B-but Trump has only our safety in mind!

B-but Trump has only our safety in mind!

Listen you illiterate dumb fuck. The countries that are banned were decided by the departmant of homeland security under obama.

I think the ban is bullshit, but that graphic is also bullshit.

1. You're only mentioning attacks on the US, not terrorist attacks worldwide, including the many recent successful or thwarted attempts in Europe. It's quite clear where those were being orchestrated from. Inarguably, the most powerful terrorist organizations in the world are currently in Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Somalia, Sudan, Nigeria and Palestine.

2. Obviously Trump is more likely to have businesses in countries that are wealthier and more stable, which are also logically those which aren't partially controlled by terrorist organizations. Makes sense if you think about it.

The only one that doesn't really fit is Iran. Also, several muslim-majority countries are conveniently absent from this list which are 'no' in all three columns.

Who cares? They didn't write some stupid order which doesn't do shit.

Who cares? Did you read the fucking image you posted? Trumps business had absolutely nothing to do with this and you try to bring it up. This is why the left cant win a fucking argument your too busy making false accusations of racism/sexism/xenophobia to even attempt to argue policy. Go fucking kill your self.

> He is just milking the position for all the money possible
> Also destabilising the fuck out of you like a US Berlusconi

I see you've resorted to feels over reals. Fact of the matter is, it doesn't matter where the Trump administration got the list from. What matters is what they've done with it, which is stupid.

Besides, Trump's business ties are interesting, also regardless where the list came from.

Get mad though.

> He just wants to let the elite continue to skullfuck you

> You got swindled

Trump is so fucking dumb. At least it'll be an entertaining couple of years. Before he's impeached for his unconstitutional conflicts of interests I guess, lol.

We all knew he'd be a robber baron, but even a rober barron is less dangerous than an ideolog. A robber barron will sleep and protect you from the wolves to ensure their income remains flowing. An ideolog will harry you night and day because they know it is right.

No TPP = Trump has already done what I needed him to

Lower chance of a cuck on the supreme court bonus

Protectionist policies only good for the short term fine, the next guy will probably change them anyway.

Trump = a nessesary correction deal with it.

OP and other lambs whine about Trump keeping the wolves from the door.
Trump supporters and newfags inexplicably feed the trolls.

Threads like this will go away if you don't feed these morons.

Hillary was also a robber baron...

>staph likeing wat i dont liek waaah

no they were not. another lie from the Republicunts.

This list and policy was written without DHS approval. or consultation.

trump adn Bannon just made this shit up, and did so illegally - and DHS had to pick up the bits.

He never said he would hire inexperienced dumbfuck "Community Planners."
The swamp is John McCain, other rinos, and life long politicians who have lined their pockets instead of serving their constituents and protecting their interests.

You guys are getting btfo in month one.
The ball is rolling on the wall.
We aren't importing more diseased and/or murderous goat fuckers.
You guys are super butthurt.
This is your life till at least 2024.
Get used to it.
Keep up the bullshit and you can enjoy 8 years of Mike Pence after that.
Stay mad and retarded.

>At least it'll be an entertaining couple of years.
yeah if being in a train wreck is your idea of fun...

he will fuck the environment and the economy, and he and his cronies will make out like bandits - you will pay for it...


but not an out and out one. She would have done ok, but made sure everyone else did ok. Trump will steal the last penny from your fist...

Was that an argument?
You had a number of angles to work with and you resorted to grade school tactics?
Stay dumb.
The dumber you are, the easier this will all be. : )

I have wanted to see your dumb empire fall for many years now. Stay mad.

Failed muslim states engulfed in civil wars vs the normal muslim terroristy states.

y u so mad tho?

>The swamp is John McCain
the man who wrote the bill against torture that sociopathic dumbfuck trump wants to rip up.

congratulations - in 8 days he managed to outrage the civilized world, totally piss of the muslim world, and get a gallup poll majority disapproval rating in the US. 8 days. It took Obama almost 1000. Bush nearly four years. to get a majority disapproval.

he won't last four years.

No she was an much more compident robber baron. She would have sold the US off to the highest foreign bidder and it would have been years before we noticed. Even if Trumpo screws the pooch which isnt actually likely at least hes a domestic screwup who is trying to do the right thing for self serving reasons.

>asking libtards for proof