Where were you when YIFY was replaced?

Where were you when YIFY was replaced?

Mourning YIFY, lest we forget

>Not downloading x265 for small size.
wtf is wrong with people?

what sites are you using

>Over 1 GB

Doesn't seem like it



yify 1080p rips are over 1 gb as well.

No thanks my smart tv doesn't play it and size isn't an issue

i really hope you aren't doing this, most of them think x265 is an excuse to use very low bitrates like joybell.

You can't get small size with high bitrates.
Most x265 encoders target the people who don't care THAT much about video quality and just want something decent that can be downloaded quickly i.e YIFY's audience.
The stuff by uploaders like joybell looks better than that of YIFY at comparable sizes, which is why I am baffled why x265 isn't very popular now.

seems fine. i don't come across their releases much though.

>The stuff by uploaders like joybell looks better than that of YIFY at comparable sizes,
proof needed, especially considering joy says he delivers "can't tell the difference quality" with sometimes 900kbps video bitrate.
anyway, just don't get small size files, i mean i don't mind getting something around 3-4000kbps, but anything under 2000 just looks awful.

>Independents Day

way better than the shitty independence day.

>Current year

What the fuck is these guys' problem?

x265 does a better job of concealing low bitrates.
It won't look as good as proper bluray, obviously, but it looks better than x264 at the same bitrate.
Works fine for college students like me who just want to watch something on a weekend on a laptop.

Another original classic by The Asylum.


Who cares about YIFY. Break Denuvo already ya cucks.

break it yourself gaymer cuck


looks like it's a pretty dumb tv

They're just the ones that have the shit first now. They release 720 and 1080p copies too.

>but it looks better than x264 at the same bitrate.
it goes from awful to just bad
>Works fine for college students like me who just want to watch something on a weekend on a laptop.
i've been doing the same for a long time and still didn't download those encodes (because i would just not enjoy it, and also because i knew i wouldn't stay on a laptop forever, but to each his own), if you want it fast then just start the DL before going to bed, or before going to uni / work, extra waiting time won't matter that way.

EVO is just as bad. There's a reason it's banned from private trackers.

>private trackers
west of time.

I seriously doubt there's anything worse than YIFY.

>tfw using Usenet

>inb4 >paying to pirate