The biggest film of all time

>The biggest film of all time
>had absolute zero cultural impact and everyone forgot about it

explain this


it was just a cash-grabbing machine and money laundering on a large scale.Not much to explain.

It was really forgettable in every way, except the CGI at the time. I think it was just marketed effectively.

>this is what butthurt haters actually believe

Cry more.

3D gimmick
Came out in December where there is zero competition which is how Titanic made so much money

The sequels will not make nearly as much

turns out it was all hype about how good it looked. outside of that it was a boring shit movie we have all seen before.

No one talks about it. No one cosplayd it at cons. No one even parodies it now. That's just sad


Is this the director's cut of Pocahontas? Why is there a blue thing holding a gun?

No, you said was Genisys was good!

It's the only way you make the biggest movie of all time.

The second you try no convey a message is the second it shifts from being watched by EVERYONE on Earth to a place of niche.

>pocahontas in space

it was probably the least compelling blockbuster i'd seen.

why would they make the CGI so good and not even try to make it interesting

and why the fuck are we getting more of them, make another original world FUCK CAMERON

People who actually liked it are saying it was marketed ineffectively. People would focus on CGI too much and miss the point and whatever it could have delivered.
Personally I didn't care too much.

>that's what butthurt haters actually believe
cry more

why do you keep reposting this? we get it. youre retarded. go back to Sup Forums.

explained: china market, first big 3d flick & 3d cost 1.5-2x as much then, and ur moms a whore

James Cameron has been dropping the ball since Terminator 2: Judgement Day. Just TRY to listen to the score from that film and not cringe in holy disgust. That's when the wheels began to fall off. True Lies was a horrible mess, and he's had "yes men" sucking his dick 24/7 and telling him he's God while he's the entire opposite, ever since.

And you know it's ALL TRUE.

It's marketing was based on revolutionary technology and an unforgettable cinematic experience, so people went to see it.

>3D gimmick from a has been director starring a bunch of D-Listers and sub D-listers had no cultural impact and everyone forgot about it

because it was really impressive in the cinema in IMAX but shit as fuck when on DVD etc etc

>this is what butthurt haters actually believe

Cry more.

>True Lies was a horrible mess

is james cameron a furry

It was, as Jim Gaffigan would say, cultural McDonald's. Bright, pretty, flashy, sugary, but five minutes after you consume it you forgot everything about it.

>This is what butthurt haters actually believe

Cry more.

Cry more

is that a normal sized book or a giant shaq?

The highest grossing movie of all time. Not once. But twice though?

I thought the movie was pretty fun myself cool bright colorfull setting, good action coreography near the end I never understood the meme brigade.

It's not the "biggest film of all time", it just make a fucking shit-ton of money.

Jaws had more cultural impact than Avatar.

>enjoying my vacation in Portugal with gf
>taking in the sights, enjoying Ronaldo memes and overall sense of colonial failure
>decide to go on Sup Forums because I haven't in a week and want to laugh at memes in my good mood
>see your shitty butthurt hater thread
>get mad
Avatar was good, faggot. Deal with it.

>Dances with wolves

Is...Is that you Abatap?

3d gimmick

it's literally the only 3d movie I've ever seen, applies to most in my circle of friends

>being this butthurt
cry more

>Cry more

Being this butthurt

It made 3D popular among the masses. The legacy of Avatar meant that cinemas were able to present a higher-priced ticket and most people didn't feel ripped off because they were getting a "better" experience. This also helped promote cinemas as being the place to watch films, in a time when cinema attendance was petering off due to advances in home entertainment, and led to more advanced screenings like IMAX.

Without Avatar, it's unlikely many films would have made the jump to 3D and it would have made those showings less popular - nowadays, blockbusters have as many if not more showings in 3D. This leads in turn to more money going to cinemas and the industry.

It might not be the most memorable film of all time, but it's likely Jim Cameron saved cinemas.


I didn't like it, but I will say this...all the design on the vehicles and mechs and ships was amazing. You can't beat Cameron up for that. It's a shame that the story sucked.

>Pocahontas with lots of CGI
gee I wonder why everyone forgot about it

>The biggest film of all time
>had absolute zero cultural impact and everyone forgot about it

0/10 nice logical fallacy, kiddo. Cry more.

I-I never f-forgot


If anything it killed the industry for smaller films. It's still too expensive to go and people only go and see big action movies

3D is actually tapering off. Less and less movies are 3D and people are realizing it's a gimmick.

>It made 3D popular among the masses. The legacy of Avatar meant that cinemas were able to present a higher-priced ticket and most people didn't feel ripped off because they were getting a "better" experience.
only it also meant that cinemas needed to modernize their projection systems to allow for 3D, costing them gorillions

>Without Avatar, it's unlikely many films would have made the jump to 3D and it would have made those showings less popular - nowadays, blockbusters have as many if not more showings in 3D. This leads in turn to more money going to cinemas and the industry.
Except 3D is dying a slow and painful death as we speak

>It might not be the most memorable film of all time, but it's likely Jim Cameron saved cinemas.
Except he didn't because few people actually like 3D. Instead, it caused producers to focus more on gimmicks than on quality production, further hurting cinema attendance.

Meanwhile, large-format productions like Interstellar, Dark Knight or H8ful 8 have been able to get cinema back to its roots as an impressive and grandiose medium, without the need for gimmicks which interfere with storytelling.

TL;DR Avatar is shit and tried to make 3D popular which it never was and never will be because 3D SUCKS.

why hello there abatap

They shouldn't have cast Benedict CrumpleSnatch

It was 'the ultimate 3D experience'.

It was also the last film I ever watched in 3D.

Anyone here fall for the 3D TV meme? Kek

>everyone forgot about it
>threads like this get made all the time

the 3D in Avatar was actually pretty functional because the entire movie was filmed around it

what killed 3D is the score of movies who slapped on some cheap 3D effects as an afterthought

I think I pretty much missed out on Avatar since I watched it on DVD. Pretty sure I fell asleep at least one time.

You first.

Are you narcoleptic?


assuming this is legit

>filming a movie around a gimmick
it's 1927 all over again

hello, reddit. Nice meme opinion.
What do you mean "zero cultural impact???"


Is James Cameron defending his shitty movie in the thread, or what?

>Reminder that we still have three more movies to go
>Reminder that it has been SEVEN YEARS and we've seen NOTHING

shitty bait is shitty