>Worse than the new ghostbusters
>Most profitable animated movies of all time
Explain this.
>Worse than the new ghostbusters
>Most profitable animated movies of all time
Explain this.
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suck my cock faggot
Little children take the whole family to the theatre. If they like it, they will take them again.
It didn't take a thing made for boys and try and market it to girls.
The main characters are attractive and white
It had catchy songs.
Does Ghos'bustahs and shiet have catchy songs?
Sister incest
Really makes you think
>Tfw no animated frozen rule34
kill me senpai.
>Most profitable animated movies of all time
Wrong, so fucking wrong.
Your the gayfag if you like Frozen faggot.
>Worse than the new ghostbusters
Well there's your explanation right there: you have terrible taste.
Go check the numbers. Zootopia is 3rd all-time among animated films behind Minions at #2 and Frozen at #1 (and #9 all-time among ALL movies)
minions? really?
are these worldwide or national numbers?
Keep telling yourself that, humanfag ;)
Isn't that the main BLACKED girl black anons and white cucks enjoy posting so much?
but the women in frozen are sexy
stupid white trash bitch with her fake shitty hair with no volume, don't post dis shit on my board
That dirty porn "star" doesn't look like Elsa for shit. This girl did it better.
jesus christ that hand is almost as big as mine
why the smug expression?
- has teenage girls as main character
- actual little girls want to see female characters they have the possibility of becoming
- Ghostbuster: ATC has old women: a skinny old lady, a fat old lady, a big black old lady, and a middle aged dyke
- Frozen has catchy songs
- Ghostbusters: ATC has queefs
>teenage girls
Elsa & Anna is literally the oldest disney princesses
Elsa is 22
Anna is 19
Both are legal to drink & fuck.
>oldest disney princesses
>Elsa is 22
Elsa isn't a Disney princess actually. Shes a Queen. She was supposed to be an evil queen in the film Frozen before John Lasseter decided to change into a good queen.
>ywn have pure aryan children with Elsa
no she didn't, she looks nothing like her except for her eye shadow
yes she does, eyebrows are similar, nose and jaw shape too and the colors match
>ywn gangbang elsa
>people actually went to see Minions
It was ok though.
I pirate minions anyway
>tfw you will never hear Elsa moan as you grab her tit with one hand and pull her head back by her braid with the other
This fucking render is so fucking hot.
>Catchy song
>White attractive characters
>Whole families go to see the movie
It makes sense
Good quality 3d frozen models when.
Ghostbusters : Less than 4.0 in imdb
Frozen : More than 7.0 in imdb
So no.