What does Sup Forums think of this?

What does Sup Forums think of this?

Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=distance between earth and moon
google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=diameter of jupiter


The moon is like, fucking far. All solar system planets would fit between it and earth with spare space.

This post is retarded, even for /b.

Wow you can't really be that dumb, if you really are and that's not bait then I feel sorry for your whole bloodline

I don't think you're aware of how many times jupiter alone is bigger than the earth

I am very aware. Fucking retards.

I don't think you're aware of how far the moon is from Earth

Truly the trolling has gone past autism and to the nether regions of the internet.

Alright now it's just turning into the most pathetic bait I've ever seen.

so no actual counter-argument as to why the earth doesn't appear six times bigger from the so-called moon pics. nice deflection m80

Stupidness is strong in here.

You see the moon in the sky, right? Well the earth should look 6x larger than that from the surface of the moon. In NASA's photos, it doesn't. Why?


nice shopped pics

So if a dog is 6 times bigger than a cat, does the dog look 6 times bigger at 1ft away? What about 10ft away? What about 238,900 miles away?

You cant be that stupid. Kek.

Not an argument.

something called perspective.

Where did all the stars go??

yea because there is no argument you dumb nigger. The farther you are away from 2 objects, the less noticeable their size difference becomes.

Learn about photography and exposition time and you'll know.


>I didn't go to school: the post

Holy shit the denial in this topic...

diameters of the planets: nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/planetary/factsheet/

Moon - Earth Distance : 384.400 km

Do the math....



those pics are shopped m8

So you think they went to all of the trouble to fake a moon landing but just forgot to scale up the photo of earth? Not that it's prespective but that a mistake was made and some asshole in the internet has caught them? Occam's razor says it's more likely that the earth is round and you are an idiot

Same old (((answers))) in these threads..


>Occam's razor
Reddit out in full force today.

Go to /Sci

Get out fucking shill. You wanna believe in reptilians and fake moon landing? Kay, stat stupid.

But how does eyes work?


Retard to the maximum. Check your facts.

Here is the Explanation

The Earth appears about four times larger in the lunar sky than the moon appears in Earth's sky. Because the moon is tidally locked to the Earth

The effect where even the moon appears larger near the horizon. That is a special relativity trick of perception, where without the context of other objects of any scale it appears smaller in the middle of the sky, Also known as the Ebbinghaus Illusion.

On the moon though our landing site was near the edge of the moon as seen from Earth, always putting it on the horizon, If however we traveled closer to the center of where we look at the moon from the Earth, it would also appear smaller. Still, it would appear larger than the moon to us, simply because it is much larger itself.

Does that help

So just the straw man? No actual argument?

>Wha-what are wide angle- and telephoto-lenses?

Jupiter is 140,000kms across..
Saturn is 116,000...

Ops bait is so pathetic it's painful, this is now a cringe thread



>what is focal length and perspective.

I'm genuinely embarrassed by your stupidity.

Fucking moronic drivel. Did a child make this?

Well some quick googling says the Earth is about 4,000 miles in radius and the moon is about 1,000. Yes, I'm using Imperial measurements fucking sue me.

So the "six times bigger" thing isn't true from the get-go.

But it's still 4x bigger, so it should appear that way.

I'd say the bottom left pictures are dead-on for the four-times-bigger theory. That's about four times the moon's size on Earth.

If you're struggling with that, it's because you don't have a clear mental image of how big the moon is. It's tricky to measure celestial objects with the naked eye, since we generally estimate the size of things through comparison to other, nearby things.

If earth is a sphere being 6 times bigger does not imply being 6 times larger, because one lenght is linear and volume is ^3


Make a fucking argument first instead of claiming jews everywhere.

>imperial measurements
Opinion invalid.

isnt bait you fucking plebs

Moon/Distance to Earth 384,400 km
Jupiter/Diameter 139,822 km

Check yours you smacktard...or see
Fucking children I tell you...and people think trump is what's wrong with this country.

fucking idiot


Ok, what is your argument beside "I am too stupid to understand perspective, basic notions of photography and high school science"?

Not relativity.

Special relativity thank you

6X mass, not diameter

The argument is the earth is flat. Not one of (((you))) has ever provided sufficient evidence to suggest it is round. Just straw men and ad hominem attacks. I took your bait, here's your (You)

Depends, you'd have the match the scale of the photos, which it doesn't look like you do.

