first bit of film criticism that made me realize as a kid that the medium had significant value. Whole book' great, but read "His body, Herself" if you don't have time for all of it.
And because OP is probably fucking around and already has read it, everyone else reading this, check it out. Agree, disagree, come up with your own thoughts on it, but definitely consider her ideas. Revolutionary analysis

Please, feel free to add opposite opinions on the matter on wikipedia, just make sure to have sources.

I think some people don't like violent horror movies to begin with

it's the opposite. the viewer cares more when a woman is hurt, that's why they're in these movies. you wouldn't get as much of a reaction from people if a man was in that situation.