Do you think that in a setting where people stop aging at 25 and have unlimited lifespan as long as they earn enough money there would be more incest?
Do you think that in a setting where people stop aging at 25 and have unlimited lifespan as long as they earn enough...
yeah, sure. Why not. Movies are about fantasy after all.
So did you like what the movie talked about class system and how they drain the life of low classes to subside their own apathetic greed?
Cillian Murphy stole the movie.
Yeah, it was an interesting allegory. Controlling the extra population by rasing taxes. The rich getting richer, poor getting poorer, except it is literally lethal to be poor.
I thought that it was alright. It was a nice kind of Logans Run rehash.
Why's that user?
The movie itself is brilliant, but this CGI made me kek so hard when I saw it.
There is always a certain degree of attraction towards one's parents, at least in way that people are likley to choose partners who look a bit like their other sex parent, you know Freud and all that. But there is always an age gap and all that, and here your parents look like your age and by the time you are 50 and they are 75 you might be not that far away in terms of life experience and the cultural generation you are from.
>Lmao milfs wink wink ;)
>Hurrr there is no security code to prevent people from stealing time from another man arm
>We are the 99%, fight the power ra ra ra!!!
>Durrr lets become gangsters and steal time from high securiy banks
This movie is babby first distopian future
>There is always a certain degree of attraction towards one's parents
I-is there? If that's the case why aren't people more attracted to their siblings considering there's not much of an age gap?
Saying that, Justin Timberlake's mom is a milf in this.
You couldnt write a single paragraph without fucking up so, why should we trust your judgement?
>Amanda Seyfried
>Justin Timberlake
my boy JT absolutely ruined the movie with his trash acting but amanda was pretty good. i love her alien face
This Movie is what a 19 year would come up with for film class.
It's blatant symbolism for the sake of symbolism.
I heard that people are actually attracted to their long-lost siblings they just met, but I have no proof.
There's also Westmark effect or something like this that makes people less attracted to those they grew up with.
>I heard that people are actually attracted to their long-lost siblings they just met
That's actually true, fascinating really.
>your criticism is invalid because you don't tak as a gentleman like me
Just counter those arguments you faggot. Oh wait you can't, the movie is fucking stupid.
> My criticism is valid because I said some sarcastic shit in green text
Except that Robin Hood theory doesn't work because poor people don't have money, that's why they are poor. It would be about rich assholes stealing from other rich people
Ok retard i'll make it simple since it seems today is your first day here.
Why there is no security code like a credit card to prevent people stealing from each other?
How could this two kids rob banks so easily?
Are you ignoring the poor developed concept because hot milfs?
In Time is shit, I was also hyped and dissapointed
>giving people who call this fuckfest "brilliant" attention
it's not my fault millenials like you can't bother to pay the attention needed to enjoy this
they could have written timberlake to be some kind of genius hacker who had a device to decyrpt codes and have do some elaborate security breach third act but what would that add to the movie? it doesn't change the bigger picture
I'm not even talking about Timberlake character, I'm talking about building a credible society that might work. That's what it adds to the movie, because you seem to miss the point that when you make a sci-fi movie worldbuilding is just as much important as charaters if not even more.
Instead we have a police force running around in a ridiculous goose-chase. I am to believe this is the future just because they wear cool leather jackets?
I don't think so but he should've been banging his own mom for sure.
>you know Freud and all that
You know that most of his theories are not taken seriously bu anyone anymore?
He still has a point. It's a comic-book-level plot.
You guys hate fun.
the fact that you can accept the idea of people having a build in suicide function inside of them makes all of your other arguments nitpicky. seems more like you don't like it out of principle
I absolutely adore this flick.
Amanda Seyfriend looked fucking amazing with that hair.
You keep insulting me personally, but you still can't come with a valid argument to save your life.
I guess this is the target audience for this movie.
Wasnt he the good guy of the film? From the ghetto, worked hard, became a super cop. They fucked him in the end for no reason at all.
That's funny, her hair is what i disliked, i like her normal hair.
I was running late to watch this crappy film at the cinema, I ran out of time
>the arm wrestling time gambling game
what the fuck was that
I think I lost more brain cells watching this movie. Then when I was drinking heavily after my first Iraq deployment.
we get it, you kill kids.
Why do I keep remembering that Brad Pitt was the male lead? am I being berenstained here?
it was always timberlake, you nutjob.
>movie called In Time
>starring Justin Timberlake
>ending theme isn't "Four Minutes"