What's the verdict?
What's the verdict?
are you a child or why would you watch a show for kids?
i watch it for the plot
I wanted Liz to peg me Tbh
definitely worth watching for the plot
I wanted to see Jade get Blacked by Andre, but no.....
What did they mean by this?
For the feet
For the plot obviously.
The Breakfast Club spoof episode was actually kinda funny. I don't know how they got away with it.
Is it true that Liz Gillies was best girl?
because it's a kids show that has lots of hot nudity and sexual imagery
Because kids are hot
Those are adults
Did it even have a plot?
Yes, a very deep one created by Dan Schneider
>I don't know how they got away with it.
That's a question I've been asking about Dan for years.
you should rename this webm as dan schneiders lunch.
Can we Danpost?
Dan "Get in my van" Schneider
Good show to watch on mute. Probably Dan's worst work though up to that point.
>Black kid doesn't bang any of the girls
Completely unrealistic.
>Not Sam & Cat or Zoey 101
So much plot.
How is Bizzaro World this time of year?
Zoey 101 actually looked like Dan put some effort in, he just hadn't yet dropped the pretense like he did with Victorious. I also made sure to specifically say "up to that point" because Sam and Cat and whatever else came AFTER Victorious.
Maybe if you like melodramatic shit
You don't have to like melodramatic shit, you just have to hate cringeworthy comedy more. The only advantage Victorious has over Zoey is the girls get nakeder. Oh, and Dan didn't knock any of them up.
post them webms, fag
The comedy was fine. Certainly easier to take than Zoey's cringey melodramatic bullshit.
Second best IMO.
Well to avoid 100 posts of "Nuh-uh" "Yeah-huh", I'll just agree to disagree. They're both shit though.
Who was best?
If you fucking say Victoria I swear 2 God m8. I'll admit Vicky has nicer tits.
Fuck that guy, Liz is the best.
>Who was best?
Horses for courses m8, Liz is super hot too, I'm just not quite as into getting my balls stomped on as some.
>Zoey is the girls get nakeder
I never really watched it, but wasn't there a scene where the main girl tries to crawl threw a doggy door and ends up ripping her shorts off? I need a webm of that.