Serious question

Serious question

Why does Sup Forums have a lgbt board?

I mean seriously, i went there for 5 mins and saw nothing but degeneracy

Fuck, already delete that board
Goddamn insecure fags

Sup Forums is a melting pot of degeneracy.
It just makes it easier for certain degenerates to find each other.
Have you not seen /d/?

>on a containment board designed for degenerates
>surprised to see degeneracy

next, are you gonna tell us you hate Sup Forums because all they talk about is video games?

The cool thing about boards is, You dont have to click on the ones you dont want to see :) :)

Seriously? Have you never been to any other boards for longer than a few minutes?

>/fit/ is a bunch of fat NEETs pretending they're alpha and lift all day
>Sup Forums and /vg/ is a bunch of literal weaboos who hate every game that isn't anime related
>Sup Forums is a bunch of alt-right, /r/the_donald loving morons who follow people like Alex Jones
>Sup Forums is filled with shit like "my sister", "traps", "cuck", "why do white women like black guys" and Facebook fap threads
>There's a board devoted to mentally ill pedophile pony fags

Why did you even go to that board? I just went there and it seems far more normal than the boards I've mentioned.

Sup Forums is for degeneracy. It's been getting worse since the 2014 Tumblr raid when a bunch of hamplanets and mental illness posters came here. They never left.

Do you even

It was meant to get that shit off Sup Forums. You really want to delete it and have it come here? Use your fucking head moron.

The non-Tumblr LGBT supporters all post there. The Tumblr ones post here all day with trap threads and race mixing propaganda.

Again, thanks for raiding Tumblr in 2014 Sup Forums. Good job.

it's good that they're separated from us. what the fuck are you complaining about?

if anything we need MORE separation

Serious question

Why don't we have a containment board for the braindead morons who want to have the same argument about Trump over and over?

Sup Forums is not a super secret nazi club. It's a website with a lot of diversity. The only thing we care about, or have ever cared about, is lulz.

We're not all Sup Forums and we call everyone faggot. It should be no surprise there are actual faggots here.

We do but they've evolved and learned to click on other links on the site.

Also, all foreginers should fuck off to Sup Forums. Nobody cares what you cucks think about America. You fuckers are literally more autistic than the Trump supporters.

not goin in there, but i bet theres not much difference with Sup Forums
>wig wearing faggots with boobjobs

If you think there are many gay and trap threads on Sup Forums, just wait and see if they remove the gay boards. Instead of removing the boards, ban every gay porn thread from other boards.

moot created it and Miyazaki didn't get around to deleting it. As long as the cash checks - he won't

I like to fap to mixed wrestling, mixed mma videos. You know those guys just love letting those girls win when they do a Saturday Night Ride pin or mount them.

I should sign up to a majority female MMA gym.

>talk about degenerates on boards
>tries to be a moral pillar of society
>forgets where the idiot is
>my sides

if only they STAYED on the lgbt board

i'm tired of throwing up at the sight of fag/trap threads

>everybody not american on the internet is a foreigner
>being this fucking retarded

this is a sanctuary board just like a sanctuary city.


on 4 chan it is better to seperate all degenerates ;)

If that board was deleted a lot of that gay shit would migrate here, and Sup Forums already has enough as is.

This. They don't make boards to make faggots happy, they make them to make everyone else that is sick of dealing with them happy. Remember when people used to spam MLP shit here constantly?

The real problem is how they can afford to keep creating boards for these irritating fucks.

Serious question
More of this chick?

She is probably underage though dude