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The future of movies has been saved.
Why isn't it doing better?
Dude it's just the first day though you Sup Forumstards are always wrong, you'll see
>le ebin Sup Forums pretends to be retarded episode
sexist MRA's told people not to watch it
Why do you feel the need to use a name and feel superior to everyone else when you're just a dumb nigger?
I will buy the Bluray if they put a sex scene with Wiig and McKinnon(with normal hair) in it.
Whatever it's gonna do great in China
Double dubs of hilarity.
No, this is actually abysmal. Captain America: Civil War earned five times that much on it's opening weekend. Batman vs. Superman as well earned 12 times that (which, kek, you guys compared in it's reception a few days ago).
Isn't it banned from china? Or is that the joke?
oh wait
lol they're trying so hard to argue it isn't a bomb too. It's going to fall off so hard next week too. This thing might fail to break even.
empty theaters and idiotic marketing that hates its audience
wow a lot of sexists and racists still in the world smdh
breh you get back most of the money opening weekend, it doesnt get better than that
it's going to taper off and end
Thanks to other user trying to compare this turd to Iron Man I now see that it made 100 million opening weekend on the same budget.
This thing and Feigs career are royally fucked.
borbabiez and whitebois shooting up the theatre probably
How did this movie even cost so much?
I thought there was a gender pay-gap?
This is perfect. And all those posts before trying to chimmy up their wins like "Capt. America did well and you doubted it; Force Awakens did well and you doubted it; suck it Sup Forums". But, yea, this shit is tanking. You bet hard and lost. Sorry, but it's shit.
Why do you feel the need to call me nigger when it doesn't phase me at all?
Yep, feels real fucking good, huh?
Will Sony make more??
CGI, which, ironically was the initial point of criticism for the film, then to be scapegoated as misogyny.
Simply because you are one. Doesn't matter if you're phased or not, you're still going to reply.
That's what I call a pay-gap
No, that totals both early screenings on thurs and opening day of friday
>Wiig making fun of it.
Depends on how deep those NDA's are up in her ass.
Honestly I like Wiig a lot and I actually really like Bridesmaids (thanks to Wiig's script and the ensemble, not Feigs direction).
But fucking hell have I lost respect for her for signing on to do this shit. Her making fun of it now would be like when a celebs PR teams put out statements the next day after South Park made fun of them trying to convince the public "Ben Affleck thinks it was hilarious!"
They went to the "Jack & Jill" school of economics I guess.
It doesn't matter how you feel, that's what you are so that's what I call you. If it were a different time you would be my slave and I would call you slave. It's just your name, nigger.
Fuck u carlos. I heard loose change from the ticket sales fell in every crack.
Was it really that empty?
I feel like that would boost sales actually.
I think they'll MAYBE try to do the Slimer spin off.
Though I think that will tank even more. Slimer is cool and all but nobody is lining up to watch a Slimer spin off movie.
Because thats what you are, a black simpleton.
Wow. So let's do some simple maths.
>$144m negative cost
>So assume $144m P&A, but it's probably higher because they are shoving it down our throats.
>30% overhead on Sony loan to Production
>$43.2m owed on loan.
>Let's assume a 50-50 split of tickets...
So by my layman Hollywood math, this needs to do $331.2m domestically to not be considered a flop.
>No one ever went broke underestimating the taste of the American People
You guys do know this is opening day not weekend right?
I don't know if it's a race thing or a lady thing but I'm mad.
the ushers hadn't started serving the three course meal yet?
no wonder cinemas are dying
Yea, that could be any screening. And even if it was, that's one theater, so cool.
>most of the audience are unattractive hambeast women who dragged along their cucked husbands to this shit
Feminists doing their part.
I was in that audience, that was for Finding Dory.
DELET THIS! It goes against the MRA narrative! Boo! Hiss! Wah!
>tumblr hambeast desperately tries to claw out a figment of un-truth in her delusional mockery
Yea, nah.
Bull fucking shit.
>filter Krager
>every thread
Same MRA boogie man as Mad Max 4 right?
>replying to fake krager
>FREE movie night
>sold out
Tfw box office kino
>Free movie
>Retired people
Well done Sony well done...
>doesn't phase me at all
>replies anyway
You're lucky I can't filter your black ass on my tablet.
>"Thanks @AARP for FREE movie night of Ghostbusters. Sold out - 270 Seniors Strong @CutlerBayTown"
>Sold out
One data point doesn't disprove the trend.
Didn't that sell well tho?
You can just use the vanilla extension and web mode instead of mobile.
Well done Sony on your sell out
Spiderman vs Amazing Spiderman planned for 2020
see It gets even funnier.
Well technically the AARP paid for it, so Sony made some dosh. That the AARP probably asked what movie was dead, and got a killer deal.
Look like an audience for a Meryl Streep movie
wtf I love Sony now.
>americans unironically take family photos at the cinema while the movie is playing with a flash camera
that is just under standing up for the pledge of allegiance before watching a movie as a weird american tradition
Guarantee you Sony paid for those tickets as a write-off my man.
>the audience is even older than the target demographic
Maybe they thought it was these Ghostbusters.
Pets was pretty fun, glad it's destroying this garbage.
>its so bad they are showing it for free.
Oh boy. Why are they even trying so hard? Just let it fail, it's no biggie.
Also, Pascal is literally cancer, why don't they get fucking rid of her already?
how the fuck have i NEVER heard of this? how is it?
Maybe it's testament to how utterly forgettable he is as a tripfag to where no one would even remember his hash signature.
I kind of want to go and watch this at the cinema now to see if my screening is actually empty or not
You mean for an R rated action post apocalyptic car chase film?
For a Mad Max without Mel Gibson?
For a movie that didn't open in China either?
There were other factors working against it and even then it did ok and they are doing sequels for it. There was one site that made a big deal about it and a few faggots here and that was played up for publicity. General audiences didn't give a shit Furiosa was focused on.
Was sabotaging your point part of your plan?
Sorry wasn't very clear.
Point is yeah it sold well. Better than this anyway.
>mfw this isnt a real movie
Kinda sad isn't it
getting really tired of boo hoo manbaby shitlords.
God, she pisses me off so much. Such a shit actress but so bangable. She should have done porn. Like the type of porn where they gag her so you can't hear her talk.
Of course.
But buy a ticket to another movie and just stick your head in
Buy a ticket to something else and sneak into ghostJUSTers.
Take a picture of the room as the movie begins and post it here later.
It's the Keit-ai of Ghostbusters.
I'm fucking dying
Doesn't your local Kinohouse show seat reservations online?
So how will the call the Spiderman on the left? Neo-Spiderman? Spiderman X?
money laundring
adam sandler style
It's the MCU version of the Spiderverse.
No one ever taught the hippo how to smile.
>just stare into the camera like you've just found out your ranch dressing was low fat
>show some teeth