Would this setup make a good film?

Would this setup make a good film?

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Imma go with the bears

How much ammunitions does the hunter have?

The human hunter is OP in this situation. Not choosing him to protect you would be silly, since the last thing you want is another person hunting you.

Guy with the gun so he can shoot you in the head so you don't have to be brutally torn apart by creatures.

If those are saltwater crocs, going with them. Besides the hunter they could 1v1 all the others and there is good amount of them.

15 wolves obviously FUCK

>no one wanting to be king of the rats.

They're also fucking stupid. Gorillas or human are the only sensible choices.

Trick question. None of the scenarios is survivable. Literally not a single one. Heck, 1000 rats and 50 hawks could rekt most the other contestants by themselves.

How is he going to kill 1000 rats zerg-rushing you?

He doest have to kill the rats, he just has to kill you. This whole thing is completely retarded. Unless you have mind control over these animals how can you make sure they'll protect you?

does the hunter only have a rifle or does he have other weapons?

>how can you make sure they'll protect you?

Because the image says so.
I agree he is OP, however, he is not as dangerous as the groups with superiority in numbers. Also, depending on the situation, you can outrun, evade or kill the fucker.

All would end with me dying but 15 wolves is the best choice

None of this works. It's a stupid image.

The average grizzly has at least 250 pounds on the next biggest animal, which is a lion. Most of their deaths that are unrelated to old age are due to a) other grizzlies or b) being outsmarted and losing their food to a pack of wolves, causing weakness or starvation. I can't imagine anything else on the list but the guy with a gun being able to kill 3 of them.

Also, can anyone explain to me how the fuck Polar Bears weigh nearly a ton? How can they weigh so much more than grizzlies, they don't seem to be that much bigger but in terms of weight and strength they're absolute monsters compared to anything else on earth

Bears, every time. Bears are retardedly OP.

Back in the day when they used to make exotic animals fight for fun, bears destroyed everything. Lions and tigers made a lot of noise and looked very impressive, but their bones are relatively fragile to enable them to move fast. Bears just cracked their skulls with one swipe.

The biggest risk here after the bears would be the bulls. Bulls can absorb a fucking ton of damage, and they're angry bastards packing a lot of power.

Look for the gif of the bull disembowling the horse for a glimpse of bull aggression.

No matter what you pick, you're dead.

If you pick the hunter, he won't have time to kill all the animals before one reaches you and fucks you up.

If you don't pick the hunter, he will just blow your brains out before any of the animals can reach him.

Ez. 1000 rats.

*weight disregarding oxes and huge crocs (very wide range)

Polar bears are the biggest bear species. Grizzlies look bigger than they actually are due to their more fuzzy coat. They're still big, but polar bears are 'taller', which means they have more bone and muscle, which is heavy.

I'll go with the cinema falcons and just make them go for the eyes of everyone.

Oh okay that makes sense. What's with the long necks? That seems to be one of the strongest evolutionary traits that no other bear on Earth shares. For carrying walruses and shit?

how would those other animals stop 1000 murderous rats lmao? they only have 1 mouth and 2 claws then the rats are past them and eating your face

>those comments.


>pick hunter
>wait for the animals to kill eachother
>you and your hunter buddy clean up the last bits

Its easy as hell


>wait for the animals to kill eachother
it's 8v1 not FFA famalam

no trolling are horses the dumbest mammals on earth?

I do. 1000 rats and their excellent sense of smell would be a good alarm system. I have enough guns to defend myself against some old guy with a single-shot Handi Rifle. He couldn't handle rats since you can tell he has a single shot break action rifle.

There's another video with a white horse, way more graphic than that, I've only ever seen it on Sup Forums.

Bull opens the fucker right up. Runs round the ring till it's insides fall out and it's just an empty body. Grim.

Follow up questions: what kind of intelligence does each choice get?
Eg., If the rats can be controlled to zerg rush, they surely are unstoppable. A thousand rats could rip a human being apart in minutes. If the animals only have animal intelligence, then having another human is obviously a lot more desirable.

Second question: what is the game arena? If it's an urban area, then this is a cakewalk. Humans can just ask for help from other humans, take shelter, acquire weapons, etc.
If it is in the wild, then where? Is there an arena boundary, like hunger games?

Wolf Pack for Protection

Human To Hunt me

that way I'm protected by a great force and if I die at least it's quick and painless compared to say...2 fucking gorillas

why would you pick anything but the hunter

I choose wolfs

He has a single-shot gun and must reload after every shot. If you posted this image on /k/, people would recognize that immediately.

Nobody could save me from the fucking falcons so I'd go with them.
Those guys are fast as fuck, no way the hunter could take down 50 of them before they tore me a new one

no friend, everything that is not the wolves is gunning for your ass.

Depends how organized they are/

If intelligent and can work in an organized manor the Eagles are the best.

Can pick off the mice and for every other scenario they can stratch the eyes out of the other animals and leave them to die.

Even if it cost one its life to get one eye you still have 20 left after the wolves.

Eagles = EZ win.

Everything but those Hawks are coming for you. Not just the human. You basically have a 1000 mice on your ass for sure and I highly doubt 50 Hawks are going to deter the rest enough. That's 40 other things to deal with. They would just annoy most of those things before they mauled whatever the mice left.

I choose the bulls.

Their mass alone could shield me from the bullets. Bovines will often form protective circles when threatened by large groups of predators, so I image they would do this for me.

The bulls outnumber the grizzlies and gorillas combones. If these are full grown bulls we're talking about, then they could easily hold their ground against lions and wolves. Lions and wolves almost never target healthy, adult male herbivores because they are often strong as fuck and difficult to take down. I assume this battle is taking place on land, so the crocodiles wouldn't be much of an issue.

The only real problem is some of the rats slipping through and the hawks attacking from above. But these animals are small and weak and I could probably just stomp on them myself.

It would be difficult, but possible.


Here you are lads

obviously Keanu

Punisher. He literally can't die