Do you think you could run a movie studio?
Do you think you could run a movie studio?
I run all 6 of them nigga.
Yes and I'd do a better job than Sony
I don't even think they can run a movie studio.
Like how hard is it? Logistics aside, the problem is the plebs that buy the tickets.
You need something dumb enough to make them feel good, but smart enough that they don't feel like their being talked down too.
I wish I was a Jew.
>Fuck the sky, we going to SPACE
seriously, though, why do 5 of the six predominantly feature the sky/clouds?
all run by jews who feel they are above all the good goys.
I literally don't even know how to run a movie set
Yes, I could run it to the ground
I can't even run across the street without getting hit.
they know.
>Like how hard is it?
Seems pretty hard.
>what franchises do you buy the rights to?
>what original stuff do you greenlight?
>what gets sequels?
>what gets remade?
>what are the budgets for each film?
>how is the marketing for each film?
>which movie stars do you put in each film?
Sure there's a ton of middlemen helping you, but you get the final say.
another thing it is that it's a lot of guessing and luck
>we have this old comic book franchise
>there's this young director, he made similar film about young superhumans
>get good cast
>even Philip Glass does the soundtrack
>give the project good budget
>few months later, go to see fresh footage from the movie
>it's a man turned into pile of rocks screaming AAAAAAH AAAAAAAAH HELP ME
I have a better question: which logo is more aesthetically pleasing?
Pro tip: it's the Universal.
>Do you think you could run a movie studio?
Judging by Amy Pascal, I'd say anyone could.
Easily. I underestimated just how stupid studio executives were until the Sony hacks. It's no different to running a retail business. It's just on a large scale with higher sums of money and seemingly much more leeway with failure.
name one white person who runs a big and successful movie studio
you can't
Judging from the leaked e-mails, any illiterate hobo can run Sony.
Yeah but Sony is doing awful.
no I'm not jewish
nobody on Sup Forums is qualified to even run their own lives, let alone a goddamn movie studio
Sure. Sit on my ass all day while other people do my job. What's so hard about that?
>CEOs do nothing, everyone can do it :)
Are you 12?
I actually asked my CEO what the hell he does all day, the answer was "as little as possible, sit in a ton of meetings and try to get people to see eye to eye, then I go home"
I've seen this thread before
you overrate the normies, m8.
Sounds like he's an A+ Negotiator who deserves to be paid 100 times more than you.