Yea because education belongs on reddit and children belong on Sup Forums. Fucking newfags newfagging. Go to bed junior

I need more acid to look at that gif

This is the best trolling I've seen in a long time

So why would earth be flat if all other planets we know are round? How the hell do people have traved across the globe? Do they get teleported to the other side when reaching one end?

This can't be anything but low quality bait.

its more popular than you think. the flat earth society have members all over the globe dumb ass.

You didn't answer my questions. And yes, I'm aware that there are idiots and retards all around the world.

So is OP just going to pretend that this isn't here?

there sure are.

Even more, have some high school level education, my tardfriend:



It's too complicated for OP. He will ignore it.

Seems like lots of folks in here have trouble understanding the scope of our solar system. I think it's probably because of images like this that we are shown as kids. Here's a fun site that puts the distance between earth and mars into perspective:


>object disappears over horizon
>'it's the curve!'
>pull out binoculars
>disappears again
>pull out telescope
>reappears again
Why is this?

> fucking idiot

Wow how original, why don't you tell us how you really feel....

Yes but at apogee it is 405,696 km away.

Considering the moon doesn't have a perfectly circular orbit the distance does change as it orbits the earth.

Look it up troll.


photography and lenses and shit


Where is Pluto?

This proves you might have some magic binoculars.

By your theory I could use my telescope from Spain to look at New York, as it's a straight line, no?

Flat Earth Society

All over the globe.


>keeps looking with telescope
>object disappears over horizon
>it's the curve
>kills self

>the moon doesn't get bigger or smaller in the sky through the year or in a single night according to its position along its orbit around the Earth and Earth's own rotation

I can't even feel smart about this. Children know this. It's demonstrated to anyone every night.


also says that the earth is only ~4x as big as the moon.

Now look to the sky and imagine the moon were 4 times as large in diameter. It's still not taking up the entire fucking sky you dimwits

>flat earth

>If this "photo" was real
Yea, that picture is shot from WAY closer to the moon than the earth. Think about it for 2 seconds.

Better yet, grab a ping pong ball & a basketball. Hold them a fixed distance apart & move your head around. I bet you can find a perspective where the ping pong ball can totally eclipse the basketball.

>Why doesn't it look 6 times bigger?
It does.

Or ~4 times bigger because mass vs 2 dimensional area aren't a 1 to 1 translation.

The moon is actually pretty small in the night sky. Just feels bigger because we have points of reference on earth instead of a big empty nothing.

Also you can do some goofy lens tricks to make objects look all kinds of farther & smaller (pic related).

Go outside on full moon. Go awe man that shit looks sweeeet and huge like my bf cock. Now do same as you do with bf cock, take pic. Looks smaller now and dosnt quite give it justice huh. Same thing the fact the earth looks pretty big in the pic is impressive seeing it in real life would be sweet

>What does Sup Forums think of this?
Retarded crap

it makes a lot of sense actually

pretty interesting. thanks OP

It's a very interesting topic. I almost started believing in it. But it's simply not true. The earth is a globe, but I'm sure they hide something...

Total bullshit, anyone who believes this is a fucking retard. i mean come on, everyone knows there should be a giant turtle under the earth

THIS is what NASA is hiding from us!

Damn, if you think that's interesting maybe you should try learning some actual facts about the universe.

Fuuuuuck. There are TWO Africas??

Shit is worse than I thought.

it must be hard being that fucking stupid


thats the joke you dumb fuck.


google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=distance between earth and moon

google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=diameter of jupiter

what's really fucking retarded about all of you is that this is really FUCKING EASY to spend five seconds fact checking

and I'm surprised that Trump is president with you bunch of morons running around? jesus fucking christ

how can our eyes be real if mirrors aren't

Easy there, Jaden. Enough confusion going on up in here.

>the flat earth society

cant fuckin make this up...kek!!

>flat earth society
>all over the globe

flat earth..all..all..ha,over,,haha,the...kek..globe!! hahahahaha.you fuckin thick cunt!!

earth is not close from moon, is big thats why in the moon you can see it so clearly

What would be funny is if we take somebody that recently became blind, bring them to the moon, and be like "WOAH! What a view!"

That's what I was laughing about you idiot. Calm your autism.