Favorite movie quotes

Favorite movie quotes

>your a hairy lizard


> And I fucked your mom too.

>Killer killed you

>They don't come out during the day, usually.

>Who does Marshall Wallace look like?

anything from The Big Lebowski

>Over the line, mark it zero
>Shut the fuck up, Donnie
>Good night, sweet prince
>It really tied the room together

so on and so on

>bowling, cousin ?

>they frowned similar

Fuck beat me to it ^

> May a force be in you

Yeah cop, I know what you're thinking. You're thinking, 'we got us another crazy nigger with a gun.' Well let me tell you something: human life means very little to me at this point in time. You see, I thrive on misery. In the jungle, misery's all you got. But here in the real world, everybody want everything to be all nice and civil. All right; let's be nice. Let's be civil. And let's put down that revolver before I pull this trigger and change the way you feel about me.

you're my boy now, nog

>you're giving me a demotion?

"Dr. Pavel, I'm CIA; uh you don't get to bring friends.'

>We can't be here, this is a fat country.


"I'll return"

- Robocop

The book of this is excellent.

>it's just a bong, pussy

It puss the loshun on is skin orress it gits dahoes again

>I can't marry her she's not my friend

>Matt Damon

>and she showed me her boobies and I took great offence to that