Thoughts on this?

Thoughts on this?



what is it with mexicans and mismatched bandoliers?

North so much?


She would die in an urban theater of battle pretty quickly..

she dosnt pull off the gun thing... best to just have her show off her pooper

>chicks with guns? chicks with guns.





wrong bullets?


i like what i see

I'd love that as a wall paper if it was big enough to fit my screen.


I think Kronenbourg is fucking awful and to have a sign for it featured behind your bar should be punishable by summary execution and confiscation of your remaining alcohol inventory for distribution to people with better taste.



I really thought that sign in the back said kronenberg.


Stupid sexy muslims



You never know when she's going to kill somebody with a bigger gun and need ammo for a yaknow

Read this in Seinfeld voice.