What does Sup Forums think of my favorite tv wrestler Bron Lester ?
What does Sup Forums think of my favorite tv wrestler Bron Lester ?
That's Bork Laser you idiot
Kill yourself you fucking virgin faggot
Pretty shit, and the wrestlemania match will be Even worse than the 2004 one
thats brick lesnar you idiot
I love brocks titantron
down syndrome neck / 10
I have a feeling the only reason they give us goldberg vs lesnar with the dropper, is cause goldberg is in so shitty shape that he's gonna get injured from the very first stiff impact between them
So Brock Lesnar vs Goldberg was better yhe 2nd time around
He was on tv? I think he should be president.
Cant help but agree. I get brock is an over powering dude but golberg has some experience in fighting as well. They could put on a good match, hopefully wrestlemania it happens
You kidding me Brock lesnar vs Goldberg was the most boring match ever
Dude's legs are super skinny in comparison to his upper body. It's like he consistently skipped leg day.
You newfags don't know shit, we've been with Brauck since the very beginning, you don't even know this legendary game
Was Brock lesnar in the Royal Rumble ?
Vince McMahon like big sweaty men
I remember it, my favorites were Albert the Trainman, China, Mitt Coley, Hearst Hemsley, The Overtaker, Taine, The great Babuta X, McMahon Family, oh what matches
My loyal peasant!
I fucking KEK'd to death when I heard this