Besides redlettermedia, what channels are worth following?
Besides redlettermedia, what channels are worth following?
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more like redditlettermedia lmao
the only channels that i am subbed to are GoodBadFlicks and Horrible Reviews
that weirdo harassing women in manhattan,
fuck i can't remember his name. he once made an hour long video on how some woman touched his arm or something. in another video he hits on an underage girl while her mom is there.
Channel Criswell
Every Frame A Painting
are these the interracial breeding grounds? where are the bbc's?
They are on their way.
what does a place like that smell like?
gym mats and floor polishing i imagine.
an overwhelming mix of shitting pharmacy perfume, i'm guessing
make-up, used tampons, and feet
Chris Stuckman makes pretty good reviews
I want to chuck a few tear gas grenades in there and lock the doors on my way out
Like a sweaty gym, with the occasional overly perfumed loli brushing up against you, my highschool dance team won multiple national competitions and I was friends with a couple of the girls
i'd lock the doors on my way in if you know what i'm saying
Mark Kermode sometimes does good reviews. Apart from RLM and Kermode that I haven't seen a good movie review channel on youtube (YMS and Stuckmann are garbage).
BlameSociety, for Welcome To the Basement. Really comfy.